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Thread: Ever So Slow!

  1. #256
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    With Gas prices off the wall 40 million idiots drove around on vacation paying for the high gas prices. If you people pay for it these oil company, gas staiton crooks, and Biden will keep raising the prices. Cut back on the driving let these hotels and resturants etc get affected no customers start complaining. Like the damn chicken wings dont buy them there is no shortage. Wake up people let the eggs rot
    on the shelves at over 3 bucks a dozen. Again no shortage .
    God must love stupid people; He made so many

  2. #257
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    What did I say? Watch the state and county take some of the tax off gas.. LOL it all came down on Friday and sat. Today bingo all back up once the gas station crooks and the oil companies seen this. One station was 4.45 on sat today 4.69. That took care of your tax relief. These crooks are so bad. Seen the handwriting on the wall. Gas is up 129% since ass biden took over.
    Electric cars will solve the problem. By july forth as will be about 5.35 they are saying if you have a boat atb the dock should be about 8 bucks a gal. sell those boats.
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  3. #258
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    Oct 2005
    Try to answer this question :

    If you have a new Tesla - how much does it cost to charge the battery to go 350 miles ?
    #Dems play musical chairs + patronage and nepotism = entitlement !

  4. #259
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4248 View Post
    Try to answer this question :

    If you have a new Tesla - how much does it cost to charge the battery to go 350 miles ?
    And how many stops to recharge..and what about the winter weather..especially stuck on Thruway..gonna need a tow truck..or one helluva long extension cord.

  5. #260
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4248 View Post
    Try to answer this question :

    If you have a new Tesla - how much does it cost to charge the battery to go 350 miles ?
    lol junk who wants to sit in a line to charge a car. Not affordable. If you want to buy one fine but you could never support millions of these cares.
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  6. #261
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Gas up over ten cents in a night. two stations at $5.00 a gal main and transit. Thank you Joe.

    Food truck tue starts up who cares I think after two years of nothing that should kill that venue. Who the hell will pay for the food prices for the cost of running these trucks. Your going to pay for it and the amount of food you get in return is not worth it. You get less product and pay more money.
    everything revolves around the price of fuel.

    Now the prices of natural gas will start to go up.
    Last edited by cheekman; June 7th, 2022 at 04:34 PM.
    God must love stupid people; He made so many

  7. #262
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    5.05 a gal main and transit bend over and grab your ankles.
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  8. #263
    Member sharky's Avatar
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    the tax suspension took effect, I saw the stations close to me go down maybe 15 cents. within 4-5 days they had gone up 30 cents from that new price to be more than before the tax break and have continued going up. One station did 30 cents in one day between late morning and mid afternoon
    Vote for freedom, not political parties.
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  9. #264
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Shark These stations never took the full state tax brake off.

    Erie county protection of people in rip-offs said they have found no evidence of price price gouging by any gas station. what Bs that is, as soon as the owner crooks found this out last week they all drop their prices a little. Almost every station has raised the price to $4.99 soon to be over 5 bucks.
    so poloncarc had warned that county agencies will be watching the crooks not giving consumers the savings cuts. What a joke he is how about the crooks screwing the consumers over the years with price gouging.
    What did I say as soon as the tax comes off the crooks raised the prices within 48hrs.
    People complaining about high prices and tight budgets and no relief in sight but then this Ditz from AAA cary says go take your trips and spend your money on gas.
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  10. #265
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    The gas has stabilized a little once the county will be watching the gas station owner crooks for raising prices. So now the feds and slow joe are going to knock off about 14 cents of the fed sales tax. See what happens if the oil companies and gas station crooks raise the prices right away like they did when the state did it.

    If the tax holiday happens it will lower the tax revenue by about 20 billion dollars by the end of the year.
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  11. #266
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    This past week idiot slow Joe lays blame on the mom-and-pop gas station owners for price increases in gas. 64% of the mom pop owners keep prices high and no one does anything about it. Go back to my very first post about this what did I say lay blame on the crooks that own these stations. I would never agree with idiot joe but agree with him here. In this area that is the biggest reason you pay high gas prices.

    What about these Comanche Indian stations around here. they are no better gas prices at these stations should be at least 70 cents less than what the crooks are charging. Even so chief white owl is peeing in the tanks. just as crooked as the mom and pop crooks.
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  12. #267
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Prices falling the past two weeks are a good sign. Biden is not responsible for the falling prices you are the main reason is people cutting back on their driving. Like anything else cut back prices fall people can't afford to drive around and do the extras. Some stations keep the prices up, but the crooks won't drop them as fast as others. look around some prices are up to 10 cents cheaper or more than others.

    like the restaurant owner crooks, there are many good restaurants around keeping prices reasonable, but the bigger ones are ripping you off. Look at a pop its off the wall don't buy it ask for water. or if you are eating outside, bring your own drink someone asks its water in my cold cup. Screw the restaurant the crooks are about a money grab. look around check menus online when u go out to eat and don't pay the high prices. The best advice from what I hear stay out of the city to eat. like gas, don't go cut back one of two things happen these crooks lower prices or go out of business as so many have already.
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  13. #268
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Not around here even with no tax. Gas tax comes off soon from state and county soon add another 40 cents a gallon soon.

    The national average has fallen nearly $2 per gallon since reaching over $5 in June; 25 states now with average prices under $3, the lowest average since summer 2021
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  14. #269
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Watch if you're taking a ride out to both reservations for gas. gas around here has been coming down, The Redskins have been raising their prices for the past 10 days. On average the prices on Indian land should be at least 55 to 60 cents cheaper because they don't charge tax. most are only 30 cents cheaper. So chief white Owel is playing games with prices. Not worth taking a ride for gas right now.

    As for the pot business that looks like its booming. nothing goes better than pot and nfl football
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  15. #270
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    If you are out N transit rd area Erie county line count line gas station has gas 3.12 a gal. redskins are ripping people off Indian gas should be around 2.60
    a gal. there is no tax on Indian gas so chief white owl and company is playing games. dont go not worth the ride.
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