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Lancaster Village Trustee Jeff Stribing is starting a petition drive to force the Town's attempt to purchase the former Colecraft building to a referendum. If he is successful, the Town will not be able to make the purchase without the consent of the voters.

The Town of Lancaster would like to buy the building and covert it into a multi-use facility. The proposed occupants include the police department and the town court.

Mr. Stribing's objections echo concerns raised by other Town of Lancaster residents, including those who live in the portion of Depew within the town's taxing jurisdiction.

A centrally located building, the current village municipal building, may be a better option. The cost would not exceed $1 million, as opposed to the $1.6 million price tag attached to the Colecraft building. The Colecraft building is currently on the tax roles and assessed at $1.3 million dollars. If the town buys it, that valuation will drop off of the tax role, leaving current taxpayers to make up the difference.