Anyone 16 or over can take the two hour course and then they receive a NARCAN kit with two doses and two hypodermics.

Is this wise to be training people how to administer a drug when those people are not vetted to determine if they have the knowledge to know when to administer such a dangerous drug?

Severe side effects of Narcan include agitation, hypo- and hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, dyspnea, pulmonary edema, encephalopathy, seizures, coma, and death.
And this:

Naloxone: The Most Abused Drug in EMS

I'm not against saving lives...but...we need to prioritize our life saving resources. Has every school in Erie county been equipped and trained to use defibrillators and Epipens and nebulizers?

Are there any studies of what has become of the heroin addicts saved by administration of NARCAN?