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Thread: Waste Water Treatment Plant Criminal Investigation

  1. #31
    Member Smiley's Avatar
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    Sabotage did occur?? By Who?? Johnson?? How do you know?
    If that did infact did happen, then why didn't the attorney's go directly to the District Attorney? Maybe it didn't happen and they are hoping to drum up some type of questionable activity that they can twist it into sabotage.

    One would have to wonder, why, if they (plant employees) are following Canna's wrong orders. or are they running the plant correctly, utilizing their expertise, as they know it should be run. If they are following the wrong orders, Bowers has the ability to correct it. If the plant has been running under the wrong orders for the past 5 years, since Canna has been gone, why hasn't it been changed. Bowers has the ability to initiate disciplinary action against any of his employee's and the employees know this. Why would they risk their carreer's ?

    My thought is, Bowers knows the plant is running properly, therefore there are no grounds for disciplinary action. It appears that the Town attorney's and other Town Representatives are frustrated and a bit nervous about the way the Hearing is going.

    You ask why would an employee need "Imunity." Any employee would be a fool not to request it, especially when you're dealing with Town Representatives whose creditability is questionable at best. Town Attorney's and Assistant Town Engineer make surprise visits to the plant late at night, Illegally Interogate them, violating their rights. The list is growing.

    The Town Engineer, whose authority is to run the plant and direct employees how it should be done, sends "Angry Memo's" and does nothing when they are ignored !!! Sounds like a fish story to me. Continuing with the fish story is that Supervisor Grelick was informed about the problems and did nothing.

  2. #32
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    Re: Politics as usual

    Originally posted by Dvoakley
    This is a thread that is going no where. It's the politcal season and everyone is twisting the story toward their own end.The sensible thing to do is let the police investigation play out. Executive seasons to discuss the status will only lead to leaks to the public (like JT).
    Schratz has no money. Even the Reps don't like her, she's a real witch. So she's trying to get in the press with every manipulation she can use. Maybe some peolple will forget her days as a shrew but I'm betting she's a dead duck already. What you are really watching is her political death rales.
    Dvoakley, I respectfully disagree. The issue here is not politics and frankly, I do not understand what your comments about Schratz have to do with the issues we are discussing here. The issue here is the expenditure of millions of dollars of taxpayer money without justification and in an apparent attempt to mislead us into believing that we got our money's worth when we paid $8.6 million for this pelletization project and that it is saving us money. It seems to me that is a vitally important topic and certainly justifies continuing this thread.

    With respect to the police investigation, I think it is proper to question, as has already been done by others and me in this thread, whether that investigation is simply the latest attempt by those actually responsible for this fiasco to divert attention away from their own culpability. I am deeply concerned that such an investigation would be initiated by the attorneys handling the Canna hearings and the three members of the town board that already believe he is guilty.

    I am also deeply concerned about the impact of this alleged investigation on the Canna hearings. How is Canna supposed to get a fair hearing while this alleged criminal investigation is proceeding? I hear that there is a police detective sitting in on the hearings listening to the testimony. I have never heard of anything like this. Canna is apparently claiming that this deprives him of a fair hearing and renders the second hearing null and void as well. Are we going to end up with another procedurally defective hearing after spending another $500,000 or more?

    You will recall that these same attorneys handled the first hearing, which cost us approximately $500,000, and was later declared to be null and void because formal board action was required to properly designate the hearing officer and that simple procedural rule was not followed. Now we have the same attorneys the second time around apparently directly involved in a criminal investigation of the plant staff, making wild allegations about criminal activity and sabotage, and apparently coordinating the meeting that led to this alleged criminal investigation. I don't know about you but just off the top of my head, this course of conduct raises a number of serious questions.

