View Poll Results: What will happen to the Buffalo Bills?

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  • Bills leave WNY

    23 46.00%
  • Bills stay in WNY - get new stadium

    13 26.00%
  • Bills stay in Orchard Park (No Change)

    14 28.00%
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Thread: Future of Buffalo Bills?

  1. #31
    Member DR_GONZO's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Dino330
    Put it on the waterfront where the Pier is. There's plenty of unused land over there.

    If we do get a new stadium, it had better not be a dome.
    Have you ever been down by the lake in November, December, and January when the wind and snow is whipping up off the lake? Your open air stadium would be a disaster.

  2. #32
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    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by DR_GONZO
    Have you ever been down by the lake in November, December, and January when the wind and snow is whipping up off the lake? Your open air stadium would be a disaster.
    A disaster? Never! That's called 'home field advantage.' If anything the extra wind and snow would be a bonus for our boys in the red white and navy blue. What did Jim Kelly used to call it?

    Take a look at Indy vs. New England in last year's playoffs (2004 season). Peyton and the pampered, dome playing Colts didn't stand a chance against the Patriots during the blizzard. If you don't have a bunch of pansies on your team, playing at home in the snow is one hell of an advantage.

    When you were a little kid, did you call up some buddies and go play touch football in the school gym? HELL NO! You went to the closest park in the nastiest weather and slopped around in the mud. Or the snow. Or the rain.
    Football is meant to be played outside.

    Which games on tv have the best ratings and are the most fun to watch? Snow games!

    There is no need to be comfortable when you have endzone seats for a late December game. You want to be pampered, buy suite tickets. They're available. But to me, being at a late season football game means huddling around a trash can fire before the game. It means numb toes and gripping that $3 hot chocolate for some extra warmth. It means those toasty hand warmers you stick in your jacket pockets. It's all about braving the biting sub-zero wind chill to cheer on the Buffalo Bills.

    And I'll say it again: I'm fine with them spending my tax dollars on a new stadium. Hell, I encourage it. If that's what it takes to keep the team here, I'm all for it. Just make that stadium open-air. No domes. I'd love for it to be on the waterfront. The nastier the weather, the better.

  3. #33
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    Sep 2005

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Dino330
    A disaster? Never! That's called 'home field advantage.' If anything the extra wind and snow would be a bonus for our boys in the red white and navy blue. What did Jim Kelly used to call it?

    There is no need to be comfortable when you have endzone seats for a late December game. You want to be pampered, buy suite tickets. They're available. But to me, being at a late season football game means huddling around a trash can fire before the game. It means numb toes and gripping that $3 hot chocolate for some extra warmth. It means those toasty hand warmers you stick in your jacket pockets. It's all about braving the biting sub-zero wind chill to cheer on the Buffalo Bills.
    These were always my kids favorite games. Hats, gloves, scarves, hand and toe warmers, and a stadium blanket. Hot cocoa too. It always felt warmer when the flakes started flying. The crowd went wild during those games, even when the Bills were behind.

    It was like "someone upstairs" was watching and we knew help was on the way

  4. #34
    Member Joe Buff's Avatar
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    In my own world--they know me there
    The fact that Ralph Wilson is apparently in good health is secondary to the fact of his age. He will not be here forever; and, as has been stated elsewhere, it would be wise for him to divest himself of the Bills before his demise in order to save his heirs the mess and unbearable expense of inheriting the team.

    As he did in the case of the Sabres, Tom Golisano may be able to step in and be the savior once again. Check the WGRZ story on this at

    IMHO, the State should not spend any more money on the Bills, or on any other sports franchise. These are private business that tend to spend money like drunken sailors on a weekend pass. If the State is thinking of using our tax dollars for anything along the line of sports, they should be supporting the U.B. Bulls and other athletic programs in the State system. What we need is a new doctrine of the separation of Private Sector and State.

  5. #35
    Unregistered Cgoodsp466's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaginTaxpayer
    These were always my kids favorite games. Hats, gloves, scarves, hand and toe warmers, and a stadium blanket. Hot cocoa too. It always felt warmer when the flakes started flying. The crowd went wild during those games, even when the Bills were behind.

    It was like "someone upstairs" was watching and we knew help was on the way

    Good night Johnboy,Goodnight Ellen,Goodnight Jimbob. Whats that Lassie Ralph is in trouble?

  6. #36
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    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Cgoodsp466
    Good night Johnboy,Goodnight Ellen,Goodnight Jimbob. Whats that Lassie Ralph is in trouble?
    No, no trouble at all. But as proud, die hard Bills fans we appreciate your concern. Mr. Wilson just wants to make sure the Buffalo Bills remain in Buffalo after his eventual demise. Good thing Mr. Golisano might have an interest! Then the Bills will remain for sure! I know how happy this must make you! GO BILLS!! WHOO HOO!

  7. #37
    Member steven's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dino330
    Good thing Mr. Golisano might have an interest! Then the Bills will remain for sure! I know how happy this must make you! GO BILLS!! WHOO HOO!

    I was thinking the same thing, the whole meeting is to make sure the bills stay here, not move.

    Im all for a stadium downtown.

    Before everyone starts complaining about using tax payer money look at how much the state spent on the yankees. If you think no new stadium means are taxes will go down your high as a kite they will just spend it downstate on the New Jersey Giants or New Jersey Jets, or some other downstate thing.

    .......and like I said the bills are the only thing I get to see for my local tax dollars. and I am a tax payer to.
    People who wonder if the glass is half empty or full miss the point. The glass is refillable.

