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Thread: Why Saving The Libraries Is Important

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    South Buffalo

    Lightbulb Why Saving The Libraries Is Important

    Here is an email I got from another group that is helping the community. Yes, it's that important that the remaining branches be saved.


    1. We believe in "investing in education" - Our current public library system is our best source of equitable self-education, and a valuable resource to our school systems. How will our life-long learners that do not attend school continue to learn about environmental issues without accessible libraries? Where will our kids go to get homework help?

    2. We believe in "containing sprawl & revitalizing our cities" - If Buffalo libraries are closed, our city neighborhoods will suffer a loss of quality of life, probably increasing flight from the city (sprawl) to the suburbs, to our rapidly disappearing rural landscape, or out of the area, shrinking our tax rolls. Enlightened communities around the country are becoming part of a pro-neighborhood, anti-sprawl movement, while our library system is proposing moving in the opposite direction!

    3. We believe in "preserving neighborhoods" - With TWO Buffalo libraries slated to close to open ONE (and more threatened), neighborhoods are being threatened with a loss of quality of life. A library that is open is an asset to the community - a library that is closed is a detriment to the community.

    4. We believe in "keeping libraries accessible" - Information is for everyone! Neighborhood libraries are outposts of information, like convenience stores - not superstores. If libraries are not accessible, their services do no good. According to WNY transportation experts, 40% of ADULTS in Buffalo have no access to cars. (That’s not counting all the children who don’t.)

    5. We believe in "strengthening recycling" - Our current public library system is a model of reuse and recycling - millions of books are used hundreds, even thousands of times, then, even when they’re determined to be outdated, they are put up for sale to the public at nominal prices. That’s a hard act to follow

    6. We believe in "fighting racism, sexism, ageism" - Our current public libraries are equal opportunity services open to all. If Buffalo libraries close, many in those neighborhoods will not get that equal opportunity to access information.

    7. We believe in "Decentralization" - The Erie County Library Board’s (BECPL’s) move to close 2 neighborhood libraries is the opposite - centralization/consolidation.

    8. We believe in "grassroots democracy" - All suburban libraries have their own boards, and contracts with the BECPL, so they make many of their own decisions. The Buffalo libraries already have lost that power, having no board or contract, and are often thought to be the "poor relations" of our suburban libraries.

    9. We "support mass transit" - Most, if not all current libraries are on well-used public transportation routes and placed in residential neighborhoods where many walk or bike to them. Forcing people to get into cars to go to "centralized" libraries is unenvironmental.

    10. We believe in "social & economic justice" - Many library users in Buffalo, including children, would not be able to access a library if their neighborhood library was closed. If they could, it would be an added financial burden many will not be able to afford - to get to and from a "centralized" library outside of their safe neighborhood. Instead of walking to their neighborhood library at NO COST, a family of 5 (2 parents, 1 child over 12, and 2 children 5- 11) would pay $11.60 round-trip for the privilege of visiting the library, (assuming they could get to it, since crosstown buses have been cut)! It is also an unfair double standard to replace suburban libraries ONE for ONE, while consolidating Buffalo libraries by closing TWO or more to open ONE

    I love getting good email,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    South Buffalo


    Now the talk is of the location of the new library on Abbott. Well as many predicted "Abbott road gets everything".

    MORE SECRET MEETINGS ARE GOING ON --- County Legislator Schroeder said at a public meeting, "NO MORE PRIVATE MEETINGS", but secret negoiations are under way, as reported in this weeks "South Buffalo News".


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    1. <>

    Hardly, you won't get much more than grade school education from our public library system. You can find more useful information online than you can in a neighborhood library.

    << How will our life-long learners that do not attend school continue to learn about environmental issues without accessible libraries?>>

    The only decent library system in WNY is at UB. If you really want to educate yourself you won't find much in newsstand magazines and self help books. You need access to research and professional journals, and textbooks.

    << Where will our kids go to get homework help?>>

    At home. If their parents are too stupid to help a kid with his or her homework than you have bigger problems than the closing of a library. If the parent can't help, then the kid can go to school a few minutes early to get help from the teacher. Teachers are overpaid, they should do something to earn their paycheck.

    2. <>

    Only a moron would move to the suburbs because they can't walk to a library, because very few suburbs have a library within walking distance to more than a single subdivision. Anyone who can afford to live in the suburbs has already moved, and it wasn't because of the libraries.

