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Thread: The Solution is to Live Within Our Means

  1. #1
    Member gonerail's Avatar
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    Thumbs up The Solution is to Live Within Our Means

  2. #2
    Member nickelcityhomes's Avatar
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    The best part is at the end when Army says that some people are gonna have to eat it. I'll bet my last dollar none of the people he is referring to hold an elected office.

    Best of luck to the keynesians in their glorious quest to save a drowning man by throwing him an anchor.
    Most of all I like bulldozers and dirt

  3. #3
    Member MartoQ's Avatar
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    Best solution is to live...... Wow been doing that all my life...but you know what I want a little more than that and By God I am going to have it!!!
    Last edited by MartoQ; January 15th, 2009 at 02:06 AM. Reason: Stick that in your pipe and smoke it!
    Even Dictators have to respect the will of the pawns, for without their obedience, they have no power at all!

  4. #4
    "Fiscal Child Abuse"


    I bet they didn't say that when the Illustrious Bushi started this inane and expensive war in Iraq.

    How much has been spent on that now?

  5. #5
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
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    Buffalo, New York, United States
    Quote Originally Posted by justKel View Post
    "Fiscal Child Abuse"


    I bet they didn't say that when the Illustrious Bushi started this inane and expensive war in Iraq.

    How much has been spent on that now?
    Ron Paul has been against the war in Iraq since day one.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by justKel View Post
    "Fiscal Child Abuse"


    I bet they didn't say that when the Illustrious Bushi started this inane and expensive war in Iraq.

    How much has been spent on that now?

    About 1/3 as much as we've spent on illegals in the same time frame!

  7. #7
    Member run4it's Avatar
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    So Paul's solution is to "live within our means." Implicit there is that we haven't lived within our means to this point (or at least haven't been for a long time). So we all have to cut back on our lavish styles, both as a nation and as individuals. And Ron Paul is a political genious (yeah, that's sarcastic, though I don't disagree with his point here).

    But when Obama puts it a different way and says "we will all have to sacrifice," meaning we all will have to cut back and "live within our means," he's a horrible socialist who is going to end America as we know it.

    But your being a dick

  8. #8
    Member Save Us's Avatar
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    How does that work when two thirds of our economy is based on consumer spending? If this is what is like with artificial propping up for all these years I hate to see what will happen if people really do start living within their means,, which by the way is going to be lower in any case.

  9. #9
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    How about giving us our means so that we can live

    Limit taxes to just a federal, state and county tax and let us use the rest of our income to live. Of course, this would mean government would have to learn live within their means

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by run4it View Post

    But when Obama puts it a different way and says "we will all have to sacrifice," meaning we all will have to cut back and "live within our means," he's a horrible socialist who is going to end America as we know it.


    So Obama simply means we just have to live with-in our means? Awesome.

    Here most thinking people believed he meant that those of us that work, and those of us that make a healthy living will have to "sacrifice" more of our hard earned money to support those who don't.

    Hell, Obama should clarify his remarks, I'm sure somebody as smart as him will get right on that and clear up any confusion.

  11. #11
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
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    Quote Originally Posted by run4it View Post
    So Paul's solution is to "live within our means." Implicit there is that we haven't lived within our means to this point (or at least haven't been for a long time). So we all have to cut back on our lavish styles, both as a nation and as individuals. And Ron Paul is a political genious (yeah, that's sarcastic, though I don't disagree with his point here).

    But when Obama puts it a different way and says "we will all have to sacrifice," meaning we all will have to cut back and "live within our means," he's a horrible socialist who is going to end America as we know it.

    I think he meant his "sacrifice" was those who have will sacrifice even more for those who do not. By force mind you in the form of taxes.

  12. #12
    Member Mr. Lackawanna's Avatar
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    More Entitlements?

    Quote Originally Posted by run4it View Post
    So Paul's solution is to "live within our means." Implicit there is that we haven't lived within our means to this point (or at least haven't been for a long time). So we all have to cut back on our lavish styles, both as a nation and as individuals. And Ron Paul is a political genious (yeah, that's sarcastic, though I don't disagree with his point here).

    But when Obama puts it a different way and says "we will all have to sacrifice," meaning we all will have to cut back and "live within our means," he's a horrible socialist who is going to end America as we know it.


    As a country we must live within our means I do and don't see why our country can't. I don't care about Ron Paul at all. What I care about is President Obama saying we all have to cut back and sacrifice. Have we heard any details about what will be cut back and who will sacrifice? Will big government get smaller? Will there be any sacrifices to those that receive entitlements? How about the waste in our education system. Until I hear more about his plan, I will remain a pessimist. I fear that those that are receiving will always get more and those that are paying will always pay more. I for one am tired of paying.
    Russia didn't make me vote for Trump, Hillary did.

  13. #13
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Lackawanna View Post
    As a country we must live within our means I do and don't see why our country can't. I don't care about Ron Paul at all. What I care about is President Obama saying we all have to cut back and sacrifice. Have we heard any details about what will be cut back and who will sacrifice? Will big government get smaller? Will there be any sacrifices to those that receive entitlements? How about the waste in our education system. Until I hear more about his plan, I will remain a pessimist. I fear that those that are receiving will always get more and those that are paying will always pay more. I for one am tired of paying.

    What is Obama's salary? What is the salary for each congress person and federal/state government employee.... When we see across the board cuts in salaries then we have sacrifice... otherwise it's just others paying more.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by WNYresident View Post
    What is Obama's salary? What is the salary for each congress person and federal/state government employee.... When we see across the board cuts in salaries then we have sacrifice... otherwise it's just others paying more.

    he makes 400K with a 200K a year pension! Congress people and senators can make anywhere from 150 to 300K depending on how many committee's your on and your title, ofcourse they get a pension too!
    "I know you guys enjoy reading my stuff because it all makes sense. "

    Dumbest post ever! Thanks for the laugh PO!

  15. #15
    Member 300miles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Save Us View Post
    How does that work when two thirds of our economy is based on consumer spending? If this is what is like with artificial propping up for all these years I hate to see what will happen if people really do start living within their means,, which by the way is going to be lower in any case.
    You hit the nail on the head! Our economy is not supported by people saving their money! Over the decades it has been propped up from everyone spending as much as they can... and then even more by going into debt. Debt had been made very easy to obtain via credit cards, low interest rates, and mortgages that don't even require down payments. THIS is how our economy boomed. It's coming to a screeching halt people people are (rightfully) afraid to spend now.

    The "right" thing to do is to live within our means, but unfortunately, that policy will not improve our economy for years, until the whole system is realigned to reality. It will be a painful switch. The more likely scenario is the govt will attempt to prop up the debt/credit house of cards again and hope we all forget anything happened.

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