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Thread: who saw the buffalo news today? - June 1st 2009

  1. #1
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    who saw the buffalo news today? - June 1st 2009

  2. #2
    Member buffy's Avatar
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    It's called forcing a referendum, wood hugger, that's the proper term.

    "we're going to give every single resident the priviledge of deciding for themselves if they want something changed", how is that a bad thing?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tree_hugger29 View Post

    What are the two WORDS in the second picture before what you highlighted?

    THE CITIZENS get to choose! No one is being forced to vote FOR downsizing, people are doing it on their OWN FREE WILL, unfortunatly the same way we ended up with Obama!
    "I know you guys enjoy reading my stuff because it all makes sense. "

    Dumbest post ever! Thanks for the laugh PO!

  4. #4
    Member buffy's Avatar
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    to clarify: in our NYS democracy average residents get to decide if they want a referendum on the ballot to change something they just can't seem to get their representatives to change. it's called "forcing a referendum" because the politico's won't do it.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by buffy View Post
    to clarify: in our NYS democracy average residents get to decide if they want a referendum on the ballot to change something they just can't seem to get their representatives to change. it's called "forcing a referendum" because the politico's won't do it.
    Shes just upset because people don't agree with her! but i think she's got me on ignore
    "I know you guys enjoy reading my stuff because it all makes sense. "

    Dumbest post ever! Thanks for the laugh PO!

  6. #6
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    isn't it interesting? the number of ASSumptions being made about me for asking who saw the buffalo news today.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tree_hugger29 View Post
    isn't it interesting? the number of ASSumptions being made about me for asking who saw the buffalo news today.

    Well you underlined the word FORCE and we know your more Anti Downsizing then Cgood is anti welfare, so they weren't assumptions, their called LOGICAL CONCLUSIONS.

    Had you not underlined FORCE, then yes i would have been making assumptions!
    "I know you guys enjoy reading my stuff because it all makes sense. "

    Dumbest post ever! Thanks for the laugh PO!

  8. #8
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    i don't troll all of his anti welfare conversations like you do in all my conversations. your cyber obsession is a little odd. every conversation i write in. you're there to write about me.

  9. #9
    Member buffy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tree_hugger29 View Post
    i don't troll all of his anti welfare conversations like you do in all my conversations. your cyber obsession is a little odd. every conversation i write in. you're there to write about me.
    Don't take it personally; Douggie comments quite a bit on just about everything.

  10. #10
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    On the edge of the SUWNY "penalty box."
    Quote Originally Posted by Tree_hugger29 View Post
    isn't it interesting? the number of ASSumptions being made about me for asking who saw the buffalo news today.
    Why do you guys keep falling for her bait & hook threads? Her day wouldn't be complete if she wasn't successful at setting-up someone to play the "ASSumption" card on.

    You should realize this by now.

  11. #11
    Member Psycho1's Avatar
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    Just a response for TH

    The verb-age in the paper is used to enhance the drama. No one would have "forced" anything, to use the Buffalo News terms, had the WSTB voluntarily allowed the citizens of our town to choose on our own. When the motion was first made, all they had to do was vote yes. The vote would have been held at the November election, without additional cost to the residents. There would have, no doubt, been less ballyhoo, and the issue would have been settled.

    However several members, for reasons that have been speculated at length here, voted no. Therefore, Kevin, and some residents, utilized the law to bring us to this point. Remember, the Constitution gives the people the right "to alter or abolish" the government when it is felt the government becomes destructive. Obviously, there are those in the town who feel they will be better served by a smaller Town Board, for whatever their reason, it is their right.
    I'd rather be hated for who I am... than loved for who I'm not!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psycho1 View Post
    The verb-age in the paper is used to enhance the drama. No one would have "forced" anything, to use the Buffalo News terms, had the WSTB voluntarily allowed the citizens of our town to choose on our own. When the motion was first made, all they had to do was vote yes. The vote would have been held at the November election, without additional cost to the residents. There would have, no doubt, been less ballyhoo, and the issue would have been settled.
    i thought it was odd. the writer of the article used the same word twice to explain the downsizing. thank you psycho for giving thought before submitting a reply. i never have to worry about trolling assumptions from you. :-)