    First, the claims of criminal activity and sabotage by the plant staff are alleged to have occurred during the past five years since Canna has been gone and it is further alleged that these activities and sabotage are responsible for the failure of the pelletization project. That position directly controverts the case against Canna and the Town's previously espoused position that the project began to work correctly after Canna was removed and Watkins was brought in. So, I have to ask, are these attorneys representing the Town in a Section 75 hearing against Canna or are they representing the Town in a criminal investigation against the current operators of the facility that directly controverts the claims against Canna.

    Second, who authorized these attorneys to engage in an investigation that essentially torpedoes the case against Canna? The Town Board certainly didn't authorize it. Seems to me we now have another action without proper Town Board authorization that could lead to the case against Canna being thrown out on procedural grounds. As you know, the four (4) Town Board members that were not invited to the secret meeting on July 20, 2005 in the Supervisor's office are raising these types of questions.

    Third, the Amherst Employees Association, which represents most of the operators at the facility, has already filed a Notice of Claim against the Town alleging defamation of character and other claims involving misuse and/or abuse of process. This is likely to lead to additional lawsuits against the Town that could result in millions of dollars more in liability that ultimately has to be paid by the taxpayers of Amherst.

    Fourth, as a result of the second round of hearings against Canna and the negative publicity it has generated for the Town and the pelletization project, we now have an ongoing audit by the New York State Comptroller's office.

    Fifth, due to a recent letter from an Amherst taxpayer to the New York State Attorney General and New York State Comptroller, I understand we now also have an open investigation by the Attorney General's office exploring the issue of whether Microlink (Watkins) was brought in by Bowers and Johnson in 1998 when they knew or should have known that there was no scientific basis for what Microlink was proposing.

    How many more mistakes will we have to pay for before the Town Board puts a stop to this? It appears to me that Councilmember O'Loughlin is the swing vote here and could have helped us to avoid all of this by refusing to vote to authorize the second hearing in June 2004 or, at least, putting a stop to it after it became clear that this was getting out of hand. He fancies himself as a financial guru and it seems to me this is an opportunity for him to use those abilities to save the taxpayers a lot of money and aggravation and the Town further embarrassment.

    I understand that we paid these two attorneys approximately $175,000 for the first proceeding alone (in addition to the $125,000 paid to the first hearing officer and the approximately $100,000 paid to the first court reporter) and we are now paying them again for the second proceeding. Why didn't we get someone new who could do it right the first time and, if appropriate, hold these attorneys responsible for the fact that the first hearing was declared null and void due to a procedural error?

    If the charges against Canna are really legitimate, why is it taking so long to prove it – I understand the second hearing has already lasted 85 days. And why are we now torpedoing the case by alleging that the project does not work and that our own employees are responsible due to alleged misoperation and sabotage occurring since Canna has been gone.

    I think these are legitimate questions that need to be answered NOW. Frankly, I don't think we can afford to wait and see how things "play out." If you have any factual information that can help answer these questions, please share it. As for me, I am going to continue to look into this and I will share what other information I can as it becomes available to me.
    The sign of intelligent people is their ability to control emotions
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    -- Marya Mannes (1904-1990) American Journalist

  3. #33
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    Jun 2005
    I would just like to point out that Canna was found GUILTY after the first hearing. The procedural problem does not negate that. He got off on a "technicality." So, he HAS been found guilty. They already proved it.

  4. #34
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    Originally posted by left wing
    I would just like to point out that Canna was found GUILTY after the first hearing. The procedural problem does not negate that. He got off on a "technicality." So, he HAS been found guilty. They already proved it.
    Left wing, thank you for sharing your view. It is very helpful because it raises an important point that I neglected to mention. I think your statement accurately reflects the view of a number of people, including the three primary board members supporting this criminal investigation – Grelick, McGuire and Woodward. That view, as you concisely state, is that Canna is guilty and all we are doing in the second proceeding is correcting the procedural error or glitch that resulted in the first proceeding being thrown out.

