Taxes and Fees
Taxes and Fees
An open letter to County Executive Mark Poloncrarz
Frank A. Sikorski
Just a note, I as a property taxpayer find myself in opposition to any increase in county taxes. Let's be serious a 3.4 % increase???? An increase in school taxes, a proposed increase in town taxes ?? Where does it stop ????
Oct 19, 2012, 10:47
Taxes and Fees
2012 proposed Lancaster budget, fiscally responsible or smoke and mirrors; Part III: Government Waste
Lee Chowaniec
“We need to give taxpayers a breather,” stated Lancaster Supervisor Robert Giza in a Lancaster Source commentary on the 2012 proposed budget. And then what, back to raising taxes in a town where despite touted town growth spending and taxes have increased significantly in the past several years.
Oct 20, 2011, 10:46
Taxes and Fees
2012 proposed Lancaster budget, fiscally responsible or smoke and mirrors; Part II
Lee Chowaniec
At the 2012 proposed budget public hearing, more comments, questions and concerns were voiced by several other Lancaster residents. It was not that residents were opposing the proposed 2012 budget, but asking questions that were relative to past and current spending practices, whether the budget would be impacted by future union contract negotiations, and line item concerns.
Oct 19, 2011, 14:53
Taxes and Fees
2012 proposed Lancaster budget, fiscally responsible or smoke and mirrors; Part I
Lee Chowaniec
As in every public hearing on proposed budget in Lancaster, only a handful of residents showed up to voice their comments and concerns. Although the proposed 2012 budget calls for a slight tax decrease and one would think there would be no comments and concerns voiced, indeed there were.
Oct 18, 2011, 09:42
Taxes and Fees
Tentative 2012 Lancaster budget holds the line on taxes
Lee Chowaniec
The 2012 Town of Lancaster tentative budget is out for public review. Town and Village of Lancaster taxpayers will not only be pleased to hear that the town held the line on taxes, but that they would see a slight reduction of 0.91% from last year.
Sep 28, 2011, 14:05
Taxes and Fees
Library funding chaos, the taxpayer still foots the bill
Lee Chowaniec
County Executive Chris Collins publically admits to not using the library and cut $3 million from its budget. Under public pressure he restored $3 million and according to the Buffalo News has come up with a three-year plan where coordination with the Library Board could lead to a special districting plan where voters would have a direct say on library funding and the taxes they would pay to support the system.
Jun 24, 2011, 10:53
Taxes and Fees
Lancaster financial audit found favorable; sound and solid
Lee Chowaniec
Wayne Drescher of Drescher & Malecki presented a 2010 budget audit review of the Town of Lancaster at their work session Monday evening. Drescher once again gave a favorable report and said the town was on sound financial footing.
Jun 7, 2011, 16:09
Taxes and Fees
Lancaster approves 2011 budget, Part III: Conclusion
Lee Chowaniec
With the budget already approved by the Town Board, two more residents provided comments, as did a second Council Member during the closing public comment session of the regular meeting.
Nov 18, 2010, 09:29
Taxes and Fees
Lancaster approves 2011 budget, Part II: Resident input
Lee Chowaniec
Prior to Town Board resolution consideration the public is given a half hour of time, 5 minutes each, to comment on the proposed resolutions. Several spoke on the 2011 proposed final budget. Although they agreed that the $556,777 cut in the preliminary was a good thing, they requested the board table the resolution and seek further cuts that would reduce the overall budget spending.
Nov 17, 2010, 11:20
Taxes and Fees
Lancaster approves 2011 budget
Lee Chowaniec
The Lancaster Town Board unanimously approved the 2011 budget. With a spending increase of $1.53 million, the tax rate will be 8.11 per thousand dollars of assessed valuation, a decrease of eight cents per $100,000 of assessed value from the 2010 budget’s 8.19.
Nov 16, 2010, 20:18