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Thread: Town Board Police Merger Minutes

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Town Board Police Merger Minutes

    Although the Buffalo News article aptly presented a summary of the events that transpired at the joint meeting between the Lancaster Town and Lancaster Village Boards re the town’s purchase of the former Colecraft plant on Walden Avenue for use as a police facility, I have the opportunity to utilize more space to give a better perspective as to what occurred. I wrote this correspondence using my notes, have not edited any of my notes, or expressed any personal impressions.

    Lancaster Village Mayor William Cansdale opened the dialogue by stating that the building purchase process came as a surprise to him as he was not made aware of the movement until most recently.

    Although he was pleased as to the mergers success regarding police performance and tax savings, he was disappointed as to the lack of communication and consideration regarding the movement to purchase the Colecraft building.

    Mayor Cansdale then inquired as to how the purchase price was established. Town Supervisor, Robert Giza, informed Mr. Cansdale that the asking price was 1.9 million; they negotiated that down to 1.6 million, and added another $30,000 for the furniture, computers, etc. on site.

    Supervisor Giza continued that the 74,000 sq. ft. building, which sat on 8 acres, was large enough to accommodate the police department, dressing rooms, a target range, cold storage, all police needs and still be large enough for future needs. The building had been examined by architects and found to be structurally sound.

    Supervisor Giza added that the Middle School building was considered too big and too expensive to operate. At the present location, and at the Village Municipal building parking is found to be inadequate. This will all change with the purchase of the Colecraft building.

    Mr. Giza stated that the estimates for a new facility that would meet all police needs would cost 7–8 million dollars. The city of Buffalo recently built a new18,000 sq. ft. police facility at a cost of 3.2 million.

    Mayor Cansdale then recommended that a comprehensive analysis should be performed to determine square foot costs. “What are 74,000 sq. ft. buildings selling for in a depressed area like ours”, asked the Mayor. He then stated that there were no in-depth studies performed to determine interior conversion costs. “The taxpayers should get the biggest bang for the buck”, stated the Mayor.

    The Mayor then went on to relate that the consolidation was successful because the line of communication between the town and Village was open and that studies were performed to ensure cost savings would be realized. He then closed by saying, “Our current Village Municipal building suffices our needs. An analysis should be done on both buildings to remove subjectivity”.

    Supervisor Giza then stated that if the police department had told him they preferred the Village Municipal building, we would not have pursued this. “I was following the police choice”, said Giza. “Money is cheap to borrow right now”, he added.

    Village Trustee Jeff Stribing then questioned whether any of the police officers have an engineering degree that would allow them to make a quality determination. He added that the merger had been successful because due process had been followed. But not so in this situation. Mr. Stribing then stated, “We need to know the costs to mediate the building to meet required need. We already have a pistol range, a power back-up system, and once the adjacent building is removed, adequate parking”.
    Trustee O’Brien then spoke and added that the Colecraft purchase may be the right move, but we won’t know that until we know the costs of the renovation. He also questioned the consequences of taking the Colecraft building off the tax rolls. This would also have to be considered in the analysis. Trustee Stribbing agreed with Mr. O’Brien’s comments.

    Supervisor Giza interjected that former Police Chief Thomas Fowler had approached him six to seven years ago on building a new police facility and the costs then were estimated at 6-7 million dollars. This purchase was a reasonable price.

    Mayor Cansdale then reiterated that the process used for the merger is not being followed here. “We can’t ignore the tax payers”, said the Mayor. Mr. Cansdale than informed the audience that the Village was the only municipality that lowered taxes this year – because of the merger.

    Supervisor Giza requested Town Police Chief Gary Stoldt express his opinion on the purchase. Chief Stoldt related that he worked at the Municipal Building for 37 years and can state with conviction that the building is inadequate for current police needs. Chief Stoldt told both boards, in no uncertain terms, that they should stop jerking the police department around. Studies will only delay the project”’ said the Chief.

    Said the Chef, “Do what’s best for the cops for a change. Don’t treat us as second- class citizens. Where are you going to put the vehicles, locker rooms, and etc. if you consider the Municipal Building? The new building fits our needs. The architects say its perfect. We’re tired of getting seconds. When can we do this?”

    Mayor Cansdale countered with the fact that the ultimate costs are not known. As to satisfying police needs, 2.1 million dollars were spent to satisfy officers in the merger. Police salaries and benefits exceed the private sector. It is now time to consider the taxpayers.

