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Thread: Who else?!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Who else?!

    After a brief but much needed and refreshing reprieve (from that last thread), I'm here to tell you that no one, but no one, has the passion, conviction and resolve to bring about desperately needed reform to Erie County government than Rus Thompson.

    Rus has a wealth of knowledge about the issues that far exceeds most incumbents, he has a dogged determination to downsize government, reduce burdensome taxes, and cut the waste, fraud and abuse that has oppressed the hard-working citizens of this region, and yes, he has supported men and women of integrity, regardless of their political affiliation. His leadership is needed NOW, not entrenched bureaucrats creating greater divides -- which is why the Republican "leadership" didn't even enter his name into nomination for endorsement. After repeated requests, they didn't even give him the courtesy of an interview. Is that not their reasonable service?

    But that's what the monolithic, collective mindsets of the parties are designed to do -- maintain the status quo. Therein lies the beauty of Primary Challenge, of which Rus is co-founder. It's primary purpose is to challenge the major party endorsements in the Primaries, where incumbents and puppets who are handcuffed to the parties are most vulnerable.

    I apologize for not jumping in sooner, but we are just private citizens attempting to... break on through to the other side, and bring about some long overdue positive change. Over a half a century of decline is quite enough, don't you agree?

    ~Mrs. Mayor

  2. #2
    Member Nicolas II's Avatar
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    Mar 2005
    Thank you for bringing Rus Thompson into this arena. However, the thing that bothers me about the candidates is that they are merely expelling platitudes and cliche's into the political arena. All of them want to cut waste, patronage and spending...........Who doesn't want a smaller government? Who doesn't want less tax? Who doesn't want two chikens in every pot? The issue, at least for me, is what makes the candidate think that he or she has the acumen to get these results and what is the actual plan for generating results? Cutting taxes and spending is one thing. Viability and growth is another. What is the role of County Government? Do we really need one, and if so, under what parameters? Not a single candidate has any solid plan. Very disheartening. And I wonder if any candidate has any understanding of the federal and state laws which have an impact on the County mechanics (and I am not referring to the fellas in the Parks Dept who keep the mowers running.........)

  3. #3
    Nick II,

    I understand your concerns. After leaving the republican committee in an unnamed Niagara county town I quit voting entirely. That will change this year as I make my way to the polls to pull Rus' lever. Rus is certainly a refreshment from the status quo. He has been open about his past dealings with government patsies (committee chairmen). Nor does he drive around in a leased Lincoln Towncar to give the false portrayal of a white collar professional. His conversations don't patronize. If you don't like what he is saying, don't vote for him because I am confident he will make every attempt to enact the "platitudes" and "cliches" he represents and expose the hypocrisy of the imcumbents.

    I've not always been a fan of Rus. It took me a long time to warm up to this guy, but I look forward to working with him.

    I've been wrong about politicians many times before, but I'm almost proud to have a guy like Rus running in my district. I don't see many quality candidates emerging from the other districts.

  4. #4
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    Nicholas II

    Who's not in favor of less governement and cutting taxes?

    My Legislator, Lynn Marinelli.

    She voted for every sales tax, every time.

    On March 3, the day the Legislature finally did some cutting, she was on TV saying, "I look forward to rescinding these cuts as soon as possible."

    To break the stranglehold these braindead party automatons have on the county needs the focused, organized effort that PC has offered. You may say that "Cutting taxes and spending is one thing." As if to dismiss that.

    It would be a huge change if we did "just" that.

    Cindy Locklear has advanced a detailed plan. So you can't say "no one."

    Then you go on to load on the burden of the federal and state governments on Erie County.

    That is a sure prescription for frustration and end up by saying "Nothing works; nothing changes; I'm not going to do anything."

    One step at a time.

    And turning out the entire Legislature would be a mighty big first step.
    Truth springs from argument among friends.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Blah, blather, platitudes, blah blah...

    Well it's not an advanced political science degree, nor is it overseeing budgets of large corporations and such.... Rus' history of activism and experience of forcefully engaging in local politics, and the ensuing success is certainly one of his greater assets. For instance, he forced the consolidation of our town's bldg, zoning & engineering depts -- simply by being informed and unrelenting in his efforts -- as a private citizen. But those are the kind of things you can read in his bio, on his website. Since he helped in establishing, among whose purposes are to assess the county budget from a professional perspective, he has that important resource to drawn upon. Bringing EC back to some modicum of normalcy is not something one man can do alone.

