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Thread: 11:16 - 8/5 - Tom B WBEN

  1. #1
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Buffalo, New York, United States

    11:16 - 8/5 - Tom B WBEN

    Excellent show today...

    Go tune in

    They are talking about use getting screwed with the license plates in NYS

  2. #2
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Buffalo, New York, United States
    So what do we all think about the new nys fees for driver licenses/plates?

    Replace your plate and pay for it. THey need $130,000,000 more for their raises, health insurance cost increases, pension loses and so on.

  3. #3
    Member Frank Broughton's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Oh, good grief...
    I think it is criminal!
    The above is opinion & commentary, I am exercising my 1st Amendment rights as a US citizen. Posts are NOT made with any malicious intent.

  4. #4
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Buffalo, New York, United States
    Listen again if you missed it in the morning. listen live. It's pre recorded though.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    I think any news serivice, tax increase and spending by NYS is Criminal!

    Did you hear Peoples on the news last night?

    But Assemblywoman Crystal Peoples (D-141st District) did vote for the budget that included the fee.

    "Why do we need this added fee?" 2 On Your Side's Josh Boose asked Peoples.

    "Well, if you want to know why we need it, you might to ask the governor why he proposed it?" She replied. "There are a lot of things we put in there that we did take out. Like the tax on going to the gym and the bowling alley and the tax on soda pop. So we took out a lot of things and cut a lot of things and in order to take that out we would have had to take out additional, so, government is a balancing act."

    "Are there going to be more things like this, where more fees are piled on?" Boose asked.

    "I will tell you, I will not support more fees or taxes in this budget or next year's budget," said Peoples.

    She didn't even answer the ****ING QUESTION!!! her and all her DEM freidns need to get kicked out of office!! STOP ****ING US!!!
    "I know you guys enjoy reading my stuff because it all makes sense. "

    Dumbest post ever! Thanks for the laugh PO!

  6. #6
    Member buffalopundit's Avatar
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    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by WNYresident View Post
    Excellent show today...

    Go tune in

    They are talking about use getting screwed with the license plates in NYS
    Did Bauerle suggest that the military overthrow the NYS government?
    This website makes money off of a depraved and idiotic conspiracy theory.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    The ART OF POLITICS...Lying with a str8 face

    Quote Originally Posted by Dougles View Post
    I think any news serivice, tax increase and spending by NYS is Criminal!

    Did you hear Peoples on the news last night?

    But Assemblywoman Crystal Peoples (D-141st District) did vote for the budget that included the fee.

    "Why do we need this added fee?" 2 On Your Side's Josh Boose asked Peoples.

    "Well, if you want to know why we need it, you might to ask the governor why he proposed it?" She replied. "There are a lot of things we put in there that we did take out. Like the tax on going to the gym and the bowling alley and the tax on soda pop. So we took out a lot of things and cut a lot of things and in order to take that out we would have had to take out additional, so, government is a balancing act."

    "Are there going to be more things like this, where more fees are piled on?" Boose asked.

    "I will tell you, I will not support more fees or taxes in this budget or next year's budget," said Peoples.

    She didn't even answer the ****ING QUESTION!!! her and all her DEM freidns need to get kicked out of office!! STOP ****ING US!!!
    CMON....WHEN have you known ANY POS POLITICIAN answer a direct question with a DIRECT ANSWER!!!

  8. #8
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WNYresident View Post
    So what do we all think about the new nys fees for driver licenses/plates?

    Replace your plate and pay for it. THey need $130,000,000 more for their raises, health insurance cost increases, pension loses and so on.
    bend over grab your ankels AGAIN and sing i love new york
    God must love stupid people; He made so many

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Here's an idea : NO RAISES, the employees absorb the health ins increases and suffers the retirements losses like the private sector does.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Dougles View Post
    I think any news serivice, tax increase and spending by NYS is Criminal!

    Did you hear Peoples on the news last night?

    But Assemblywoman Crystal Peoples (D-141st District) did vote for the budget that included the fee.

    "Why do we need this added fee?" 2 On Your Side's Josh Boose asked Peoples.

    "Well, if you want to know why we need it, you might to ask the governor why he proposed it?" She replied. "There are a lot of things we put in there that we did take out. Like the tax on going to the gym and the bowling alley and the tax on soda pop. So we took out a lot of things and cut a lot of things and in order to take that out we would have had to take out additional, so, government is a balancing act."

    "Are there going to be more things like this, where more fees are piled on?" Boose asked.

    "I will tell you, I will not support more fees or taxes in this budget or next year's budget," said Peoples.

    She didn't even answer the ****ING QUESTION!!! her and all her DEM freidns need to get kicked out of office!! STOP ****ING US!!!
    yet, she will get re-elected.
    First Amendment rights are like muscles, if you don't exercise them they will atrophy.

  11. #11
    Member buffalopundit's Avatar
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    Did Bauerle suggest on his show today that the New York National Guard round up all liberals?
    This website makes money off of a depraved and idiotic conspiracy theory.

  12. #12
    Member Dumbfounded's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buffalopundit View Post
    Did Bauerle suggest on his show today that the New York National Guard round up all liberals?
    Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hee hee hee heh ooooooh...that hurts...
    Coincidence is the word we use when we can't see the levers and pulleys.

    Emma Bull

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Taxes are cool, but fees are the bomb.

  14. #14
    Member Save Us's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buffalopundit View Post
    Did Bauerle suggest on his show today that the New York National Guard round up all liberals?
    How about rounding up politicians, unions and special interests,, aka PUS

    Oh wait like the state police (praetorian guard) the National Guard are beholden to the tiny ceasar and his small republic,

  15. #15
    Member Frank Broughton's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Oh, good grief...
    Quote Originally Posted by buffalopundit View Post
    Did Bauerle suggest on his show today that the New York National Guard round up all liberals?
    Just for gossip mongering peoples (that mirror on your monitor yet?)
    The above is opinion & commentary, I am exercising my 1st Amendment rights as a US citizen. Posts are NOT made with any malicious intent.

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