This man was a Buffalonian all the way:

"A renowned Buffalo defense attorney and his wife were killed Wednesday afternoon when their van was broadsided by a driver who ran a red light at a high rate of speed, Hamburg town police reported.

John W. Condon Jr., 86, and his wife, Joan, 79, were traveling east on Sowles Road at about 12:40 p. m. As they passed through a green light at South Park Avenue, they were hit by a van driven by Stanley J. Jedrysik Jr., 82, of Hamburg.

Witnesses told police Jedrysik’s van was traveling south on South Park Avenue and did not appear to have made any effort to slow down as it approached the intersection, Lt. Michael Lavelle said.

Joan Condon was pronounced dead at the scene. Her husband was rushed to Erie County Medical Center, where he died at about 2 p. m.

Police said preliminary indications suggest there was no medical condition contributing to the crash. “[Jedrysik] said he doesn’t remember the accident,” Lavelle said."

I wonder when the police will start to focus a little more on traffic light runners...the drivers who squeeze every second out of a yellow light. Many times they've even gone so far as to race through up to 15 seconds after the light's turned red.

Intersections have become a genuine hazard, and it just takes one careless driver to kill a lot of people.