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Thread: No Cost Immigration Solution

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    No Cost Immigration Solution

    Riding through the Southwest, I've had a lot of time to think. And listen to the non-stop debate on immigration.

    And maybe because I'm in the land of Wylie E. Coyote--a genius--I've come up with a brilliant solution.

    Every morning when I go out, the street corners are occupied by groups of young Hispanic men. Back home on the East Side, there's lots of young men on street corners. And you know what they're doing.

    Here, they're out looking for work. On some of the blocks, there's a bright yellow sign (like our political lawn signs) that says "Day Laborer Pickup".

    These immigrants---legal or illegal---work and they work hard.

    The debate seems to be boiling down to what do we do with the 11 million illegals who are here?

    You can build a wall, but what about the people who are here? The Prez says "guest worker" and then they can go home and wait nine years. Get real. The Dems will do what they do best (nothing) and let the Repubs impale themselves on this.

    First of all, the 11 million is a lie. No one knows. Another term for them is "undocumented workers". If they're illegal and undocumented, no one has any idea how many there are.

    But forcibly evicting 11 million people is a feat even the Nazis couldn't pull off.

    I have a plan to do it voluntarily and at no cost.

    The President is to immediately increase the size of green cards issued in Mexico by 2 million per quarter. Issued only to Mexican residents. To be done for the next 8 quarters.

    There would be a mad scramble of illegal aliens back to Mexico in the biggest voluntary mass migration in human history.

    We'd be allowing a legal form of entry for millions of people, but under our terms.

    Every illegal here now would know that a tidal wave of documented legal immigrants was heading their way. To take their jobs.

    And the only way to get a green card is to return to Mexico.
    Last edited by biker; April 1st, 2006 at 12:41 AM.
    Truth springs from argument among friends.

  2. #2
    Member steven's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    West Side!
    wouldnt work
    documented workers would have to pay taxes, ssn etc and would have to have workers comp, as well as unemployment ins. etc paid by there employer. Its still cheaper for a bizz to take illegals.
    People who wonder if the glass is half empty or full miss the point. The glass is refillable.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    But the market is already pegging a market rate that is much higher than the minimum wage. So there would be a flood of documented, minimum wage workers.

    I had my bike worked on down here. The mechanic was an off-duty suburban cop. He was going to quit his cop job soon, cause he made so much more as a mechanic.

    Let me repeat that: a suburban cop makes more dough as a motorcycle mechanic.

    The economics down here are like nothing we see back home.
    Truth springs from argument among friends.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by biker
    Let me repeat that: a suburban cop makes more dough as a motorcycle mechanic.

    The economics down here are like nothing we see back home.
    Ya! Don't say!
    Do Tell.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Don't dismiss this because it seems so simple. Remember the Gipper: "To every complex problem there's a simple solution."

    From everything that I've heard and listened to, the tough nut is what to do with the 11 (or 8 or 6) million that are already here.

    My breathtakingly concise solution effortlessly cuts through that Gordian knot.

    What will be amazing to see is how 11 million people on their own get back to Mexico. There will probably be waits of days at the road crossings.

    But I really don't care. Especially after Fox gave Bush the finger on halting it on his side.

    The geniuses that would flesh this out might even put in a time period that you had to be living in Mexico to stretch this out.
    Truth springs from argument among friends.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I was speaking with a retired Vietnam Luet.Col. today and he is bent with this immigration rhetoric.
    He sez: Build the damn wall and send back as many as you can! Tell the president and congress to step out of the way and let HLS do the job they where intended to do.
    He was telling me of how bent he got in the 80's when Regan granted amnesty that time around.

    Our govenrment is completely of it'srocker with this one. When you have over 75% of the people in favor of securing our borders and deporting the illegals one way or another.
    Turning 180deg. in the opposite direction in policy?

    Ah America!
    Come in America! Can you hear me?
    America! Ah, We have a problem!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    I can't believe the idiots and their arguments against this. How's this for a couple of their (including the guy they call Senator McStrange) biggest bonehead arguments:

    The military can't do border security.

    A wall will never work; they'll find a way around it.

    The military seemed to do a pretty good job at keeping the Red Army out of Europe. And a terrific job in Korea.

    As to walls, gosh I guess we should see if there's any in existence. Hmmmm there's that Great Wall of China thing. Seems to have done the job. Then there's the Israeli experience.

    But back off Hardy.

    No troops and no wall till my eleven million solution has finished. We need wide open borders for that.
    Truth springs from argument among friends.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Just saw the Minutemen interviewed on FoxNews. The spokesmen sounded very articulate.

    But what nimrod came up with April Fool's Day as their kickoff. (I hope TTF doesn't get wind of this; she'll have a field day.)
    Truth springs from argument among friends.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Posted by biker:
    No troops and no wall till my eleven million solution has finished. We need wide open borders for that.
    OK, but you've only got until May Day. Then its time Barb/razor wire, concrete and bamboo sharpees.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by biker
    Just saw the Minutemen interviewed on FoxNews. The spokesmen sounded very articulate.

    But what nimrod came up with April Fool's Day as their kickoff. (I hope TTF doesn't get wind of this; she'll have a field day.)
    What can I say? You took the words right out of my mouth.

  11. #11
    Unregistered Cgoodsp466's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LHardy
    OK, but you've only got until May Day. Then its time Barb/razor wire, concrete and bamboo sharpees.

    I think Mr. Smith and MR Wesson have the answer to the Imigration problem. Welcome to America you Bastards. Oh thats right its not our country any more.

  12. #12
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Buffalo, New York, United States
    The military can't do border security.

    A wall will never work; they'll find a way around it.
    Remember we had a government type tell us that the lime stone blocks would explode from our harsh buffalo winters with the erie canal project on the water front? Remember we don't get to deal with the best and the brightest in government all the time.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by WNYresident
    Remember we had a government type tell us that the lime stone blocks would explode from our harsh buffalo winters with the erie canal project on the water front? Remember we don't get to deal with the best and the brightest in government all the time.
    Heck, I'd settle for some of the time.

    Or even, any time.

    I guess I'm just a softie.
    Truth springs from argument among friends.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Speaking of softie, my 2 million green cards issued per quarter [I]in Mexico[I] still remains the most humane and cost effective absolute solution I've heard. Oh yeah, I almost forgot: it's brilliant, too.

    Get a load of an alternaitve plan I read in the paper this morning.

    Don Goldwater, nephew of Barry Goldwater, is a Republican candidate for governor.

    Goldwater promised, if elected, he would put the National Guard on the border, build a wall between the United States and Mexico and go after businesses that hire illegal aliens.

    “And those illegal immigrants that are here now, I plan to put them in a tent city down on the border and use them as the labor force to build the wall and clean up the desert,” he said.

    Arizona has the wherewithal to do this, so he’s not just blowing smoke. The current debate in the state legislature is what to do with a projected $1.2 billion surplus.

    I think even LHardy would sign up for this.
    Truth springs from argument among friends.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Just reported on FoxNews: "La Migra" issued five notices of intent to fine businesses for hiring illegal aliens during 2004.

    That's F I V E and not five thousand. Five.

    And they were just "notices of intent." Not actual fines.

    For the entire year 2004
    Truth springs from argument among friends.

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