  13. #13
    Member Save Us's Avatar
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    why should it be necessary to have to force a vote for downsizing,,

    all this representation yet the representative must be forced to listen

    think about it

  14. #14
    Member Psycho1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tree_hugger29 View Post
    i thought it was odd. the writer of the article used the same word twice to explain the downsizing. thank you psycho for giving thought before submitting a reply. i never have to worry about trolling assumptions from you. :-)
    Thank you for the compliment. I attend TB meetings whenever I'm able, and I have witnessed, first hand, the stubborn nature of some of our elected officials. In this instance, Mr. Graber and Mrs. Bove were immediately opposed to even the discussion of the topic, and one member became almost unglued that the people would even entertain a thought of downsizing the Board.

    Regardless of your thoughts of Kevin Gaughn, his presentation is thought provoking, especially when you look at the overall makeup of elected officials in Erie County alone. I told Kevin immediately after, and at subsequent encounters, that I felt his ideas were good, just not in West Seneca. I explained that we'd just gotten out of 16 years of a one sided government, under Paul Clark. Reducing our TB could propel us backward with the change we wanted. However, I did, and still do, feel it is the citizens right to choose the form of government they want, and the vote needs to occur. I had an intelligent, and non-confrontational conversation with him. We parted, agreeing to disagree on downsizing West Seneca's Board.

    I only hope that, regardless of the outcome, both sides will accept victory, or defeat, in a gracious manner, and move on with making WS a better place to live. And that people will start electing representatives who will truly work for the people, without a personal agenda.
    I'd rather be hated for who I am... than loved for who I'm not!

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psycho1 View Post
    Thank you for the compliment. I attend TB meetings whenever I'm able, and I have witnessed, first hand, the stubborn nature of some of our elected officials. In this instance, Mr. Graber and Mrs. Bove were immediately opposed to even the discussion of the topic, and one member became almost unglued that the people would even entertain a thought of downsizing the Board.
    your appearance on here is much different then others who write ASSumption to make themselves feel better. never are you a troll of my conversations. i do like politicians who go with gut instincts. it shows they have thought and integrety. depending on which side you're looking from. stubborness could mean standing your ground in other's opinions. :-)

    Regardless of your thoughts of Kevin Gaughn, his presentation is thought provoking, especially when you look at the overall makeup of elected officials in Erie County alone. I told Kevin immediately after, and at subsequent encounters, that I felt his ideas were good, just not in West Seneca. I explained that we'd just gotten out of 16 years of a one sided government, under Paul Clark. Reducing our TB could propel us backward with the change we wanted. However, I did, and still do, feel it is the citizens right to choose the form of government they want, and the vote needs to occur. I had an intelligent, and non-confrontational conversation with him. We parted, agreeing to disagree on downsizing West Seneca's Board.
    the town could have phased out two highway department employees to match the "savings" kevin gaughan alledges. that alternate idea wouldn't have been considered when keving gaughan tucked wally in his back pocket. the buffalo news today said kevin made an ally in WS, then named wally as front page news.

    I only hope that, regardless of the outcome, both sides will accept victory, or defeat, in a gracious manner, and move on with making WS a better place to live. And that people will start electing representatives who will truly work for the people, without a personal agenda.
    when i saw the devide beginning. i had concern for the aftermath of a town split by politics. you have to admit, this downsizing is a political agenda of itself. there are different sides. i have to ask: how will they become neighbors again? how will they become friends again? i oppose the downsizing anywhere in NYS because i feel it isn't the solution to the problems. i view kevin gaughan's plan as the age old devide & conquer method. he'll have everyone pissed off at each other because of idea he has. i think it was his plan all along. he plays on the emotions of paying taxes. then there are the fear tactics. intimidating those with a vote no sign. then there's his "we're coming to your town next" announcements. that's why i feel the whole thing is a partisan plan. kevin gaughan named on hardline UB is a funder. does the Univeristy at Buffalo contribute to partisan politics? i never knew then to before.

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