Lancaster Central School District 2012-13 budget public hearing
Lee Chowaniec
The Lancaster Central School District (LCSD) held a public hearing on its proposed 2012-13 budget. The $91.53 million budget increases spending by 4.7%. Through generous use of reserve and fund balance revenues, the allowable tax cap levy of 3.76% was reduced to 1.88%. A Town of Lancaster will see a 1.51% property tax rate increase – 24 cents on every $1,000 of assessed property valuation.
May 8, 2012, 10:11
Lancaster school district budget proposes 1.51% tax rate increase
Lee Chowaniec
Faced with meeting a 3.76% max tax levy increase, the Lancaster Central School District (LCSD) BOE met with administrators at last night’s final budget work session and agreed to propose a 2012-13 school budget that will raise the tax levy by only 1.88% and the tax rate by only 1.51% for Town of Lancaster residents. The new tax rate will increase the amount residents pay in school taxes by $0.24 per $1,000 of assessed valuation.
Apr 11, 2012, 10:15
Lancaster Central School District budget work session; Part I: Current budget draft status
Lee Chowaniec
Prior to Assistant Superintendent for Business & Support Services Ms. Jamie Phillips PowerPoint presentation on the preliminary budget, which already has been posted on the Lancaster Central School District (LCSD) website for review, Superintendent Edward Myszka cautioned the attendees that this was a preliminary budget and the process had a few more work sessions to go before the final budget will be presented to the public on April 17, 2012. “This is still a work in progress and contrary to rumors, this is still a work session.”
Mar 14, 2012, 09:47
Emerald Ash Borer devastating to ash trees
Lee Chowaniec
While presenting his report on what seminars Lancaster Councilman Ronald Ruffino attending at the Association of Town’s gathering in New York, he spoke of one that concerned the devastating impact the emerald ash borer s having on Ash trees across America.
Mar 4, 2012, 16:19
Lancaster-Depew substance abuse survey results
Lee Chowaniec
At the recent Lancaster Central School District (LCSD) Board of Education (BOE) meeting Dan Web, Ph.D., and Lisa Johnson Director of the Lancaster –Depew Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition gave a presentation on the results of a substance abuse survey that was taken by 3,833 Lancaster /Depew students.
Oct 31, 2011, 12:16
STAR exemptions impacted by 2% tax cap
Lee Chowaniec
Wasn’t in but a short while ago that the 2% property tax cap was ordained and 75% of New York State residents supported the law believing it was a righteous attempt to provide tax relief for overburdened property owners? It didn’t take long to see that numerous exemptions would be added to the ordinance and erode its intent. One thing is for certain, the 2% cap will impact the New York State School Tax Relief Program (STAR) and further burden taxpayers.
Aug 9, 2011, 11:20
Lancaster approves 2011-12 school budget proposal
Lee Chowaniec
By unanimous vote the Lancaster Central School District (LCSD) approved a resolution to present a final 2011-12 budget to the public for approval in May. The amended budget was announced at $87,601,417. The tax rate for Lancaster residents will increase by $1.44 per $1,000 of assessed property valuation from$14.51 to $15.95. Cheektowaga residents will now pay a tax rate of $25.72, an increase of $2.06 and Elma’s tax rate will be $337.33, an increase of $26.98.
Apr 12, 2011, 11:06
Sacrifice is not for everyone
Lee Chowaniec
An individual attending last night’s Lancaster Central School District’s (LCSD) Board of Education (BOE) budget work session meeting addressed the board to encourage it to increase the tax rate enough to keep the services “we really need.”
Mar 8, 2011, 14:44
Lancaster school board meeting – Part II: budget work session and where taxpayer money goes
Lee Chowaniec
Included in this report are department requests and expenditure reviews that take place every year prior to the Lancaster Central School District (LCSD) putting out a budget for public review and approval.
Feb 11, 2011, 10:09
Lancaster school board meeting – Part I: Resident addresses board
Lee Chowaniec
At the closing public comment session, prior to the budget work session, the writer addressed the Lancaster Central School District (LCSD) Board of Education (BOE), asking several questions and making several comments.
Feb 10, 2011, 07:24