    << Enlightened communities around the country are becoming part of a pro-neighborhood, anti-sprawl movement, while our library system is proposing moving in the opposite direction! >>

    This is just an idiotic statement, the author needs to lay off the crack pipe.

    3. <>

    City neighborhoods have more pressing "quality of life" issues than a library closing. Once again, lay off the pipe.

    4. <>

    And just like a convenience store, they have no selection worth speaking of. If you need a readers digest or a novel they're OK, otherwise they're useless.

    5. <>

    I'd bet not more than 3% of the books are used hundreds of times.

    6. <>

    Quit whining. If someone wants to get to a library they will. A hundred years ago it was common for kids to walk ten miles or more to get to school. If someone is too lazy to find a way to get to a library that's their problem, not the problem of the other 99.999% of county taxpayers.

    7. <>

    Who cares what you believe? Why is your belief in "decentralization" more valid that anyone else's belief in consolidation? I believe the author of the posted diatribe is a ignorant welfare recipient that thinks they are entitled to anything they want regardless of who has to pay for it.

    8. <>

    Quit whining and do something about it other than complain. Get your whole group together and start to take over the county's democrat/republican/green/reform party apparatus. If you can get 50 or 60 people you'll be the moajority, then you can pick your own candidate.

    9. <>

    OK, I guess you want to take over the green party then.

    10. <>

    So, who cares?

    << If they could, it would be an added financial burden many will not be able to afford >>

    So the moajority of us have to take on an added financial burden to pay for your library access? I don't think so.

    <<- to get to and from a "centralized" library outside of their safe neighborhood. >>

    Buffalo and "safe neighborhood" are mutually exclusive (go to the library and check out a math text on set theory if you don't understand the statement).


    Who says you can't walk to the library is the next neighborhood? Is anything farther than the next block too far for you to travel??

    << It is also an unfair double standard to replace suburban libraries ONE for ONE, while consolidating Buffalo libraries by closing TWO or more to open ONE>>

    Not neccessarily, it should really be based on population density. Buffalo should have proportionately more libraries than a given suburb, no more, no less. If a suburb with one fifth the population has 3 libraries, then buffalo should have 15. Buffalo shouldn't have lots of libraries just because its Buffalo, but they should have a suitable number based on population compared to other areas of the county.

  4. #4
    If their parents are too stupid to help a kid with his or her homework .... the kid can go to school a few minutes early to get help from the teacher

    First of all, you don't know if that is the case. Many children could come from single parent homes where the parent works when the child is arriving home. and secondly...Majority of the kids in these communities are bussed out of their neighborhood for schooling... so getting to school a little earlier is highly unlikely due to the bus driver's schedule of picking up other kids.

    lay off the pipe.
    Just you're opinion to beleive everyone that disagrees with you is smoking crack.

    A hundred years ago it was common for kids to walk ten miles or more to get to school.
    now, is that up-hill BOTH ways? In blinding snow? And wearing no boots?

    Who says you can't walk to the library is the next neighborhood? Is anything farther than the next block too far for you to travel??

    This propossal means miles between locations not blocks. And anyone who's been a true Buffalonian can understand the dangers of our Buffalo winters, anyone couldn't possibly walk a mile or more to a "neighborhood" library in the type of winters we have... especially when residents and businesses don't have the decency to shovel the sidewalks.

    So, who cares?
    Since you're asking... I raise my hand. I care for children's safety.

    I believe the author of the posted diatribe is a ignorant welfare recipient that thinks they are entitled to anything they want regardless of who has to pay for it.

    Why do you assume that because people don't want to see the county spend $4 million on a new library, that they're lazy welfare recips? Do you live in South Buffalo and know the people who are trying to end this political sham?

    This is Giambra and Schroeder, and Martino all pushing something that isn't wanted in our neighborhoods... maybe to you it can be seen better as passing the 'crack pipe' (if you will) and someone saying "no thanks". But they keep insisting.

    Granted, libraries and crack don't quite go hand in hand, but the point is that if so many people are against this proposal, why are they still pushing it on us? And how is the spending of $4 million seen as "consolidation"? The politicians tell one thing about saving money, and push for something that spends more.

  5. #5
    Get rid of these damn libraries already. My daughter who by the way just turned six last month has already read or had read to her 90% of the matreial suitable for her ages as she grew. Basically there is nothing at these libraries to barrow anymore. The dudley branch is a s#!7 hole. Has been for a long time. Actually long as I can remember going into that place in 1988 looking to do a report for my 7th grade history class on Abe Lincoln. Couldn't find crap on him except the usual crap I already had in my text.

