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Thread: Call on school board to stop playing games against Clarence, East Aurora, etc

  1. #1
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    Call on school board to stop playing games against Clarence, East Aurora, etc

    As a Christian, I am hurt and offended by schools referring themselves as Devils. Since the school Board is on a roll, let's do the right thing and cancel all interscholastic activities with schools whose mascot is a devil. I am sure the politically correct will be quick to support me on this, after all. I am offended. Gotta get a lawyer.

  2. #2
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    Jul 2009
    That is a great point, I didn't realize their team(s) were called the Devils. I too am a Christian and I do find it offensive. Thank you for bringing that to our attention. Lee and gorja what are your thoughts on this, do you think they are bully's for continuing to use the name Devils?

  3. #3
    Member nogods's Avatar
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    Unlike native americans, "devils" are imaginary supernatural beings. As a human being, I'm offended that some ignorant bigots would equate the two.

  4. #4
    Member leftWNYbecauseofBS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nogods View Post
    Unlike native americans, "devils" are imaginary supernatural beings. As a human being, I'm offended that some ignorant bigots would equate the two.

    While you're 100% correct on the term 'devils'....

    Cheektowaga and Tonawanda use the 'Warriors' mascot, Jamestown uses the "Red Raiders" and West Seneca West uses "Indians" for theirs. Now while people in WNY are not up in arms about Warriors, Red Raiders or Indians...some have asked Cleveland to no longer use the indian mascot and many progressives have found issue with the use of Indians and Warriors mascots.

    Here are the Lancaster and Cheektowaga logos:

    So is it just the use of 'redskins'..... Or is it the general idea of possibly insulting Native Americans? Does calling a mascot a 'redskin' any worse than having a mascot that is red skinned? Because for me, the Jamestown logo is more of an insult:

    I understand why people do not like the name Redskins. I actually agree that if you have a mascot that offends a group of people so much, it's a good idea not to use it. But where I have an issue is the selective outrage of some and the grandstanding of others.

    Akron, Lake Shore and Niagara Wheatfield all said they would not play Lancaster. That's admirable to stand up for what you believe in. That said, 2 other teams in NYS have the Redskins as a mascot. 29 use Indians, 28 use Warriors, 5 use Braves, 4 use Chiefs.

    My question is, would the parents and players at Akron, Lake Short and Niagara Wheatfield boycott playing one of these 68 teams if in doing so prevented them from advancing in the state playoffs?

  5. #5
    Member gorja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by leftWNYbecauseofBS View Post
    While you're 100% correct on the term 'devils'....

    Cheektowaga and Tonawanda use the 'Warriors' mascot, Jamestown uses the "Red Raiders" and West Seneca West uses "Indians" for theirs. Now while people in WNY are not up in arms about Warriors, Red Raiders or Indians...some have asked Cleveland to no longer use the indian mascot and many progressives have found issue with the use of Indians and Warriors mascots.

    Here are the Lancaster and Cheektowaga logos:

    So is it just the use of 'redskins'..... Or is it the general idea of possibly insulting Native Americans? Does calling a mascot a 'redskin' any worse than having a mascot that is red skinned? Because for me, the Jamestown logo is more of an insult:

    I understand why people do not like the name Redskins. I actually agree that if you have a mascot that offends a group of people so much, it's a good idea not to use it. But where I have an issue is the selective outrage of some and the grandstanding of others.

    Akron, Lake Shore and Niagara Wheatfield all said they would not play Lancaster. That's admirable to stand up for what you believe in. That said, 2 other teams in NYS have the Redskins as a mascot. 29 use Indians, 28 use Warriors, 5 use Braves, 4 use Chiefs.

    My question is, would the parents and players at Akron, Lake Short and Niagara Wheatfield boycott playing one of these 68 teams if in doing so prevented them from advancing in the state playoffs?
    I agree that Jamestown's mascot's pic is much worse than Lancaster's. From what I understand, it wasn't the mascot pic that was offensive. It was the term "Redskin" that was with its derogatory meaning.

    Georgia L Schlager

  6. #6
    Member gorja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shortstuff View Post
    That is a great point, I didn't realize their team(s) were called the Devils. I too am a Christian and I do find it offensive. Thank you for bringing that to our attention. Lee and gorja what are your thoughts on this, do you think they are bully's for continuing to use the name Devils?
    "Redskin" is a contemptuous, disparaging, offensive word referring to a particular group (Native American)
    "Devil" is NOT a comtemptuous, disparaging, offensive word referring to a particular group

    Georgia L Schlager

  7. #7
    Member nogods's Avatar
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    hopefully the drive to eliminate use of offensive terms for a race of people as a mascot will continue. You can't expect people to board every bus or cross every bridge at the same time. Perhaps the solution would be to enact a state law that gives members of a race or ethnic heritage the right to sue a school district for using an offensive name about their race or ethnic heritage beginning one year after enactment if the schools have not stopped doing so by that date. that would cause most to err on the side of caution and eliminate all of the nonsense with mascots.

