I don't either. My cardiologist recommends it but I don't care. First, me and needles don't get along at all. Second, I'll risk the flu over the risks from the vaccine, some of which you mentioned.
Have you received your flu shot or do you plan to get a flu and/or Phneumonia shot?
No way.
Read too many bad things about it. Mercury, the even more toxic emulsifier, the high rate of early Alzheimer's onset in groups that have received their flu shots, that the shot only "protects" you from ONE strain of the flu;Not mutations, ect.
Coincidence is the word we use when we can't see the levers and pulleys.
Emma Bull
I don't either. My cardiologist recommends it but I don't care. First, me and needles don't get along at all. Second, I'll risk the flu over the risks from the vaccine, some of which you mentioned.
I stopped getting the flu vaccine a few years ago.
Every year I was vaccinated, I ended-up getting the flu.
Ever since I stopped getting the shot, (knock on wood), I've been flu free.![]()
I don't get them. I never get sick. My medicine is eating well and keeping in shape!
I don't believe in doctors, shots or any kind of medicine. All natural foods!![]()
First Amendment rights are like muscles, if you don't exercise them they will atrophy.
I have a strict nurse who you just dont say no to.when she finds out I,'m in the hospital she makes sure I have all my shots up to date. when she comes at you with a needle its just easier to bare your arm and take it.
One good thing about growing old is your secrets are safe with your friends they can't remember them either
I don't get it either, the shot and thankfully I have never been terribly sick.
What we all refer to when we say we have the flu is usually a stomach virus and not truely influenza. A friend of mine pointed that out to me and I did a little research on it out of curiosity.
With true influenza, you usually don't vomit, it can happen, but that happens more in children
True influenza usually takes longer to recover from than a stomach virus, which can sometimes last 24 hours. Just thought it was interesting as I have always been one to say, " I am so sick, I have the flu" - when in fact it was a 24/48 hour stomach virus.................
I've never had the flu and I don't plan to ever get a flu shot. My family must come from a healthy stock because none of us have experienced the flu.
Adopt an English Springer Spaniel.
"Striving to be the person
that my dogs think I am"
OK. I started 3 years ago with the flu shot. I haven't had the flu since, but then I've contracted it only 2 times in my life. I got the pneumonia shot a few years ago. I haven't had any after effects from any of these shots.
I wash my hands after shopping or just generally being out where a lot of people congregate, before I prepare food, and at other times.
I eat nutritionally well. I eat 'bad stuff' if I feel like it. IE: cheesy popcorn, tons of chocolate, brie, and candy. Doctor sez I have high LDL but my HDL is extraordinarily high.
I don't worry that shots and vaccinations will make me sick. If I were emerald I wouldn't get the shots, either. Some gene in there works for her. But that's uncommon.
Now if we could get 300 million more people to believe in this, Health care would be dirt cheap and we wouldn't be the fattest country EVER.
I'm 26, I won't worry about a flu shot till I'm 75. Plus I'm allergic to needles, whenever i see one they cause me to scream like a little girl!
I do not get flu shots anymore. The last time I got one I was the sickest I ever had been. The shot was supposed to make it so I did not miss work because of the flu and due to the shot I missed 2 days of work.
If you walk around in a forest with your eyes closed you will eventually walk in to a tree.
2 + 2 = 5
Jesus died for your sins I do it for your mere entertainment dollar (Doug Stanhope)
Yes I went to The Liquor store and purchased bottle of 100 nproof Old Grandad. I have killed evert flu Virus in my body.
I did, it hurt, my arm is sore.![]()
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