    OH AND BY THE WAY I LIVE OVER 2 MILES FROM EITHER LIBRARY AND STILL MANAGE TO MAKE IT THERE. I THINK ANY IDIOT THAT CAN RIDE A BIKE OR HAS 2 WORKING LEGS AN FEET CAN MAKE IT THERE ALSO. What you do not realise is that these two libraries are also for the valley,1st ward,babcock. They can't walk there, can they ? So if a central library will make it easier for them to get their due use out of it, are they not entitled ?

    Just because you think it is yours because it is just down the block dosen't mean that you can ignore the right others have to a closer library.

    I would suggest that this thread get wiped off the board because you people are getting very self serving !!!!!!!
    Not my library/ I would have to leave the 1 mile radius I allow myself/ Only I have the right too say when and where a library goes up. Grow up and relise that thing change. I'm sure you don't look at the world the same as when you were 25. Oh you do that is why noone wants to come to Buffalo.

  6. #6
    That last unregistered was me !

    So allysa there are people in your neighborhood that want to see some 21st century progress. Young people that chose to stay and rebuild what you have been holding back and destroying.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    South Buffalo
    Well, In fact, these two libraries can hold much more material, but the BECPL system has been letting these libraries run with less than their full capacity.


    We are here to help save WNY from any further decline and wasteful spending. AT LEAST I THOUGHT THAT WAS THE INTENT OF THESE FORUMS.

    SBguy stated:
    I would suggest that this thread get wiped off the board because you people are getting very self serving !!!!!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Allyssa, let me answer your points one by one:


    Good point, I hadn't considered that. But it is still not the taxpayers responsibility to pay through the nose to help out single parent households. On the otherhand, I personally give single parents a lot of credit for doing the best they can to raise a family.


    Then maybe a more reasonable approach is to take over a party apparatus to change the school system back to neighborhood schools.


    No, I was specifically referring to stupid statements such as:

    "Enlightened communities around the country are becoming part of a pro-neighborhood, anti-sprawl movement, while our library system is proposing moving in the opposite direction! "

    Only a crackhead would make a statement implying the library system in pro-sprawl. The authorof this diatribe needs to quit using propagandist statements and write something well thought out.

    For example, most of your posts contain intelligent thoughts on the subject and not just propaganda statements. You include facts and figures to back up your points, not just rediculous statements. So you, at least, do not appear to be indulging in the pipe. So maybe you should contact the slogan shouters and tell them that they haven't done a single thing to convince anyone that we should care about this issue. Or you could volunteer to write their memos and the rest of us would actually take them seriously as you seem to be able to intelligently debate an issue.


    The point I was trying to make when I posted this (and didn't quite finish it) is that my statement is about as absurd as the author's statement "We believe in DECENTRALIZATION" or whatever it said. Who cares what he/she believes, and who cares what I believe. Anyone can make a totally irrational statement, but what has that to do with this debate?


    I live on the east side, but had a lot of friends growing up that lived there. I spent a lot of time in my teens at caz, and I had relatives that used to live off of Abbott Rd so in the past I spent a lot of time there.


    I applaud your efforts to fight consolidation, and as I've said before in other threads I don't think the new library should be built. But at the same time if the county goes into the red (and it will soon), then expect to have one of your libraries closed anyway.

  9. #9
    "What you do not realise is that these two libraries are also for the valley,1st ward,babcock. They can't walk there, can they ? So if a central library will make it easier for them to get their due use out of it, are they not entitled ?"

    If you've read some of my earlier posts on the library proposal, I have ... several times suggested that if funds are available to construct a new Branch; then it should be someplace where a community is in need. Leaving Caz and Dudley alone the way they are and consrtucting a new one in the Valley of First Ward. Afterall, it's money to spend on the libraries, so why do they have to take two to build one?

    Your opinion on the library issue is just that... your opinion. However, that doesn't mean everyone else is "self serving" because they are American enough to form their own opinion.

    Secondly, the notion of banning threads (on the message boards) about the libraries is seen as a form of cencorship, and if you have no need for any library what is it for you to over-ride the ones who do need them?

    Why do you feel there's a need to "shut up" those who are "speaking up"???

    The latest artitle Buff Fam referses to in the South Buffalo paper outlines the new site to be on Abbott Rd. in the area of Mercy Hospital... do you know of any 1.1 acers of land available near Mercy to construct without demolishing at least something???

