The price is fixed at one cert? Is that like one cent?
Well, just like the price is no longer "fixed", the paper does belong to a political party - the democratic party.
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The price is fixed at one cert? Is that like one cent?
Well, just like the price is no longer "fixed", the paper does belong to a political party - the democratic party.
Last edited by buffy; September 25th, 2013 at 11:08 PM.
In 1880 a penny went a little farther than it does today
Buffalo Web Hosting and Graphic Design
Computer Connections - Computer and Laptop Repair - Web hosting / Web Design
Vinyl Graphics - Signs, Banners, Vehicle Graphics
No doubt Tony, good find. they have drifted FAR from this vision. FAR, to the left!
The above is opinion & commentary, I am exercising my 1st Amendment rights as a US citizen. Posts are NOT made with any malicious intent.
Check it out
The Buffalo News did a story on their inaugural edition.
Oct. 11, 1880: The Buffalo Evening News' inaugural edition looked different in 1880, as is clear from the first issue of The Buffalo Evening News.
The Evening News -- which followed the Sunday News as a daily newspaper -- offered the following editor's note regarding the debut:
The word they can not read
From the article
"cheap"“We do not think it necessary to devote much space in introducing the Evening News to public notice, neither do we intend to indulge in extravagant promises. For the former is unnecessary and the latter is contrary to our conceived notions. The success that has attended the Sunday News is evidence that we know the wants of the people and are able to supply them. Time and again have we been urged by business men to publish a (illegible) daily, and as we have been assured of their support, we have no hesitancy in making this departure. The Evening News will be all that industry and well-directed efforts can make it., and to such a paper we are confident the public will extend bountiful patronage."
Buffalo Web Hosting and Graphic Design
Computer Connections - Computer and Laptop Repair - Web hosting / Web Design
Vinyl Graphics - Signs, Banners, Vehicle Graphics
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