    In the 20th century public school calendars used to include religious holidays of only one specific religion. In the 21st century most schools realized it would impractical to note the holidays of the many diverse religions on their calendars, and offensive to many to do so in the first place, so they stopped using school calendars for any purpose other than information relevant to the operation of the schools.

    It's time for all schools to re-visit their mascot selections in light of living in the 21st century.

    Ah...if only we could have maintained those "restrictive subdivisions" of the 1950's, then we wouldn't have to put up with all this nonsense about equality in our public schools. The negro and the redman could do whatever they wanted to do in their schools, and the master race could do whatever it wanted to do in its schools. Damn that Supreme Court.

  8. #8
    Member BorderBob's Avatar
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    So calling yourself "redskins" is offensive, but using an Indian as your mascot is not?

    Got it!


  9. #9
    Member leftWNYbecauseofBS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gorja View Post
    I agree that Jamestown's mascot's pic is much worse than Lancaster's. From what I understand, it wasn't the mascot pic that was offensive. It was the term "Redskin" that was with its derogatory meaning.
    But who is to say that? Who makes that call?

    I understand why people would be offended by 'redskin' but what if a group of Native Americans found it offensive for a bunch of kids using the other mascots? Where is the line is what I am asking.

  10. #10
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    Thanks for straightening me out...

    Thanks to gorja.....(""Devil" is NOT a comtemptuous, disparaging, offensive word referring to a particular group") for telling me what is and what is not offensive. Phew.... I was afraid I going to think for myself. Typical progressive/elitist response.

  11. #11
    Member gorja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by leftWNYbecauseofBS View Post
    But who is to say that? Who makes that call?

    I understand why people would be offended by 'redskin' but what if a group of Native Americans found it offensive for a bunch of kids using the other mascots? Where is the line is what I am asking.
    I could see where they would find other mascots offensive. I just wasn't aware the the Lancaster mascot itself was considered offensive. if it was, I stand corrected. I don'tknow what they all feel is offensive. Like "Noble Savages" or "Noble Aborigines" would they be offensive in their view? I don't know. Bear in mind, it's just my opinion. Forgot to add that to my last posting. I have no problem poking fun at my heritage but my grandchildren have more Polish in them than any of my heritage and I would be offended for them if the name were the "Dumb Pollacks". I would feel that could insight bullying towards those with Polish heritage as the "Redskin" name could insight bullying towards those of Native American heritage, JMHO.

    Georgia L Schlager

  12. #12
    Member gorja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Concerned View Post
    Thanks to gorja.....(""Devil" is NOT a comtemptuous, disparaging, offensive word referring to a particular group") for telling me what is and what is not offensive. Phew.... I was afraid I going to think for myself. Typical progressive/elitist response.
    Sorry sir. I forgot to add - In my humble opinion

    Georgia L Schlager

  13. #13
    Member nogods's Avatar
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    Next time a real devil shows up at a school board meeting to complain about being reduced to a mascot, I'll be the first to support the change. But until then...

  14. #14
    Member sharky's Avatar
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    if Jamestown's is called racist due to being red I demand the big red statue on I90 in Irving be repainted
    Vote for freedom, not political parties.
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by shortstuff View Post
    That is a great point, I didn't realize their team(s) were called the Devils. I too am a Christian and I do find it offensive. Thank you for bringing that to our attention. Lee and gorja what are your thoughts on this, do you think they are bully's for continuing to use the name Devils?
    A rather ridiculous question when I have clearly stated in other posts that I too have had enough with the political correctness crap as well but am of the mind here that this is much more than just pro Redskin name supporters making a determination that this not offensive to them so no harm no foul. And the analogies that are being made regarding this matter are ridiculous – apples to oranges.

    The position that some take in stating that this is a Lancaster issue and should be decided only by Lancaster residents is ludicrous. To take a position that just because there are only a few Native Americans in Lancaster so we shouldn't be concerned about offending them, while at the same time maintaining this issue is solely relegated to Lancaster and that Native Americans outside the district and others have no standing for input is equally ludicrous.

    The decision was the BOE’s to make and they made it unanimously. They were voted into office to represent the community. We shall see whether the pro Redskin group is right in saying they are of the majority when it comes BOE election time.

    We shall see how effective Supervisor Fudoli and Mrs. Christopher are in changing the board makeup – as they have publically announced. Elections have unintended consequences.

    The disrespect and threatening letters sent to board members who serve the community selfishly in time and effort and not receiving one dime in compensation is appalling.

    Let me ask you if you are pleased that this debacle will continue and spill over into the school district BOE elections, possibly impact the budget vote, and may very well impact the town board election; or with the negative press that the town is receiving from this earth shattering name change?

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