    He is committed to reform, irregardless of holding an office, and it's come at great personal sacrifice. He knows how to live on a budget, and he can teach county govt to do so too.

    I can tell you about his amazing capacity to obtain information no else can, or about his incredible breadth of knowledge, and his uncommon sense about resolving just about any issue put before him -- but you can certainly get a greater sense of that by meeting him personally. I encourage you to, and please contact him with anything under the sun through his website.

    You may not agree with him, but you will definitely know where he stands.

    ~Mrs. Mayor

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Zowie! Thanx Moonshine! You warm my heart!

  7. #7
    Member Nicolas II's Avatar
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    Mar 2005
    Please avoid the knee jerk reactions to my post. My complaint is this:

    Where are the cuts in taxes supposed to go? Has any candidate reviewed the County Budget line by line and concluded that certain jobs/lines are unnecessary? If so, then tell us.

    I agree that cuts are necessary, even demanded.......... But where, when and why? One cannot just cut arbitrarily--if that is the method, then shut the whole thing down entirely. Why limit the cuts? Cut it all............ But that is unrealistic, is it not? Something needs to remain. But what? I'd like the candidates to tell me their views.

    I do not mean to use the State and Federal "mandates" as an excuse ala Joel Giambra--but they must be weighed into the evaluation because they do exist, and anyone who says differently has a clear lack of understanding of inter governmental relationships and requirements. These federal and state constraints must be removed or lightened, and that is beyond the realm of County Government unless there is an effort to lobby for State and federal modifications from those governmental entities. Do I hear any candidate addressing this? Anyone ever heard of PERB, the New York State Civil Service Law, ERISA, etc. These problems are not the only reason the County is tetering, but they don't help and need to be addressed.

    I must say that Cindy Locklear impresses me, but I can't vote for her. I hope others do vote for her.

    Russ Thompson does not drive a Lincoln, but frankly, to quote an old Latin Proverb, "vestis virum reddit" - clothes make the man. I have seen the vehicle carrying the Russ Thompson logos and I am not impressed.

    Frankly, this Erie County dilemma is nothing more than a corporation floundering under mismanagment. Unlike a corporation which can hire four or five "qualified" MBA types to come in at $200,000 per year to fix the problem, we are seeking people to do it for $45k per year. Who in their right mind would do it for that? I hate to resort to another cliche' myself, but you often get what you pay for. When a Fortune 500 company is sinking, they bring in professional help--and those people do drive Lincolns (actually Mercedes).

  8. #8
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    Jul 2005

    Nick II,

    Please visit Rus' website.
    You say no candidate is addressing making Albany responsive to WNY, yet Rus does all the time.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Not a knee jerk reaction, but a thoughtful response to your thoughtful post.

    Candidates should not be specific about cuts, as that turns out to be a death-sentence, electorally. It mobilizes the potentially-effected constituency against you. Which is why the incumbent often uses that as a taunt against a promising challenger (a la "OK smarty-pants, what would you cut?"). Notice how reluctant the incumbents are to mention cuts.

    But the incumbents are the ones with the records and we should attack them relentlessly.

    I, on the other hand, am neither incumbent nor candidate. I have done a line by line review of the budget and I offer these specifics.

    At a community meeting, Majority Leader Marinelli said it would be "impossible" to cut another $100 million from the budget. "Not so" said I, "I have a five second fix."

    "What would that be" the nervous Marinelli queried. I continued,"The remaining budget is about $950 million. Move the decimal point one place to the left."

    "You'd cut $95 million at once. More importantly, you'd have a department by department, line by line, month by month plan already in place."

    "That would be horrible" said Marinelli.

    "Maybe" said I "but not 'impossible' as you just told these folks."

    Like all great ideas, Nick, this one probably seems to be too easy to be good.

    How about this for a specific: In his infamous "Red Budget, Darth Giambra said he could run his own office with $345 thousand, down a lot from $1.4 million in 2004. In their draconian budget of March 3, the Legislature gave him $1.1 million.

