Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor
PageRank is One piece of The SEO Big Picture
PageRank (PR) is a mathematical formula that judges the “value of a page” by looking at the quantity and quality of other pages that link to it. Its purpose is to determine the relative importance of a given web page in a network (i.e., the World Wide Web).
If you want to geek-out and get tangled up in the math here's your opportunity to decipher this PageRank algorithm equation … (knock yourself out!)
Aug 1, 2020, 10:07
Letters to the Editor
The Amherst Town Board is missing
Cowering behind the Zoning Board and soon the Planning Board, our elected leaders have been both silent and absent from the very public discussion on the massive Hyatt hotel Iskalo Development continues to muscle through the approval process in Town Hall. In callous disregard to the neighborhood and community, the Zoning Board swiftly rubberstamped all of Iskalos variance requests for the Hyatt with less discussion than afforded the topic of raising chickens in Eggertsville. Despite passionate pleas from the Towns citizens, the Zoning Board, agents of the Town and acting on behalf of the Town Board, gave new meaning to the terms lip service, deaf ear and fast track. Truly, the RED shirt clad neighbors, sat in stunned silence, at the caviler manner in which the Board, swiftly and without discussion or reasoning, ruled in favor of Iskalo. Nine times. Nine variances. All approved with little or no discussion. After midnight this past Tuesday.
Mar 1, 2013, 15:41
Letters to the Editor
Ending the Same Sex Marriage Debate
The debate over same-sex marriage has caused me to reassess my own views and look at the issue as both a moral and religious question as well as a civil rights issue. As I tried to reconcile my opposition to gay marriage vs. my desire for gay couples to enjoy the same civil rights; it became clear to me that this is really a separation of Church and State issue.
May 31, 2012, 17:08
Letters to the Editor
The truth about Garbage Totes in Cheektowaga
We were all overtaxed! The totes will be paid by money owed back to the taxpayers of this town. This so called surplus as it is call by our representatives is not theirs to spend. For example if each tote costs $150.00 and there are 30,000 currently needed according to Supervisor Mary Holtz. That is four and a half million dollars that should be paid back with interest or put toward our next years tax bill. Budget surpluses should be returned to the hard working tax payer automatically. Doing business as usual should not fly anymore especially with the amount of wasteful spending we currently have in this town. Officials have a responsibility to us who pay their salaries. Why is it that we allow them to keep our money when any other business issues a check for over payments. Aren't their any attorney's who live in Cheektowaga who want their money back?
May 22, 2012, 12:26
Letters to the Editor
Amherst Sidewalks
While I have absolutely no problem with compliance to the law Americans with Disabilities Act, I do have an issue with the enforcement. I spoke to the young Amherst street inspector, armed with the orange spray paint and clip board, about what he was doing. He said he was told by his boss to go out and cite any sidewalk that was at least ½” under or over the next panel of concrete. I then asked how did he determine the result. He clicked the heel of his shoe between the panels and if his heel caught the edge, if it did ever so slightly – whoosh, the spray paint went down.
Jun 13, 2011, 12:48
Letters to the Editor
On Friday February 18, 2011 Scott Brown did a story on Channel 2, WGRZ about the Erie County Water Authority's 20,000 sf tenancy in the Ellicott Square. He interviewed Gunner Tronolone, an objective and respected broker in the community, who purportedly said that if the Authority were to relocate to a location in Cheektowaga it could save $85,000 per year in rent. Authority Commissioner Jack O’Donnell then stated that he was "shocked" and would seek better value elsewhere.
Mar 8, 2011, 14:51
Letters to the Editor
It is time for Cheektowaga to take the lead and start cutting wasteful government spending
It is time for Cheektowaga to take the lead and start cutting wasteful government spending. We can start with the town's highway dept. Currently they have a policy of cutting down huge Silver Maple trees along town roads for esthetic reasons. The thought of cutting down a healthy 30-40 year old tree is outrageous. These trees along the streets of Cheektowaga absorb CO 2 from vehicles and provide shade in the summer and homes for birds and gray squirrels. I've seen numerous trees removed including four within the past year close to our home.
Oct 23, 2010, 09:52
Letters to the Editor
To the Members of the City of Buffalo Common Council
Last Wednesday I received a phone call from Jeremy Zellner of the Erie County Democratic Committee informing me of a “Candidates’ Forum” to be held this coming Friday, December 18, 2009. This forum is closed to the public and all other committee members except for the Ellicott District Committee Members. I received the letter confirming this on Saturday. And, I had a lot to think about this weekend.
Dec 14, 2009, 20:10
Letters to the Editor
An Open Letter to Ron Ruffino
Neither Tom Reynolds, Ray Duza, or Dale Larson wrote you checks out of their philantrophy fund (because they don't have one)....
Nov 24, 2009, 10:01
Letters to the Editor
Lancaster residents deserve better
I am seeking your support for a seat on the Lancaster Town Council. As a former School and Town Board member I know how important it is for elected officials to “listen” and “respect” residents and to address their concerns. We must return accountability; integrity and credibility back to the board.
Oct 31, 2009, 19:03