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Thread: President Obama called the Constitution a "charter of negative liberties"

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    President Obama called the Constitution a "charter of negative liberties"

    America has gotten very polarized with radical changes to policies and circumvention of the rules in order to expand government's powers. The Founders of the U.S. Constitution designed it to limit the powers of the federal government. The 200-year-old document defines the rules by which America's government operates.

    Should we still adhere to its rules if Government doesn't ?

    Or do we need to get past the "outdated" document, which President Obama called a "charter of negative liberties" in a 2001 public radio interview in Chicago?
    #Dems play musical chairs + patronage and nepotism = entitlement !

  2. #2
    Member nogods's Avatar
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    Sep 2009
    The Constitution is like the word of god - it means whatever the beholder wants it to mean. Our Founders knew that would happen even before it was enacted. That's why they provided for an arbiter, even knowing that the arbiter's decisions would be based on the views of the arbiters, but they realized that an arbiter's decision was better than political chaos.

  3. #3
    Member FMD's Avatar
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    Mar 2007
    The declaration of independence spells out what's to come of the current govt
    Willful ignorance is the downfall of every major empire in history.

    "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao, 1938

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    So, I guess Gonads supports the idea that the Constitution is just a " "charter of negative liberties" -

    The fact that both these guys (Gonads and the Prez) are well educated - Dem convinced players - that's scary !

    Think about it - people like Gonads have too much influence in local legal decisions and the Prez appoints the Chief Justices that are aligned with his "Party Agenda" = WOW !!!!

    PS - Disclaimer - I am in no way insinuating Gonads should or could influence anyone or anything of National Consequence.
    #Dems play musical chairs + patronage and nepotism = entitlement !

  5. #5
    Member nogods's Avatar
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    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 4248 View Post
    So, I guess Gonads supports the idea that the Constitution is just a " "charter of negative liberties" -

    The fact that both these guys (Gonads and the Prez) are well educated - Dem convinced players - that's scary !

    Think about it - people like Gonads have too much influence in local legal decisions and the Prez appoints the Chief Justices that are aligned with his "Party Agenda" = WOW !!!!

    PS - Disclaimer - I am in no way insinuating Gonads should or could influence anyone or anything of National Consequence.
    People who can't deal with reality but would rather wallow in romantic notions are not going to influence anyone or anything of national consequence. One has to understand the dynamics of a subject matter to be able to master it, otherwise they end up slaves of it.

    Now get back to work.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    As I push my broom and clean the floors - It hits me - Gonads has a point - besides the one on his little Party washed head !

    Workers/voters are just those "Enslaved by a System they don't understand" - they romanticize about its openness and inclusion - they fantasize about being apart of its agenda - they foolishly believe they are viewed as "Partners" in the grand scheme of America's future ! ?

    You scare me - your the "Poster Child" for the system - only thing you haven't noticed yet is you've only attained a slim margin over those of us you look down on. While that may comfort you as you sip your scotch - play with your hand gun - remember if you piss off the man, you will be slapped down to our level in a heart beat.

    No offense meant personally - I am quite sure you've convinced your self - your smarter - work harder and deserve more and maybe your correct ! Just don't screw it up by ever thinking outside your box.

    Happy Thanks Giving to one and all !
    #Dems play musical chairs + patronage and nepotism = entitlement !

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Obama always hinted at his true agenda - not many listened !

    President Obama called the Constitution a "charter of negative liberties" in a 2001 public radio interview in Chicago?
    #Dems play musical chairs + patronage and nepotism = entitlement !

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