    This is something that I've looked into and here's the problem with that viewpoint. It violates Mr. Canna's rights under the law. As I understand it, it's similar to a case where there is a mistrial declared in a criminal proceeding. Under those circumstances, an entirely new trial has to be held with a new jury and the evidence has to be presented again. The new jury cannot rely upon anything that occurred in the first proceeding lest it render the second proceeding a mistrial as well. Two of the aforementioned board members have already publicly stated that they believe Canna is guilty thereby giving him a strong argument that the second proceeding is a nullity as well.

    The conclusion that Canna is guilty of at least some of the charges was reached by the hearing officer in the first case and thereafter, the Town Board adopted some aspects of that report and recommendation and rejected others in its decision to terminate Canna's employment in December 2003. Both the report and recommendation and the Board's ultimate decision to fire Canna were judicially determined to be null and void in a decision issued by our state court in July 2004. Therefore, as I understand it, from a legal perspective, it's like it never happened.

    But there's more. We have been led to believe that this procedural glitch that rendered the first hearing null and void was the only issue raised by Canna. I have checked into this and found out that is not the case. Apparently, Canna raised a number of other procedural issues (including the timeliness of the charges and various procedural and substantive errors made by the hearing officer) that could have resulted in the same result – dismissal of the case – but were never reached by the court because the first procedural objection was fatal to the entire proceeding. Additionally, Canna also challenged the decision on the merits and would have been entitled to have that reviewed by the court but again, it never reached that point because of the fatal procedural error.

    The bottom line is that even if the current proceeding is ultimately determined to be procedurally valid, which is far from certain given the way it has been handled, the Town still has to prevail on the merits in court and establish that the record being produced in this second hearing supports its position on the merits. And whatever problems the Town would have had defending its position on the merits in the first case, it seems to me that it has even more problems doing so this time, particularly given recent events.

    Remember, in the first case and up until recently, we were told that it was Canna's fault and that after we got rid of him and brought in Watkins, everything began to work properly. In other words, it was a management problem and once we solved the management problem, the issues were resolved. The decision by the hearing officer in the first proceeding and the Board's subsequent decision to terminate Mr. Canna reflected this viewpoint.

    Well, if it gets to the merits this second time around, we've got a little bit more of a problem because with respect to the merits, we now have to explain why we are contradicting the position we took in the first case and claiming that the project does not work right, has continued to be mismanaged and that the employees have continued to thwart the project by engaging in dishonest and criminal conduct including sabotage. Canna is going to have a field day with this one.

    I guess anything is possible but I certainly would not want to be trying to sell that theory to a court. And who do we have to thank for this predicament, well, you already know the answer to that one . . .
    The sign of intelligent people is their ability to control emotions
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    -- Marya Mannes (1904-1990) American Journalist

  5. #35
    Member absolivious's Avatar
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    This could get interesting.

    Hey, U'dog,
    You want to elaborate?

    Ex-Treatment Plant Operator to Sue Town (BFLO NEWS)

    Regarding the accuracy of the middle sentence in the very last paragraph:
    The first hearing was dismissed because of a procedural error by Weiss and Gradl.
    As I recall blame for that procedural error lies elsewhere... Does it not?

  6. #36
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Buffalo, New York, United States
    I understand that we paid these two attorneys approximately $175,000 for the first proceeding alone (in addition to the $125,000 paid to the first hearing officer and the approximately $100,000 paid to the first court reporter) and we are now paying them again for the second proceeding. Why didn't we get someone new who could do it right the first time and, if appropriate, hold these attorneys responsible for the fact that the first hearing was declared null and void due to a procedural error?
    Exactly what type of lawyers did the town need and what was thier hourly rate. Doesn't legal fees upwards of $175,000 and $125,000 seem rather high? Or does the town have a group of connected pricey lawyers it tends to use?

  7. #37
    Join Date
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    Re: This could get interesting.

    Originally posted by absolivious
    Hey, U'dog,
    You want to elaborate?