  8. #38
    Unregistered Cgoodsp466's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dino330
    No, no trouble at all. But as proud, die hard Bills fans we appreciate your concern. Mr. Wilson just wants to make sure the Buffalo Bills remain in Buffalo after his eventual demise. Good thing Mr. Golisano might have an interest! Then the Bills will remain for sure! I know how happy this must make you! GO BILLS!! WHOO HOO!
    Go Browns Whooooooo Hoooooooooooooo. What do you fanantics do with your share of the money that the players get when they win the super bowl.Its a game its not a religion or a cure for cancer.

  9. #39
    Member Joe Buff's Avatar
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    Some rumblings from north of the border carry the rumor that Rogers might be interested in importing the Bills to Toronto. The suggested new name of the team: Toronto Toros. As one of my favorite comediennes is wont to say, "It could happen!"

  10. #40
    Unregistered Cgoodsp466's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Buff
    Some rumblings from north of the border carry the rumor that Rogers might be interested in importing the Bills to Toronto. The suggested new name of the team: Toronto Toros. As one of my favorite comediennes is wont to say, "It could happen!"

    If that happens ,I will invest in companys that make ropes and Ladders.Their will be Bills Fanantics hanging in trees all over the Region.

  11. #41
    Member steven's Avatar
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    whats wrong cg? the other kids wouldnt let u play?
    People who wonder if the glass is half empty or full miss the point. The glass is refillable.

  12. #42
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    Seriously, Cgood? If you're such a Bills hater why do you bother posting in Bills threads? I really don't understand. At first I thought I did something to piss you off on some other thread and I just didn't remember it, because of your semi-vicious shots. But now I see you just don't like the Bills in general.

    Do you feel this way about all sports?

  13. #43
    Member tomac's Avatar
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    Thumbs down Show Me The Money!

    Posted by: Stefan Mychajliw, Reporter
    Created: 4/6/2006 7:41:21 PM
    Updated: 4/7/2006 8:31:58 AM

    Former Erie County Legislator Al DeBenedetti was one of only two lawmakers to vote against the Buffalo Bills lease deal with Erie County back in 1998. Greg Olma was the other.
    Eight years later, and now retired, DeBenedetti has harsh words for team owner Ralph Wilson concerning his claims that the future of the franchise in Western New York is in jeopardy because of the N.F.L.’s new labor agreement. That deal calls for 60% of all league profits going to players.
    DeBenedetti’s message to Wilson: show me the money.
    "If he's claiming he's losing money, he's got to prove it to us. We can't just go based on his verbal claim. That's not a way to do business. He wouldn't do business with anybody that way. Why would we do business with him that way? Just take his verbal claims without seeing his books?
    I'm confident they're making money. I think the question is: how much money? And is he just asking us to increase his profit,” asked DeBenedetti.
    As part of that lease agreement, New York State kicked in $96 million for stadium improvements. Erie County’s share at the time: $26 million.
    Just last year, Erie County taxpayers gave the Bills close to $6 million for stadium repairs, maintenance, and operations.
    “We can't really give them any more than that. Taxpayers actually provide substantial resources to the Buffalo Bills. We maintain the stadium. They identify the projects, and we pay the costs,” said Erie County Legislature Minority Leader Dr. Barry Weinstein.
    Erie County’s lease agreement also gives the Bills permission to sell the name of the stadium to a corporate sponsor. But the stadium was named after Ralph Wilson.
    "I believe that Ralph Wilson's intent all along, was to have the stadium named after him. He could turn around and sell the naming rights and get whatever he could for them. A conservatively estimated $2 million rather than gouging the taxpayers of Erie County," said DeBenedetti.
    “The Buffalo Bills are giving up this revenue. It's up to them. It's their call," added Dr. Weinstein.
    If Wilson were to ask lawmakers for a new stadium, he more than likely would get a major chunk of that money from New York State. A new stadium would mean more luxury boxes, and the Bills wouldn’t have to share that revenue with other teams around the N.F.L.
    2 On Your Side’s Stefan Mychajliw: "What would happen potentially, if the Bills did approach lawmakers and said, you know what, maybe we need to look at a new stadium?”
    New York State Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno: “I guess you'd have to take a look at what the specifics were. What the amount of money was, what the real need was, what the alternatives were.”
    "It would be up to State for them to fund it. It's a state obligation. It's a State concern. It would be a lot of money. What does a new stadium do? It provides the boxes of unshared revenue. It's an expensive way of generating 20, or 50, or 100-million dollars in unshared revenue," added Dr. Weinstein.
    "I love football. I go to games. I love sports. What I dislike intensely is private greed. And that's what this is all about. If he can prove to me that he's losing money, I'll personally apologize to him. I don't think I'm ever going to have to worry about that," said DeBenedetti.

    So what do you think? Are we being gouged by yet another rich businessman in Western New York? More corporate welfare at the expense of the working man and woman?
    I say that its time to plant a thick-soled size 9 up Wilson's butt and send him packing.
    Think you can trust the government?
    Ask an Indian!

  14. #44
    Member DR_GONZO's Avatar
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    Your post, tomac, paints a very good picture of what the Bills and Mr. Wilson really are, a business and owner of that business out to make the biggest profit they can, anyway and anywhere they see fit. Buffalo no longer fits into that picture.

  15. #45
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    Actually, it was an editorial from Stefan Mychajliw, muckracker extraordinaire.

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