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Thread: Resident questions town work performed on private property

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Resident questions town work performed on private property

    Resident Tom Kazmierczak addressed the Town Board Monday evening to ask a question. Declaring that he was not accusing anyone of anything, or with ill-will intended, it was a point of information he was seeking.

    Kazmierczak: I am not sure of the date, but it was between the last board meeting and this that while riding east down William Street to my home, I noticed town vehicles, there or four, and town manpower working on private property. It was at 5029 William Street. Going by in the morning, they dug a trench along the lot from the front to the back, whatever; all these town vehicles in this driveway and manpower. When driving by in the afternoon they were covering it up and putting in drain tiles. I was wondering what reason there was for town vehicles and manpower putting in drain tiles on private property.

    Supervisor Dino Fudoli responded that he knew of instances of drainage problems on people’s property created by other things off of their property, or created by town property. “Through the permission of the property owner we go onto the private property to do certain jobs. We do not provide services for private residences at the request of private residences. If there is a reason for the town to do something because of a drainage issue caused by someone else, for example, we request to go on private property to do work so that we can keep the flow moving in the right direction or in a proper manner. I don’t know the situation. I could talk to Highway Superintendent Dan Amatura about it. He is not here tonight.

    Kazmierczak; I was hoping to see him tonight and ask about it.

    Supervisor Fudoli: It is not typical for the town to go on private property. We are not allowed to go onto private property and provide them with benefits – materials and labor paid for by the taxpayers. But if there is something that is causing a drainage problem that is on an individual’s private property and it is due to their commission, we can enter their property and do certain things.

    Kazmierczak: If there was some damage to this person’s property, you are opening up a dangerous precedent.

    Supervisor Fudoli: If there is town property butting up to that property and it is not draining properly…

    Kazmierczak: I don’t believe there is any town property involved.

    Supervisor Fudoli: I don’t know the area or the specifics ypu are referring to and I am just using it as an example.


    I believe Mr. Kazmierczak is referring to work that was done by the town at 5059 William Street as no work was performed at 5029 William Street.

    Had Highway Superintendent Dan Amatura been at the meeting he would have explained that he had been directed by the town board to correct a drainage problem at 5059 illiam Street. What is difficult to understand is why two individuals who were present at that town board meeting, individuals who were major players in that William Street project, did not speak out to answer Mr. Kazmierczak’s question as to why town trucks were cited doing work on private property, but instead let the supervisor flounder in generalities.

    In late June, Councilman John Abraham approached the Town Building Inspector and the Town Engineer’s office to report that a William Street property owner contacted him and reported had a drainage problem. The property owner stated that she had met with other town officials and reported the problem and was getting no resolve. Mr. Abraham visited the site and reported that the ditch in front of 5059 William Street is blocked and is filled with water. The homeowners declared that there is constant standing water in the ditch and that it is at street level.

    Councilman Abraham also reported that there was a giant pine tree on the lot at 5059 William Street that constantly sits in water because of the drainage issue. The property owner expressed concern that the water is causing the tree to uproot and there is a distinct possibility that the tree might fall on the home at 5059.

    At the July 1st town board work session Abraham brought the drainage issue up. The Town Board discussed the drainage issue on William Street and gave Amatura the okay as the town drainage officer to try and remedy the situation. As part of the drainage plan it was decided to remove the tree that was in danger of falling. The residents were okay with the tree coming down. Amatura was asked to mark the tree so that Terry McCracken’s Parks & Recreation crew could identify which one to remove.

    Under town direction Highway Superintendent Amatura cleared the ditch and opened a path on the property for water to flow to the roadside drainage ditch. No drainage pipe or other town materials were used in the project.

    Under the direction of the town Parks & Recreation Director Terry McCracken was directed to remove the tree.

    The blocked drainage ditch and adjacent property slope lines were the cause of the drainage issue. If the town believes the problem is a county issue because William Street is a county road, or for other reasons, then the town should be held accountable for recouping expenses incurred. Regardless, highway vehicles were observed at the private property site and the department is being questioned as to why they are doing work for a non related town issues. They were directed by the town board to take action to correct the drainage problem.

    Councilman Abraham and Parks & Recreation Director McCracken were at the Monday town board meeting, knew the specifics, and remained silent. Why?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Then a personal phone call should be made to these officials to get the straight answer, because if this is a case of a Rich Reese situation where projects are done for personal favors, how unfortunate that will be.

    The Primary is next week, get the info ----

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    The two of them should be confronted at the next town board meeting and as much as I'm not a fan of Danny A. he was doing his job. John is walking the neighbor and talking about the needs and should be talking about setting people up, good job john did daddy teach you that or you former neighbor give you lessons on screwing you follow Dems.

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