    There's big possibilties that this site will take up an entire city block... as you know, there are a lot of business and resident lots in that area. Is it really ok for them to claim a form of "public domain" at the expense of forcing exsisting people out just to build a new library where; need I say again, the politicians want it to be?

    "The dudley branch is a s#!7 hole"
    Have you ever heard the expression, On man's trash is another's treasure ?

    You may beleive in what you say, but for the ones that need these locations will always disagree with your frame of mind.

  10. #10

    You said "Then maybe a more reasonable approach is to take over a party apparatus to change the school system back to neighborhood schools."

    South Buffalo has lost three neighborhood schools at the hands of the Buffalo Board of Ed. These closing don't come at the cost of a decline in population, they are visable as a result of the BBofE financial struggles. Hence our theory in keeping the neighborhood libraries accessable in the nieghborhood... so at least the kids will have something close to home. You, yourself said "I spent a lot of time in my teens at caz" and this should be important for the up-and-coming teens.

    For example, most of your posts contain intelligent thoughts on the subject and not just propaganda statements.

    I can say the feeling is mutual.

    Thinking outside of the box is important, yet if the thoughts of a thread here is focused inside one neighborhood, then I feel jumping out of the box to spout isn't exaclty benificial for the people that are strong enough to question the politicians in the South Buffalo community.

    We all want the same quality of life, and having libraries available is one of them.

  11. #11
    I don't feel any need to quite anyone. But when I here don't take my library or keep our library , that sound selfish and selfserving. When the libraries are county owned and someone with a library card from Angola or Cheektowaga is free to borrow from caz or dudley. That does not make it ours or yours now does it. It's the countys. And this is a quality of life issue. You can replace aging buildings with a more modern up to date version or you can keep the crap the way it is. I know you prefer the latter and I will remind you again your way of thinking is ruining Buffalo.

  12. #12
    Another thing about the public transportation. If I was going to pay a $1.50 to ride to the library I would take the buss all the way downtown. The real library down there is only a short walk from any last metro stop. You don't even need a transfer.

  13. #13
    My computer has stoped signing me in with cookies? Those last 2 were my replies

  14. #14
    You can replace aging buildings with a more modern up to date version or you can keep the crap the way it is.

    [COLOR=royal blue]You'll have to really take a look at how the older branches got the way they are, starting with the county... they are respondsible for the "up-keep". And Besides, there is nothing at all wrong with two libraries.

    And if aged branches should go, then be prepared to shell out more property tax money, because the Central Branch in downtown is just as aged as these two branches. So, I guess it'll cost everyone more to replace more -- out with the old and in with the new, right? At what price and with how's money?

    Secondly, just because something is old doesn't mean it's crap... take for instense Independence Hall in Philadelphia PA, that is one of the oldest buildings in America, is that crap too? No, of course not, but my point is that what appears to be "crap" to some on the outside, others can see it for it's fundemental abilities from the inside. [/COLOR]

    But when I here (hear) don't take my library or keep our library , that sound selfish and selfserving.

    [COLOR=royal blue]Perhaps it could be that you're willing to judge a book by it's cover.

    When someone whom uses the word "our", it's taken out of context by others that would assumingly hear it as a possessional status by that person only. "Our library" is refered to for an entire community. [/COLOR]

    your way of thinking is ruining Buffalo

    [COLOR=royal blue]How is that so? Preservation of somethings shouldn't be seen as ruining anything, anyplace or anyone.

    My way of thinking is simply trying to save $4 million at the hands of political officials. How is that a ruin? Within Mayor Masiello's comprehensive plan, we (all of Buffalo) should be retaining what's standing now and build onto the assets; not give into the political status-quo that says "newer and bigger equals better" .

  15. #15

    You are the type to start some kind of urban terror to keep what you thought was yours. And when you say ours as in community that is just what you sasy on the site . I know you don't mean it. You are of the type that thinks it is truly yours. I am not the only one that has said something to that same effect to you.

    Well if the county was not taking care of the buildings in the first place why didn't you start bitching to them before they wasnt to take your library.

    Lets just face it . It's not about 4 million dollars, Or that a new library is going to be built. It is the fact that you don't like change and are unwilling to get on public transportation like you suggest others do. God for bid you rub elbows with some unseemly kind. You know those are the only ones who ride the bus to begin with.

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