    Ex-Treatment Plant Operator to Sue Town (BFLO NEWS)

    Regarding the accuracy of the middle sentence in the very last paragraph:

    The first hearing was dismissed because of a procedural error by Weiss and Gradl.

    As I recall blame for that procedural error lies elsewhere... Does it not?

    Tom Dolan wrote the article so I guess you'd have to ask him why he feels that way. However, that being said, in my opinion, it's a fair statement at least based upon my understanding of the facts. As I understand it, Weiss and Gradl were hired in early 2001 to conduct an investigation in support of the charges that were ultimately filed against Canna in May 2001. Therefore, both attorneys were on board and representing the town at the time the formal process against Canna was initiated. It is also my understanding that the attorneys drafted the charges and served those charges upon Canna to initiate the procedure. From what I've been able to determine, prior to serving those charges, they should have obtained a proper board resolution authorizing the proceeding and designating the hearing officer and served that resolution on Canna along with the charges. And it's noteworthy that this was not some esoteric rule, it's right in the law that describes the procedure that must be followed. Furthermore, the primary court case that Canna relied upon in getting the entire first proceeding thrown out was a case out of Blasdell, NY, involving – are you ready for this – the chief operator of its waste water treatment plant. This case directly states that the hearing officer must be designated in writing, otherwise the entire proceeding is defective. It seems reasonable to have expected these attorneys to have read and understood the procedure to be followed, to have been aware of this case and to have advised the Town Board that it was necessary to pass a formal resolution to properly initiate the procedure and designate the hearing officer.

    Incidentally, I understand that is the way it was done the second time around in June of 2004 and the attorneys were responsible for handling that procedural step the second time. Therefore, since the Town was paying them to represent it in the charges against Canna at the time that procedural step needed to be followed, I think is fair to hold them accountable for the fact that it was not followed.

    I think Grelick should all so be held responsible since she is the Town Supervisor and the one who brought the charges against Canna. We should also add Bowers and Johnson to the list since it seems to me that they are the ones who initially came up with the bright idea to go after Canna, which has created this mess that we're currently in.

    Some people have suggested that Bob McCarthy should take the blame since he is the Personnel Director. However, as I understand it, McCarthy was not actively involved in the process because he wanted nothing to do with it. In fact, I remember hearing that McCarthy told Canna that he wanted nothing to do with it and that he was sorry for what was happening. I'm going to try to find the exact quote that was reported and if I can locate it, I'll post it here.

    That's my take but I would be interested as to who you think is responsible and why.
    Last edited by Underdog; August 9th, 2005 at 04:36 PM.
    The sign of intelligent people is their ability to control emotions
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    -- Marya Mannes (1904-1990) American Journalist

  8. #38
    Member absolivious's Avatar
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    Re: Re: This could get interesting.

    Originally posted by Underdog
    Tom Dolan wrote the article so I guess you'd have to ask him why he feels that way. (or maybe who's been feeding him)
    I think Grelick should all so be held responsible
    (-BULLSEYE!) since she is the Town Supervisor and the one who brought the charges against Canna. We should also add Bowers and Johnson (Yes indeed!) to the list since it seems to me that they are the ones who initially came up with the bright idea to go after Canna, which has created this mess that were currently in.

    That's my take but I would be interested as to who you think is responsible and why.
    Who: You answered for me above - very appropriately
    Why: diversion for CYA - all around
    How (for possible bonus points): She's a one-woman PR machine and the engineering-ese laden BS at council meetings is starting to catch up with all three of them.

  9. #39
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    I found it – McCarthy's statement to Canna

    I found the actual quote of Bob McCarthy's statement to Canna. Apparently, McCarthy made this statement to Canna in a face-to-face conversation that occurred in the town hall parking lot in August 2001 shortly after the first proceeding got underway.

