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Thread: Lets decid what compensation package

  1. #1
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Buffalo, New York, United States

    Lets decid what compensation package

    Lets decid in all fairness what type of compensation package we would like to pay for law enforcement in Erie County. Lets not define this to just Buffalo.

    First few things we will not allow is:

    No cosmetic surgery except for reconstruction from an actual injury at the work place. IE: No tummy tucks, face peels, breast augmentations etc...

    No accumilation of sick days for a payout at retirement. I actually don't mind a little stipend for someone with perfect work attendance but a cash buyout at retirement will be a no no.

    Pensions will be more like a 401k type retirement or something on that order. We need to curb that "your 3 last years of overtime" boosts your retire type scams.

    What are your thoughts?

  2. #2
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Buffalo, New York, United States
    Woodstock? I'm not targeting the Buffalo Police no matter how much you want to prove I am.

    We will use the City of Buffalo as an example for all other Police Inc's to follow in WNY. Remember WNY competes with everyone else in the USA.

    So if you truely want to help I would like the totals on:

    Total Buffalo Police Budget

    Total budgeted in total for labor versus operating maintance cost versus equipment maintaince cost.

    Labor = sum spent for labor in whole

    Operating Maintance = Building cost, electric, gas etc.

    Equipment Maintance = Cars, guns, vest, stuff like that.

    Insurance cost Labor/operational

  3. #3
    Member Edisonic's Avatar
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    a ghost town, though I wish otherwise
    No health insurance for retired employees. We're paying more for them than for the active workers!

  4. #4
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Buffalo, New York, United States
    Quote Originally Posted by Edisonic
    No health insurance for retired employees. We're paying more for them than for the active workers!
    Do you think it would be fine to allow them to continue to purchase thier health insurance through the same agency as current working employees once retired to save on possible costs?

  5. #5
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Buffalo, New York, United States

    Health Insurance

    Health Insurance:

    Will we pay one set fee for health insurance and then allow the employee to pay the difference if they want extras or more coverage?

    Something like: Your are budgeted $4000 for health insurance. You can take the $4000 and buy your own or take the plan we give you.

    If it's done this way an employee can opt out of the supplied plan, take that amount and apply to what ever plan they would enjoy having. OR acutally have no insurance at all if they so wish.

    This way our employees have a choice.

  6. #6
    TimeOut Chair
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    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by WNYresident
    Woodstock? I'm not targeting the Buffalo Police no matter how much you want to prove I am.

    We will use the City of Buffalo as an example for all other Police Inc's to follow in WNY. Remember WNY competes with everyone else in the USA.

    So if you truely want to help I would like the totals on:

    Total Buffalo Police Budget

    Total budgeted in total for labor versus operating maintance cost versus equipment maintaince cost.

    Labor = sum spent for labor in whole

    Operating Maintance = Building cost, electric, gas etc.

    Equipment Maintance = Cars, guns, vest, stuff like that.

    Insurance cost Labor/operational
    most of the COB police budgeting was used in other posts that i made, but i could compile a full study of whats in this year's budget compared to last year, but in order to make this a "work in progress" you should get all the same information of cheektowaga police dept, ask an honest member to come up the same for amherst's police budget... and so on. if you want decide on which compensation package is best, you're going to have to get all the financial numbers from all the towns & villages, not just asking for Buffalo's police figures - as per this quote:

    Quote Originally Posted by rez
    We will use the City of Buffalo as an example for all other Police Inc's to follow in WNY

    i'll come up with everything detailed in the COB police budget, as long as you're asking for more than Buffalo to be your "example". but if all you're looking for is a complete study of the COB police then i wont participate. okay? i can & will get a reporting together according to the COB police, but i wont put it up until i see a few other town & village budgets first. its only fair, as per you're saying:

    Quote Originally Posted by rez
    Woodstock? I'm not targeting the Buffalo Police no matter how much you want to prove I am.
    BTW - WNY consists of 7 other counties, are you sure you want a decission as vast? or just erie county? how far of a comparison do you want to stretch?

  7. #7
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Buffalo, New York, United States
    BTW - WNY consists of 7 other counties, are you sure you want a decission as vast? or just erie county? how far of a comparison do you want to stretch?
    Only Erie County. We'll let the other county's worry about thier own mess worse case.

    Think of it as Erie County Inc. We need to compete against every other county in NYS along with the rest of the United States. Culturals and chicken wings will only carry an area so far.

    First department Erie County Inc needs to clean up throughout all the towns and the county are law enforcement. I believe there is no other division of government employees other than schools more costly am I correct?

  8. #8
    TimeOut Chair
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    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by WNYresident
    First department Erie County Inc needs to clean up throughout all the towns and the county are law enforcement. I believe there is no other division of government employees other than schools more costly am I correct?
    could be, so lets see someone pull up some numbers of other town/village police dept's and go from there.

  9. #9
    Member Trolls_r_us's Avatar
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    Somewhere out there....
    compensation package:

    * Salary:

    starting pay 40K per year....

    reach 55K by year #5

    max out at 75K after 15 years of service before any overtime is factored in

    *Health and dental provided until retirement, then $2000 per year health allowance toward private insurance for life

    * pension which is 55% of the officer's highest three salaried years BEFORE ANY OVERTIME OR BONUSES (would amount to about $41,000 based ona 75K max salary- still VERY GOOD, IMO)
    The truth from a troll is still the truth.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    I find it amusing how some people cry about "The Unionized Working Class." But those same people believe its OK for Elected Officials to Receive those same perks,pensions and Health Care options and are considered "Part-time workers."

    It makes you wonder whats more important to you people: The graft and greed of the Elected and chosen few or the benefits the working class have worked and earned?

    I get it: its easier to attack those workers who can't retaliate--- than to suffer the wrath of those who have the power to make your life and possibly livelihood a little uncomfortable.
    #Dems play musical chairs + patronage and nepotism = entitlement !

  11. #11
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Buffalo, New York, United States
    Do we perfer out law enforcement to live in the town they protect?

  12. #12
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Buffalo, New York, United States
    OH how would we handle punishment like for that police officer tagging everyone with towing even though most weren't getting towed?

  13. #13
    Member Trolls_r_us's Avatar
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    Somewhere out there....
    if it indeed happened that way, he should lose his job
    The truth from a troll is still the truth.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    No he won't.

    They'll revise procedures.

    Or, as someone pointed out, Meeghan will put the word out to stop the towing. As one of our boys in blue put it, the two to one man per car switch only happened when Meeghan decided the City really needed it.
    Truth springs from argument among friends.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Bauerle's fill-in guy today was moaning about all the "go Bucky go" cheering that's going on.

    Is he the only one in WNY that can't figure out why more and more people are beginning to see the cops as an irritant, now becoming our enemy?

    Pretty soon the cops will be able to say they can't live in the town/city they serve because the residents actually hate them and they fear for their own safety.

    Maybe their union leaders can 'splain to them why that happened.

    But probably not.
    Truth springs from argument among friends.

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