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Thread: Easy solution for the Peace Bridge

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Buffalo, NY

    Easy solution for the Peace Bridge

    Just hire more inspectors! Much cheaper in the long run and it'd put a dent in the traffic big time!

    It's insane to try to invoke eminent domain and destroy even MORE neighborhoods, some of which contain the best housing stock in the city. Irreplacable mansions are included in the path of this expansion, and it makes me sick!

    Haven't we learned from the Niagara Thruway? The Kensington Expressway and the destruction of Humboldt Parkway? The urban deforestation in the Ellicott District?

    When are we going to see some proper planning?


  2. #2
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Buffalo, New York, United States
    Where was Sam Hoyt when this was all taking place. This could of been headed off in the early stages.

    As I said they all need to go and we need to start fresh on our terms.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Buffalo, NY
    Originally posted by WNYresident
    Where was Sam Hoyt when this was all taking place. This could of been headed off in the early stages.

    As I said they all need to go and we need to start fresh on our terms.
    If you are unsatisfied with them, vote for the challengers then. Easiest way to replace them.


  4. #4

    solution for the Peace bridge

    I have personally talked to the administration of the Peace Bridge, and they have admitted that all of the delays are because of lack of Federal personnel. The federal government continues to pour money in personnel for the Mexican border, but we have only a few out of about 21 booths open, due to lack of personnel. Meanwhile, the trucks, and cars, idle, and sicken the West side residents needlessly. I am part of the population there that now is saddled with some of the highest asthma rates. And I don't see the federal government or the Peace Bridge authority paying my medical bills. It is an absolute outrage that our officials would even consider granting such a government authority to a NON-government agency like the Peace Bridge authority, who does not have the "public good" in mind, as our constitution says the GOVERNMENT officials must, in order to invoke it. They probably have our waterfront parks in mind as they push for this. Give us asthma and then take our waterfront recreation. By the way, the Brooklyn Bridge is 120 years old, and our Peace Bridge is 75 years old. What's wrong with this picture? They're celebrating a birthday, and we're planning to replace ours?

  5. #5

    private bridge

    I'd say 10 years of inaction is enough. The Ambassador Bridge Co. has plans to build their own private span (like the one they own in detroit) and they intend to open it as a for-profit toll bridge to commercial traffic only. A wonderful example of private enterprise at work! No one penny of taxpayer money spent as well!!!
    The real fun begins when the govenment interests try to obstruct it (Peace bridge auth, labor unions, etc...). Hopefully the ambassador Co will prevail and actually do something. Build it big and build it now, I say.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    scottsdale, arizona
    >>>>>>>>>>The federal government continues to pour money in personnel for the Mexican border, but we have only a few out of about 21 booths open, due to lack of personnel>>>>>>>>>>>

    I had to respond to this because I live in Arizona now. Quite frankly, the border here is a mess. Arizona has a "posse" of volunteers that now helps to patrol the borders. You know, it's that community action thing going on............

  7. #7
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Buffalo, New York, United States
    wouldn't you agree in this case some money should be spent to open more booths up versus building a new bridge? I mean if the case is there's not enough employees why get a new bridge? There won't be enough employees there too... Or is this a case of a developer trying to milk the tax payer once again?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    scottsdale, arizona
    I can't believe you said this:
    >>>>>wouldn't you agree in this case some money should be spent to open more booths up versus building a new bridge? I mean if the case is there's not enough employees why get a new bridge? There won't be enough employees there too... Or is this a case of a developer trying to milk the tax payer once again>>>>>>>>>>

    You know I love you man, but...............
    common sense will dictate that there is no room for more lanes/booths to be opened up. I just spent two weeks in Canada and traveled back and forth everyday so I'd say I have a little fresh firsthand knowledge to go on.

    Where are the cars going to go?

    When we traveled the July 4th weekend, the worst traffic jams were those made from people having to weed their way through the other lanes to get to the proper entrance to whatever freeway they needed to travel on. There is NO WAY to tear up that area without causing tremendous stress on an already crowded situation. There is no other way -- another bridge is needed. maybe 1/2 mile down the road from the Peace Bridge. But the streets can't handle anymore traffic as it is now.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Buffalo, NY
    Actually, advance signage could help that situation, and it would cut down on the weaving traffic. For example, on the bridge you could direct people into proper lanes (or even when they first start out on the bridge, like

    Keep right for I-190

    Keep left for Porter Ave, Niagara Street and Local Traffic.

    It's as simple as that. Additionally, you could direct buses to Keep Right, as well as trucks, direct them to go smoothly into the processing area. And if all the booths are open, that helps process the vehicles faster.


  10. #10
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Buffalo, New York, United States
    Well you know where i'm coming from. If you build a new bridge but still only have 3 employyes to man it what's the point. I mean look at what our planners do, I wouldn't be surprized.

    I still think we should make a dam and generate electric and have a roadway on top of the dam. Even is it's a small dam that just feeds into the grid to offset WNY's electric bill for lights and heating etc..

    We have to start thinking about what will help our area and stop helping NYC and downstate.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    scottsdale, arizona
    to unregistered: <<<<>>>>>>>>>

    I have not heard that they are to "replace" the Peace Bridge to to build another one. Is the plan to tear down the original Peace Bridge once the other is built? That would not be cost effective IMO.

    to sethtriggs:
    >>>>>>>Actually, advance signage could help that situation, and it would cut down on the weaving traffic. For example, on the bridge you could direct people into proper lanes (or even when they first start out on the bridge, like

    Keep right for I-190>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    Unfortunately, I do not believe that would help much. Fist of all, there are too many non-local people driving over the bridge on a one-time basis. They would not know which lane they need to be in beforehand. I have seen the border authority trying to "direct" traffic when it is crowded and because they cannot anticipate where evryone needs to go, they just point them in the direction that has the least amount of traffic. There just is not enough time nor space to make that an effective remedy.

    to WNYresident:
    We have to start thinking about what will help our area and stop helping NYC and downstate.

    That is an interesting idea. I have never thought about it. It is true that it seems Buffalo's electric bills are way out of whack with the rest of the country. Could that have anything to do it Buffalo being ona smaller grid site? But the idea of utilizing our natural resorces to BENEFIT the local community is just the sort of thing that would help make Buffalo shine. WHat a great idea!

  12. #12
    We have to start thinking about what will help our area...

    this isn't your area AZ summe 2003

  13. #13
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Buffalo, New York, United States
    HIs area or not he's making valid points. If there was someone in brazil that said "If you do this all your politicians will go away" I would have to test thier theory Sometimes looking in from the outside unclouds your sight.

    Look at how the local politicians think what they are doing is good. But when you look from the outside you see how they are destroying WNY. A little harsh on the word destroying but the more i think about it the more the words fits.

  14. #14
    the word fits like a glove...

    yet sometimes the ones not from here often hinder change by bringing us down with
    "it should be like this...
    "it should be like that....
    "it doesn't have to...
    and blah, blah blah.

    It's okay to give advice but it's another to stand behind us an sweat about everything that's wrong in WNY, then make declaration of themselves moving away from all our crap.

  15. #15
    Member Curmudgeon's Avatar
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    Don't even try to tell me that the problems of this region are brought on by the opinions of people who have fled the area. That's absurd...


    So I guess all those cubans in Miami have no business badmouthing Fidel Castro, because they no longer live in Cuba???

    I think you are saying that you don't mind expatriots complaining about WNY, as long as they don't do it too forcefully or too truthfully... ????? Huh?
    Data is not the plural of Anecdote.

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