    Chief Stoldt interjected that the present situation is not working. “It’s a piecemeal situation”, said the Chief. “Courts and police here, records there, etc.”.

    Officer Romano(?) supported his Chief’s position by stating that they would never run out of room at Colecraft.

    Town Supervisor Giza declared that the police are the experts and know what the needs are. “Why spend 40-50 thousand dollars on a study?” asked Mr. Giza. “We study everything to death”, he added.

    Village Mayor Cansdale then reiterated his three points of contention
    1) The Villages should be held harmless
    2) We have a depressed area and we want to take a building off the tax rolls
    3) Need a study like the one that made the consolidation successful

    Supervisor Giza then countered, “You think it’s important, than you pay for the study”

    Cansdale said, “We will share the costs, like we did with the merger”.

    Giza – “If it costs a total of 4 million dollars, we will still be cheaper and bigger.”

    Frank DeCarlo, an audience member, interjected that he was a contractor in the renovation business and offered the following:
    1) “It all boils down to what the costs are.”
    2) “At 4-5 million dollars, how will the costs be distributed to the taxpayers?”
    3) “We need to move on, but the process should be followed.”

    Supervisor Giza – “Consultants would work on bidding out contracts. We need to satisfy their (police) needs”.

    Mayor Cansdale – “How much money do we need to satisfy their (police) needs and wants?”

    Supervisor Giza – We want to give them the tools to become the best police department in the state – at a reasonable cost. Some day the Depew Village police will merge with the town and they will profit from this.”

    Mayor Cansdale – “There are too many variable costs that have not been taken into consideration. The people should have a voice in this.”

    Supervisor Giza – “Don’t think I am going to be intimidated by referendum!”

    Trustee O’Brien – “Call Trautman (consultant) and get study cost. We are not adverse to the building, but to the process.

    Supervisor Giza –“Clough Harbour & Associates (consultants) and Trautman (consultants) said it’s a good deal.”

    Supervisor Giza – “ We have been 4 months into the project. We have to move. Others are interested in the building”.

    Trustee O’Brien – Hasn’t this building been on the market for the last two years?”

    Mayor Cansdale then took exception to Lancaster’s Town Board Council Member Stempniak’s assertions that the Mayor would not have been interested in this project if it had concerned the highway building. He also found it offensive that Ms. Stempniak question as to why the Village was involved with this project considering the merger had been completed. Mayor Cansdale informed Ms. Stempniak that the Village was a contributor to the general police fund and as such was still involved

    Trustee Stribing – “The process that was used successfully in the merger should have been used 3-4 months ago when you first considered making a move. You do yourself an injustice in the political climate by not presenting the facts to the public. How could you have passed a bond resolution at the last Board meeting without knowing the final costs?”

    Trustee Marino – Are there any other bidders interested in the building?”

    Supervisor Giza – “Not to my knowledge.”

    Trustee Marino – “If there are no other bidders, than why the rush?”

    Officer Romano(?) – Questioned why the Village was now making such a big deal out of this when it was stated in the merger proposal that a new facility would be needed in the future. Why wasn’t it properly addressed than?

    Mayor Cansdale – Stated that the majority of the time was spent working on the police contracts to satisfy their needs and wants. Further more, as to facility needs, it was agreed that up to 80 thousand dollars would be spent to renovate the Municipal Building to meet current needs. There was nothing definitive in the plan to indicate another facility was imminent.

    The meeting then ended with no conclusive decision as to further action or direction.

    The only personal observation I will make here and now, is that the subject matter discussed at this meeting concerns the same inquiry and questions asked of the Lancaster Town Board at the May 5th Town Board meeting by activist resident Henry Gull. Henry was derided by the Supervisor and Town Attorney as being trite and petty for asking such questions and informed they were none of his concern.

    Lee Chowaniec

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Talking Old habits revisited !

    History repeats itself or habitual deception !
    Below are partial quotes from an article posted here on SUWNY-May 14th, 2003-concerning the purchase of the Walden Ave. Colecraft Building.
    The inserts in blue are my comments.

    Quote Originally Posted by pudge
    TheBuffalo News article aptly presented a summary of the events that transpired at the joint meeting between the Lancaster Town and Lancaster Village Boards re: the town’s purchase of the former Colecraft plant on Walden Avenue for use as a police facility.

