View Poll Results: What will happen to the Buffalo Bills?

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  • Bills leave WNY

    23 46.00%
  • Bills stay in WNY - get new stadium

    13 26.00%
  • Bills stay in Orchard Park (No Change)

    14 28.00%
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Thread: Future of Buffalo Bills?

  1. #61
    Member Joe Buff's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    In my own world--they know me there
    New York City does not have an NFL team. The only NFL team in New York State is the Bills. The two stadiums under negotiations to be built are Baseball stadiums, for the Yankees and the Mets. The Jets and the Giants are both New Jersey teams who play in the stadium erected in the swamplands as a memorial to deceased gang members.

  2. #62
    Member concernedwnyer's Avatar
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    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by steven
    The bills revenue was 141 million last yr. Not super great like dallas (198)but nowhere near the bottom of the pack like arizona (126) or atlanta (133). Additionaly the bills have been in the top 10 for attendance every year for the past 10 yrs.

    From Forbes:
    $564 mil
    1-yr value
    Ann. Change
    in value(2)
    Debt/value(3) 12%
    Revenue $141 mil
    Operating income(4) $35.4 mil
    Player Expenses(5) $71 mil
    Gate Receipts(6) $28 mil

    The skinny
    Despite playing in one of the NFL's smallest markets, the Bills are very profitable teams and have seen the franchise's value increase dramatically the past few years. Prior to the 1999 season, owner Ralph Wilson extracted major stadium and lease improvements from Erie County, whereby team revenues from luxury suites and sponsorships have more than doubled. In addition, Buffalo has among the most ardent fans in football. Bills can leave Buffalo if they buy out their lease with Erie County for $20 million after this season. But Wilson would be nuts to leave this football-crazed city.
    Major corporate sponsors are Choice One Communications (otc: CWON), Topps Friendly Market, Xerox (nyse: XRX), PepsiCo (nyse: PEP), Verizon Wireless.
    Could you explain the rantings by Ralph on the front page of the Buffalo News today. Something does not add up.

  3. #63
    Member DR_GONZO's Avatar
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    Mar 2005
    The answer lies right in your own post.

    Bills can leave Buffalo if they buy out their lease with Erie County for $20 million after this season.

    Sounds to me Ralph is very much concerned about future profit and quite possibly the future profit for a family member? Maybe that's why he won't say anything about that.

  4. #64
    Member 300miles's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by concernedwnyer
    Could you explain the rantings by Ralph on the front page of the Buffalo News today. Something does not add up.
    like gonzo said, I don't think Ralph is concerned about current profit, I think he's concerned about the future.

    He mentioned there is some strange clause in the new agreement where any team that is sold forfeits all shared profit. Once Ralph dies and his kids get the team, they will immediately try to sell it. But once it's sold it loses the shared profits, which would make it more difficult to stay here compared with moving to a bigger city. So whoever buys it will then move it.

    That's my understanding of it anyway. If I misunderstood it - let me know what the real deal is.

    Does that figure of Revenue above ($141 million) include shared revenue? Do they break down how much of that is from Shared?

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