    Canna's attorney made a point of repeating the statement at the special board meeting in December 2003, which ended in the board voting 4 to 1 (Grelick, McGuire, Woodward and Wojtowicz voted for dismissal and Ward voted against – Schratz and Kindel did not show) to fire Canna. Here it is:


    "I am really sorry for what is happening." "I never wanted to get involved in it." "It’s a real ****ty [bad] thing, what they are trying to do to you."


    As far as I know, McCarthy has never disputed that he said this to Canna. Sure sounds like an admission to me that the charges against Canna are not legitimate and never should have been pursued.
    The sign of intelligent people is their ability to control emotions
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    -- Marya Mannes (1904-1990) American Journalist

  10. #40
    Member Smiley's Avatar
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    Weiss and Gradl are out of control and the powers to be in the Town of Amherst must be taken to task for allowing them to run amok. They (The Town Attorney's) obviously don't have enough to finish the Section 75 hearing for the hearing officer to find Canna guilty, so they go on the "Witch Hunt" in other directions and try to find fault with other plant employees. Of course it has to be sabotage or other "criminal" activity. How else will those two Attorney's continue to get paid.

    It is a fact that the plant won a national award from the EPA in 1998 for operations and maintenance. That is a testament to the skill and dedication of the operators at that facility. Despite all they have had to deal with with Bowers and Johnson, the charges against Canna, the operators have managed to keep that plant in compliance. And what thanks do they get, criminal charges by these two town attorneys.

    If the plant has not been running up too its full capacity for all these years, Why hasn't Bowers made the necessary changes??

    The way I see it, Canna is not the bad guy. He is the Fall guy ! and so are all of the operators in the plant ! When this criminal investigation goes sour, and it will, what is next ? Who is next?

    How much more money is the Town going to pay these two Attorneys for the screw ups they have made.

    Are we having fun yet ?

  11. #41
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    I am sure some of the Town Board members or individuals close to them check this website. They all should be accountable for their actions in this case. As I stated before, they are turning their efforts to making a scapegoat out of some decent employees. I as a taxpayer should wish that the union that is sueing the Town do not win their case, but part of me would like these members put in their place. I spoke with a former employee of this department and he said that the Town has regressed to a point it was in the 70's. What could happen is the town will have a hard time finding qualified people to take the exams for important positions. Once again, why are efforts being made to investigate the assistant department head and his numerous actions (or lack of)? Has anyone ever audited the Engineering Dept. budget? I think people would find it is more confusing than the City of Buffalo's!

  12. #42
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    As someone said "Opinions are like a-holes---everyone has one". The posts are not presenting facts-only opinions. Granted there are some leaks from people like Dan Ward. But these are slanted toward his self interest. It's the political season. For me, I'll wait and see what the investigation reveals.

  13. #43
    Member TheRightView's Avatar
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    Re: Opinions

    Originally posted by Dvoakley
    As someone said "Opinions are like a-holes---everyone has one". The posts are not presenting facts-only opinions. Granted there are some leaks from people like Dan Ward. But these are slanted toward his self interest. It's the political season. For me, I'll wait and see what the investigation reveals.
    And then what..complain if it does not go your way. I doubt you could not stop yourself even if you try. Although that would prove to be more interesting then the results of the investigation.

  14. #44
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    Re: Opinions

    Originally posted by Dvoakley
    As someone said "Opinions are like a-holes---everyone has one". The posts are not presenting facts-only opinions. Granted there are some leaks from people like Dan Ward. But these are slanted toward his self interest. It's the political season. For me, I'll wait and see what the investigation reveals.
    And while you wait, millions more of our taxpayer dollars are being wasted.
    The sign of intelligent people is their ability to control emotions
    by the application of reason.

    -- Marya Mannes (1904-1990) American Journalist

  15. #45
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    Can you tell me how much it would have cost if the pelletization project had not been started and the sludge had to sent to landfills? Right now you are listening to the political spin from the politicos who are up for election.
    Like Sgt. Friday used to say "Just the facts please".

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