    When I asked Majority Leader Marinelli why they had given the CE $800 thousand more than he had asked, her response was "We did what?" accompanied by the blankest look you can imagine.

    Rus Thompson is an adult. He recognizes you have to make unpleasant, difficult decisions sometimes. I've only spoken with Rus a couple of times, but he's impressed me as someone who would do what adults know needs to be done.
    Truth springs from argument among friends.

  10. #10
    Member Nicolas II's Avatar
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    Mrs. Mayor---PLEASE do not take this as a slam against Rus, because I have nothing against him and may actually vote for him. The jury is out in that regard.

    But here is an issue for all of the PC and "independent" candidates. Successful government is run, largely, through a process of negotiation and politiking (sorry for the Communist spelling). It may be a repulsive concept to many, but it is reality nonetheless.

    Many of the PC candidates could not get endoresements from the political parties. In fact Rus, much to my surprise, was seeking the Republican nod and now seems miffed that he didn't get it.

    If these independent candidates cannot generate enough interest to get an endorsement, how are they going to generate any negotiating power with the controlling factors if elected? Would they not be de facto "lame ducks"?

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    NOt if several PC candidates were elected.

    By my count, with only three seats, PC could hold the balance of power and the Repubs/Dems would be knocking themselves out to court PC
    Truth springs from argument among friends.

  12. #12
    Member Nicolas II's Avatar
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    Biker--you are correct in many respects...especially regarding the "blank look". I am almost of the opinion the County Government, on an operating basis, has outgrown County Government on an electoral basis. In other words, maybe the bitter pill needs to be swallowed and the concept of elected officials be replaced with professional managers. I know it sounds drastic in theory, but I shudder at what we might get running the County if the voters elect "Joe Blow" off the street just out of spite.

  13. #13
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    Look where compromise has gotten us.
    We have a lame-duck legislature now.
    What's wrong with the Board of Supervisors we had back in the 70's? We have this whole new layer of govt that does nothing, and costs us a ton of money. Barry Weinstein seems to earn his pay, as he put forth many very good resolutions -- but they were put down, thrown away, not even considered for review, by the Democratic-controlled majority. So his time and our money was still wasted.

    Rus would vote himself out of a job, to be fiscally responsible.

    I know I'm not really answering your query, but surely someone with some spit and vinegar that won't quit, who's had a fair measure of success being "undiplomatic", will fare better than blank stares....

    ~Mrs. Mayor

  14. #14
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    I'm not ready to give up on the democratic alternative just yet.

    I think our Legislature is full of "blank and empty stares" because most of us didn't pay attention to it. I'm part of that group.

    Until this January, I didn't even know who my Legislator was. And I read the paper, listen to the news and am generally up on political news. But the County just wasn't on my radar.

    A perfect situation for the Parties to control who was in office. A jaded electorate meant the party could nominate one of their hacks and, with no opposition, have them elected.

    I think the interest generated by the County meltdown is one of the best things to happen to the County. I look forward to sweeping in a new set of faces. We'll see if the elections results in a new set of party hackes (i/e., no PC candidates win)

    If that happens, I'll probably sign up for the non-democratic alternative: hired, professional managers.
    Truth springs from argument among friends.

  15. #15
    Gold Member Night Owl's Avatar
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    Many of the PC candidates could not get endoresements from the political parties. In fact Rus, much to my surprise, was seeking the Republican nod and now seems miffed that he didn't get it.

    The PC candidates can't carry any Party endorsement, not even a minor Party. It's just one of the agreements the candidates make when they sign on with the Primary Challenge.

    I know it sounds drastic in theory, but I shudder at what we might get running the County if the voters elect "Joe Blow" off the street just out of spite.

    This concerns me as well. Some of these people don't know the first thing about reading a County budget, let alone passing one with 14 other legislators.

    Here's more food for thought, the PC candidates can't run again in the next term under the PC endorsement because they would be considered "an incumbent" and the Primary Challenge will round up new candidates who will be much of the same as these ones are. It creates another cycle of getting unqualified people into County Government.

    I know, someone said to me "well, you have to start somewhere" but the bigger question is, do we really want people using County Government to practice on getting the expeirence?

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