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Thread: Is Palin slow?

  1. #1
    Member Dumbfounded's Avatar
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    Feb 2007

    Is Palin slow?

    Just heard that upon arriving back in Alaska to cheering crowds at the airport,
    Sarah Palin must have been at a total loss for words
    and was forced to read to the cheering crowd
    from a teleprompter.

    This isn't funny.
    Its scary.
    Coincidence is the word we use when we can't see the levers and pulleys.

    Emma Bull

  2. #2
    Member winfield31's Avatar
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    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Dumbfounded
    Just heard that upon arriving back in Alaska to cheering crowds at the airport,
    Sarah Palin must have been at a total loss for words
    and had to read to the cheering crowd
    from a teleprompter.

    This isn't funny.
    Its scary.
    McCain works from the seat of his pants , does not like a teleprompter , usually speaks sans dais also , ........Obama needs one desperately , so who is better ? I guess it depends on what side of the teleprompter you're on..........meaning , doesn't matter , if you're for Palin , you'll find fault with Barack/Biden , if you're for Biden/Barack , you'll find scary things about the other candidates , we're nit-picking here......Why are Dems so scared of a small town candidate from Alsaka ? Now she's slow , perhaps she has the "Down's Syndrome" also , which I thought was beneath contempt to even start up such a vicious rumor like that !
    Nothing gold can stay...............

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    I'm sure she's not slow.

    I wonder if she and her husband will check on on Trig when they're in town?

    She wasn't holding him when they got off the plane yesterday, so he must have stayed home with the other kids.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Dumbfounded
    This isn't funny.
    Its scary.
    Why? Do you equate ignorance with being awestruck at the amount of love and support shown?
    First Amendment rights are like muscles, if you don't exercise them they will atrophy.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by mesue
    Why? Do you equate ignorance with being awestruck at the amount of love and support shown?
    Because millions of Americans were awestruck, and, in love with her, the day her candidacy was announced. Even though they had never heard of her just hours before, they were suddenly going nuts for her.

    That is ignorant. Perhaps the most gross, en mass, display of ignorance I have seen in my entire life.

    But, today is 9/11, and I promised myself I'd be nice. I mean that.

  6. #6
    Member Jazz's Avatar
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    Southeast of Disorder
    Quote Originally Posted by therising
    I wonder if she and her husband will check on on Trig when they're in town?

    She wasn't holding him when they got off the plane yesterday, so he must have stayed home with the other kids.
    Really?? You really want to make that comment? If you don't like her policies that's one thing, but please come up with something better than you wonder if she'll check on her son. How many times you can make the same comments about her and her son?

    Believe it or not, a move to Washington would be the best thing for her son. How many world class specialists and therapists do you think there are in D.C. as compared to Alaska? I'm not saying that he wouldn't have adequate care while in Alaska, but I bet you could find more doctors, therapists and schools that specialize in special needs children with in an hours drive of Washington then you would find in Juneau. And her son probably already spends several hours a day in therapy. The early special needs children get into physical and occupational therapy the better.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    I really should have added that I do realize that her reason for stopping home was a noble one (to see her son off,), so all things considered, I really should (and, will) let up one her today.

    I wish her son the best of luck.

    Same to you, Steven, if you're out there. I know your son is leaving today, as well.

  8. #8
    Member sharky's Avatar
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    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by therising
    I'm sure she's not slow.

    I wonder if she and her husband will check on on Trig when they're in town?

    She wasn't holding him when they got off the plane yesterday, so he must have stayed home with the other kids.
    Trig was with them in PA a week or so ago
    Gov. Palin asked if she could hold Chloe. Meantime, Sen. McCain got to know Nolan, Chloe's big brother.

    "They were just really genuine. No rush, down to earth," Kurt said of the candidates. "At that point they brought down little Trig, their child with Down Syndrome from the bus."

    "I got to see him, it was very emotional for me but I was very proud of him and my daughter and I both kissed him on his chubby little face," Margie said. "I actually told her her son was beautiful and that they would all be fine and it's a lot of work but they are very blessed with having a child with Down Syndrome."
    I'll get lynched for this, but what's with giving a downs syndrome kid a retarded name? Yeah, make his life even more difficult than it already will be
    like on Life Goes On, they named the kid Corky. At least that was only a tv show
    Vote for freedom, not political parties.
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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    On the edge of the SUWNY "penalty box."
    Quote Originally Posted by sharky
    Trig was with them in PA a week or so ago

    I'll get lynched for this, but what's with giving a downs syndrome kid a retarded name? Yeah, make his life even more difficult than it already will be
    like on Life Goes On, they named the kid Corky. At least that was only a tv show
    Trig, born April 18th, 2008 is Norse for true and brave victory. His middle name, Paxon, is the name of an area of Alaska that Palin and her husband think is "one of the most beautiful spots in Alaska," according to a report on msnbc. Palin is on record joking that she was naming Trig "Van Palin" after eighties rockers Van Halen.

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