    Mayor Cansdale then inquired as to how the purchase price was established. Town Supervisor, Robert Giza, informed Mr. Cansdale that the asking price was $1.9 million; they negotiated that down to $1.6 million, and added another $30,000 for the furniture, computers, etc. on site.
    No complete list of items or values was presented -
    what did tax payers get for the extra $30,000.00 ?

    *Supervisor Giza continued that the 74,000 sq. ft. building , which sat on 8 acres , was large enough to accommodate the police department , dressing rooms , a target range , cold storage , all police needs and still be large enough for future needs . The building had been examined by architects and found to be structurally sound.*
    Seems to be some recent debate about it being large enough?

    Supervisor Giza interjected that former Police Chief Thomas Fowler had approached him six to seven years ago on building a new police facility and the costs then were estimated at $6-$7 million dollars. This purchase was a reasonable price .
    Construction costs are steadily rising -
    still no true improvements done or completion scheduled .

    Giza – “If it costs a total of $4 million dollars, we will still be cheaper and bigger.”
    Common mans translation : Its only tax money and were helping a friend .

    Mayor Cansdale – “There are too many variable costs that have not been taken into consideration. The people should have a voice in this.”

    Supervisor Giza – “Don’t think I am going to be intimidated by referendum!”

    Translation :As long as I am Lancaster Town Supervisor - it will be done my way , who needs a "Public" vote!

    Supervisor Giza – “ We have been 4 months into the project. We have to move. Others are interested in the building”.

    Did he say , "Others are interested in the Building ?"

    Trustee O’Brien – Hasn’t this building been on the market for the last two years?”

    Trustee Stribing – “You do yourself an injustice in the political climate by not presenting the facts to the public. How could you have passed a bond resolution at the last Board meeting without knowing the final costs?”

    Trustee Marino – Are there any other bidders interested in the building?”

    Supervisor Giza – “Not to my knowledge.”

    Didn't he say , "Others are interested in this building?"

    Trustee Marino – “If there are no other bidders, than why the rush?”

    {Partial excerpts from a article by

    Lee Chowaniec}

    As usual taxpayers and even other local officials are mis-lead / misinformed by Supervisor Bob Giza and Council Mates . We still have not been privileged to know their ultimate plan for the Colecraft site . Tax payers have spent $1.6 million dollars /plus lost tax income - so far - as far as we have been told .

    Also , there was a "site Plan Proposal" for the property on the North/West Corner area of Pavement & PLEASANTVIEW - for another Lancaster Municipal Facility to be built - including Court/Municipal and Police Center - even before the Colecraft Building was purchased .

    So just where and when will this deception end ?

    What will be the final cost to Lancaster's Tax Payers ?

    Last edited by 4248; July 13th, 2007 at 01:34 AM.
    #Dems play musical chairs + patronage and nepotism = entitlement !

  3. #3
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Buffalo, New York, United States
    This is an example of what happens in a lot of governmental departments. Why? Because people get elected on popularity and who they know, not for what they know.

    That building could easily still be on the tax rolls.... And seeing it would of still been for sale they could of gotten it for a song and dance the longer they waited.

    In my opinion it was a stupid move by the people that got elected to run the town.

    how many residents are in lancaster? Divid that into 1.6 mil plus the loss of 4 years of property taxes from that building.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Here comes da judge!

    Judge Dwan appeared before the Town Board recently to inform the board that there was no drug abuse epidemic in Lancaster, in the school district or the town, yet he advised them that they needed to form a a narcotics squad, made of of two detectives and an SRO officer at the Middle School. No problem, but we need to hire more personnel!

    He then went on to say that although he knew the town has been working on putting up a new police station, the town needs to move forward on a police ad court facility. The police have to be under one roof.

    Dwan complained he was going to the Walden site to see detectives and issue search warrants, to the court for trials and search warrants and so on.

    Dwan suggested that the police and courts should be put into Walden Avenue temporarily - doing a temporary fix on it and then selling it or using it for something else for the community.

    Dwan advised the board to buy the property in front of the police building out on Pavement Road, level the whole thing and build a police station out there.

    That was when Ron "Clocks" Ruffino brought up the fact that there was still a lawsuit in place holding up the process - which he was dead wrong on. The suit was never an impediment to getting the Walden Avenue white elephant going. The town underestimated the cost to refurbish it.

