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Thread: Easy solution for the Peace Bridge

  1. #16
    didn't say >>brought on.

    >>>sometimes the ones not from here often hinder change by bringing us down by what's said

  2. #17
    Member Curmudgeon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    >>>sometimes the ones not from here often hinder change by bringing us down by what's said

    I don't know what that means. Sounds like an alcoholic complaining that people telling him he's an alcoholic make him want to drink more....
    Data is not the plural of Anecdote.

  3. #18
    your the one that needs a drink if you don't understand that sometimes the ones not from here often hinder change by bringing us down by what's said.

    um, like alcoholic remark insted of asking what a person means.

    hindering from the outside, you just proved my point by saying what you said above.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    scottsdale, arizona
    this isn't your area AZ summe 2003>>>>>>>>

    unregistered: Oh please, quit trying to intimidate me. If you have read any of my prior posts, you will have discovered I staunchly support Buffalo and its surrounding suburbs. I have repeatedly said that I LOVE buffalo, but I found it impossible to raise my standard of living there.
    As I have stated before, I still have several family members residing in the area and I return several times a year. Because my $$ helps stimulate "your" economy I would think you'd be interested in what I have to say.
    I grew up in Cheektowaga, and found it extremely difficult to "move up" (even with an advanced degree) and decided after several years and 2 houses later to move out of state. It was the smartest thing I ever did! But, it was also the hardest thing I ever did. Leaving behind beloved family members is an extraordinarily difficult thing to do.
    If I felt Buffalo held any hope of a promising future to myself and my children I would return in a heartbeat. But I don't see that happening in my lifetime. Sorry.
    Buffalo has not completely drowned, there is still hope, but the key to saving it is the overhaul of the local government. Too much padding of the pockets of "friends" and too many duplicate positions. If the government streamlined itself, policed itself and let up on the nepotism a bit, plenty of money could be utilized in ways to help stimulate the local community.
    Now, back to the purpose of this original post. It was my understanding that there was to be ANOTHER bridge built to help move traffic between the US and Canada. I was under the impression that they were going to KEEP the Peace Bridge but build another one near the existing Peace bridge. I think that is the most logical solution to the traffic build ups.
    I do not feel opening more lanes would help the situation, because the way it is now, if you are in the left lane and you need to get into the far right lane to accesss the 90, you're screwed. It doesn't seem to me that there is enough room to adequately move traffic through. From what I remember (since my last visit in July) I don't think there is even enough room to extend the entrances to make it possible for the motorist to scoot over to the other side.
    It is probably cost efficient to just build another bridge alongside the Peace Bridge. Building another bridge would kill two birds with one stone.
    Firstly, it would elleviate the traffic pressures we are seeing now with the stalled movement of cars on the bridge.
    Secondly, it would help stimulate the economy by bringing in jobs to build the bridge, and it would be a step in the right direction toward a long term plan in the rebuilding of the city. (Meaning, if Buffalo does ever come out of the current doom and gloom, and people begin to return to the area (even if only to visit), it will already have the infrastructure in place to handle the onslaught of cars coming into the area as opposed to the traffic nightmare it could be if Buffalo doesn't adopt a long term plan. (IMO, if people find it easy to navigate they will return, if it is too difficult, people will steer away from the area. At this time, Buffalo lacks the resources to keep people in the area. Again, Long term goals.........)

  5. #20
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Buffalo, New York, United States

    Plans for new Peace Bridge officially abandoned

    Plans for new Peace Bridge officially abandoned

    Plans for a new Peace Bridge and larger inspections plaza on the Buffalo side of the Canadian border were officially scrapped today, formalizing what bridge officials announced last summer.

    The move by the Federal Highway Administration — canceling the environmental review for the project, which began Oct. 9, 2001 — officially puts to bed what were lofty plans subject to a decade of fierce public debate.

    Today's move was procedural, with the agency filing a notice in the Federal Register.
    Go Read the Full Story in Buffalo's #1 News Paper the Buffalo News

  6. #21
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Buffalo, New York, United States
    I looked for about the oldest thread on the Peace Bridge and found this one.

  7. #22
    Member Frank Broughton's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Oh, good grief...
    I wonder how much money was wasted in the process? Another joke on us for sure I would imagine.
    The above is opinion & commentary, I am exercising my 1st Amendment rights as a US citizen. Posts are NOT made with any malicious intent.

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