A "battle for the soul of the nation"

President Joe Biden is set to give a primetime speech Thursday night on "the continued battle for the soul of the nation" as early voting in the November midterm elections draws nearer.

"In 2020, you and 81 million Americans voted to save our democracy," Biden said last week in Rockville, Md. "That's why Donald Trump isn't just a former president, he is a defeated former president. And it's not hyperbole. Now you need to vote to literally save democracy again."

While White House officials are maintaining public caution about the positive economic signals the administration has received over the past month, many are slowly relaxing behind closed doors in the belief that inflation is finally cresting.

President Joe Biden was quick to celebrate the "zero" month-over-month inflation reported for July 2022, and while the consumer price index still rose 8.5% compared to the year prior, the Democrats felt they had plenty to celebrate.

528,000 jobs in July, and gas prices steadily decreased for the entire summer, with the national average currently hovering around $3.85. The personal consumption indicator, the preferred inflation metric of the Federal Reserve, additionally dropped half a percentage point on Friday compared to the month prior for the year ending in July. Multiple White House officials and senior Democratic aides declare that while it's impossible to predict fully when prices will begin retreating to pre-2021 levels, "it feels like we're in a really good place." Especially considering the Supreme Court Roe decision and the further spending in the Inflation Reduction Act and the Student Loan Forgiveness executive decision that many claim is unfair, a vote buying undertaking.

Emboldened by his accomplishments, deflecting from inflation, the state of the economy, that reports claim 1-out-of-6 families are behind on paying energy bills, his foreign policy failures, surging homelessness and crime, the financial burden and drug related impact on Americans from his open border / immigration policies, etc., Biden believes he is in a position where he can not only declare Trump is the existential threat to America’s democracy and freedoms, but he can turn on Americans who in any way supported Trump or the MAGA movement.

Identifying anyone who disagrees with his position, the left, or his media minions as semi-fascists further polarizes and divides the country and ends the pretense of his campaign promise to be the ‘great unifier.’ For Biden and the Democrats to have weaponized federal agencies and the media to do his bidding while looking the other way in deflecting from their shortcomings (Hunter Biden, Afghanistan, Ukraine) is hypocritical and loathsome.

Looking forward to Biden’s National address on Thursday. His own party is in disarray where candidates seeking midterm congressional seats are running from his support while extremists on the left believe he is not ‘left’ enough.

It will be interesting to see where the old man goes Thursday; policy or campaigning / propaganda. If he decides to attack Trump and MAGA supporters it will be the pot calling the kettle black. The Dems are in denial and dismissing their involvement in any issue plaguing the country – including the pandemic and vaccine side effects and adverse impacts on public fiscal interests, education, and mental psychoses. Fauci should be investigated and held accountable.