Hollywood Contributes $500,000 to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's Re-Election Campaign

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo blew into Hollywood Friday for a fundraiser and left with at least $500,000 in contributions and the sort of rave reviews that bring press agents -- and political strategists -- to tears.

Cuomo’s unflinching advocacy of marriage equality has made him a favorite among the industry’s Democratic activists, many of whom once nourished hopes that they’d get a chance to support his storied father, Mario, for the presidency. Cuomo’s masterful leadership of New York’s successful legislative campaign to recognize the right to marriage equality has tapped into those memories—and the concerns of a new generation of activist Dems.

Oh boy, "Andy not so Dandy" is loved by the left - they see their new 2016 boy. In reality he is a bully and has a very broken moral compass.