Here is the decision:
From the Order:
Defendants WOLFPACK TOBACCO, CLOUD AND COMPANY, ALLEGANY SALES AND MARKETING, and PHILIP JIMERSON are enjoined from: i) Advertising or selling cigarettes to New York State residents at prices that do not include the cost of New York State taxes, and for sales to City residents, do not also include the cost of New York City taxes;ii) Selling or shipping any cigarettes without monthly reporting of the sales and/or shipments (including names, dates, addresses, quantities, prices and brands for each sale or shipment, organized by City, town or zip code) to: (a) the New York City Office of the Corporation Counsel, the New York City Department of Finance, and the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance for sales or shipments into New York State and (b) the respective state tobacco tax administrators for sales or shipments into other states; (iii) Selling or shipping any cigarettes unless the packages identify the contents as cigarettes and the packages are delivered pursuant to an age verification procedure that conforms with the procedure specified in the PACT Act; and iv) Selling or shipping more than ten pounds of cigarettes and/or smokeless tobacco in a single sale or delivery.
“We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.” ― Thomas Jefferson
Looks like the Indians just learned that they can't sell their product in an independent jurisdiction without complying with the laws of the independent jurisdiction.
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