Isn't it ironic that in the land of the free, the Democrats have got to stifle free speech to hold on to power?

The same week that an MSNBC survey found 90 percent of journalists contribute to Democrats; and the BBC's own study found it's news to be biased toward left-wing causes, we find that powerful Democrat Senators are trying to build up the votes to bring back the so called "fairness doctrine" a hypocritical law that was exposed and stopped during Ronald Reagan's first term.

Here is Chris Wallace of FOX digging into the fairness doctrine's revival.

Oklahoma Senator Inhale says that he overheard Barbara Boxer and Hillary Clinton three years ago complaining about talk radio and saying that there should be a legislative fix. Both of them deny it ever happened.

But let me ask you about yourself. Do you have a problem with talk radio, and would you consider reviving the fairness doctrine, which would require broadcasters to put on opposing points of view?

EINSTEIN: Well, in my view, talk radio tends to be one-sided. It also tends to be dwelling in hyperbole. It's explosive. It pushes people to, I think, extreme views without a lot of information.

I guess Senator Einstein's goal is if you don't like what people think then silence the idea maker. Is this the forerunner of more government censorship?
How will the average citizen become aware of government corruption? Will we hear it from our government leaders?. Talk radio keeps us informed. whereas the Liberal media will be mostly silent on the problems of the people they support.