Letter: Poloncarz has earned another chance to lead

I often despair of witnessing another political campaign involving a robust debate on the issues. Take the current county executive race, for instance. Although both campaigns are guilty of negative advertising, right from the get-go the Lynne Dixon camp has made an art form of it, littering our TV airwaves with ads oozing sleaze.

They were even filmed using a grainy technique weirdly reminiscent of old silent film era monster flicks as if to subliminally make us believe Mark Poloncarz is as distorted and creepy as the images in the ads. They also assault our intelligence by touting messages which are clearly false. They state that Dixon is “independent” and will “get politics out of county government,” claims which are brazenly unconvincing since she’s voted with Republicans over 90% of the time and is running on the Republican line. They also insinuate Poloncarz gave himself a raise by dipping into the road repair fund to pay for it, but offer not a shred of evidence to prove it.


Just report the news, give the facts and let the community decide who deserves another chance.