It must be election time
I am writing in response to Councilman Ronald Ruffino’s letter entitled “Party Politics at its Best.” As someone who attends most of the town board meetings, I take exception to your accusation that one of the attendees texted a message to Supervisor Fudoli advising him to vote “no” on a resolution.
From my observation, Supervisor Fudoli changed his mind and voted “no” after listening to concerned residents.
Ruffino also made the comment “there is no room for party politics when you are elected to work for the best interest of the people in your community.” Is that why you and the other council members do everything in your power to discredit Supervisor Fudoli every chance you get?
I hope more residents start to attend town board meetings before the election in November. Only then will they understand what really goes on.
Deborah Lemaster
Another great observation from a concerned taxpayer