    Giza interjected that he just got a grant from the Empire State Development for $350,000. "I am beating the bushes for money for the station."

    Giza said that they want to get the station up ASAP, but that other priorities came up water lines ($8 million), equipment, etc.. "We would all like to have a new car in the garage and go to Hawaii, but can't do everything at once."

    The town would have gotten more public support if they had opted to build a new facility from the get go instead of making backdoor deals and underestimating costs of making the building viable. That building presents a deplorable image for the Town of Lancaster and is not appropriately geographically situated.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Wink Judge Dwahn is playing his part well !

    Quote Originally Posted by pudge
    Here comes da judge!

    Judge Dwan appeared before the Town Board recently to inform the board that there was no drug abuse epidemic in Lancaster, in the school district or the town, yet he advised them that they needed to form a a narcotics squad, made of of two detectives and an SRO officer at the Middle School. No problem, but we need to hire more personnel!

    He then went on to say that although he knew the town has been working on putting up a new police station, the town needs to move forward on a police and court facility. The police have to be under one roof.

    Dwan complained he was going to the Walden site to see detectives and issue search warrants, to the court for trials and search warrants and so on.

    Bingo ! Dwan suggested that the police and courts should be put into Walden Avenue temporarily - doing a temporary fix on it and then selling it or using it for something else for the community.

    Dwan advised the board to buy the property in front of the police building out on Pavement Road, level the whole thing and build a police station out there.

    That was when Ron "Clocks" Ruffino brought up the fact that there was still a lawsuit in place holding up the process - which he was dead wrong on. The suit was never an impediment to getting the Walden Avenue white elephant going. The town underestimated the cost to refurbish it.

    Giza interjected that he just got a grant from the Empire State Development for $350,000. "I am beating the bushes for money for the station."

    Giza said that they want to get the station up ASAP, but that other priorities came up water lines ($8 million), equipment, etc.. "We would all like to have a new car in the garage and go to Hawaii, but can't do everything at once."

    The town would have gotten more public support if they had opted to build a new facility from the get go instead of making backdoor deals and underestimating costs of making the building viable. That building presents a deplorable image for the Town of Lancaster and is not appropriately geographically situated.

    Could the cat finally be slipping out of the bag ?

    Lets see , Court / Police - Combined facility ?

    Pavement & Pleasantview ?

    x-Judge Dwahn said , "Temporarily." - move them into the Walden/Cole-craft Building ?

    Now , lets suppose - Judge Dwahn is retiring - so on his way out - he gets suddenly highly visible - you know at Town Board Meetings and with the Media (Buff News and Bee News Group).

    He has been a loyal Party person for - well as long as anyone has known him.

    So now he starts dropping these little "Public" pearls of wisdom. We need this , we need that . We have no problems but , we need to spend a few million tax dollars to fix things . When he too has known the "Real" plans for our "Law Enforcement/Courts system " all along .

    Like the x-Police chief ( you remember him- the parking ticket guy) - hasn't his last requests been sighted allot associated with the need for the Cole-craft building . Remember how visible/vocal he was just before leaving !

    It seems to be a pattern with Lancaster Supervisor Bob (the Builder) Giza and Company . They have always come up with a story about the needs of others when it benefits them .

    Lets see if we can sort this out : x-chief Fowler says , we need a new bigger better police building ! The Cole-craft building is purchased $1.6million tax dollars + +.

    Now the "Retiring" Judge says , we need to combine the Cops and Courts . We wouldn't want Mr.Montour to be seated in the present building - its not fit for a man of his status !

    The Town Board Continues to blow smoke ( Ruffino's false/misleading statements ) to keep Lancaster's tax payers confused and misled !

    There was a proposed site plan drawing presented to the Lancaster Town Board years ago - showing a Police/Court/Municipal complex at Pleasantview and Pavement .

    Where Oh Where does the deception end ?

    When will they ever tell the "True Story ?"

    Is laying land mines (major hidden future ex$penditure$) for taxpayer$ the underlying strategy of our Lancaster Town Board & Town Attorney ?

    As will be said at our "Wizard of OZ" Festival - Follow - follow - follow the yellow brick road $ $

    #Dems play musical chairs + patronage and nepotism = entitlement !

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