Working mans translation - if we can we will and we hope it happens !
Home owners Tax dollars will be used.
1) No detailed building plan submitted(Town Engineer Robert Harris interjected that LDB does not have detailed drawings)
2)• 100% of the annual revenue is guaranteed with usage fees, annual sponsors , fundraisers, and rental agreements under long term contracts. Well -sort of - "LDB has $110,000 in pledged donations (contracts signed)" -Pledges to help raise funds are not "Guaranteed" by the sponsors. They come with conditions and unless its written otherwise they are Dependant on "Ability to pay" - theres always an out built in.
Not saying they wont try - not saying each and every sponsor has anything but our residents best interests at heart.
3) "Usage Fees" are just that - based on monies collected from users. There is no such thing in todays economy as "Guaranteed usage fees".
4)"An estimated $40,000 to $60,000 for water and electricity hook ups that comes out of the Parks & Recreation fees and not out of the budget – no cost to taxpayer" - Misleading at best - the Parks and Recreation fees are collected from tax payers for use of our Town Provided/Parks and Recreation Department programs - so it will reduce monies now used for other Departmental expenditures.
So eventually it will also affect their Budget - unless the costs of these tax funded programs have been actually turning a "Profit" and in that case home owners are being over taxed - why isn't this "Profit" used to offset tax payers/home owners/user fee payers burden?
5) "Six board positions specifically designated to proper running of the building" and the Town(Home owners tax dollars) will pay utilities.
Are these six Board Members "compensated" in any way - are they going to be cleaning and daily maintenance for free? -