Current Health Care: CSEA

Section25.2: Dental Coverage
The employer shall provide the GHI Preferred Dentil Plan with 100% orthodonture and 100% prosthetics coverage for each employee covered under this contract in accordance with the type of coverage (single or family) desired by the employee. The employer shall pay the full cost of single coverage and 90% of the cost of family coverage. Any premium cost in this section shall be paid by the employee on a bi-weekly payroll deduction.

Section25.3 Payment for health Insurance
a) The employer shall contribute (100%) of the monthly cost of the Core Plan for all employees.
d) The employees will bear the expense , through bi-weekly payroll deductions, of any amount in excess of the employer contribution.
e) The amount payable to employees who waive health insurance coverage as follows:
Family - $100.00 per month
Single - $67.00 per month

Section 25.5
a) For employees who retire after 12/31/02
1)Pre-65 Retirees:The employer shal pay one hundred percent (100%) of the monthly premium single rate for the Core Plan for eligible employees sho retire fom the county until age 65. The employer shall pay one hundred percent (100%) of the monthly family rate for the Core Plan for families of eligiable employees who retire from county service until the age of 65, upon written proof of family status. In addition, a pre -65 may choose the pre-65 D plan. Pre-65 retiree who choose Option D shall pay the differance in the cost between the Core Plan and the pre-65 Option D Premium.

Now all we need to know is what do the Core Plan and Option D plan cover? Most importantly. How much do we pay for this?
