Before the President's press conference, Amb. Bolton (sp?) held one.

This morning, the IAEA guy (al-Baradai?) gave his report: Iran is ignoring and blatantly flaunting any and all UN resolutions on their nuclear program.

Their wacky President said he "doesn't give a damn" (his exact words) about any UN resolutions.

And the tone of the Bolton PC was hostile to him and the US. Whether the belligerent US was going to let diplomacy work (today's reports and comments make it very clear they aren't) or just go in with guns blazing.

At one point, the tone and content of the questions got so tense that Bolton stopped and asked the woman which media outlet she worked for.

Pres. Bush got some of the same hostility, but a little softer, on the Iranian question.

Have people lost their minds?

Iran is Germany, 1936. Bristling with hatred for the rest of the world. Defiant in their belief that they can get away with anything. Widespread hatred of Jews.

But Germany in 1936 on the verge of being a nuclear power and with the missiles to deliver them (thank you very much No. Korea and its enabler Madeleine Albright).

Any of our domestic squabbles pale in comparison to the threat that Iran poses to us and the rest of the world (dare I say "civilized"?)