As a potential nuclear nightmare ticks closer, are you concerned?

The economy, inflation, crime, immigration, debt limit, mishandling of sensitive government documents, pronouns, climate change, banning of gas stoves, fentanyl & suicide deaths, sexual orientation challenges, use of pronouns, etc., now this. How much can one take.

Nuclear nightmare ticks closer: Why any use of nuclear weapons would be a disaster.

The threat of a civilization-ending nuclear war increased this year as Russia repeatedly invoked its mighty nuclear arsenal to deter western nations from intervening during its invasion of Ukraine.

That threat was reflected Tuesday in the setting of the Doomsday Clock which ticked forward to 90 seconds to midnight, the closest it has ever been to signaling an imminent human-created catastrophe.

The nuclear risks are not limited to Russia and its war against Ukraine, Fetter said. "China is building hundreds of nuclear silos. There’s the failure to contain the North Korean and Iranian nuclear programs. And India and Pakistan have increased their nuclear arsenals," he said.