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Thread: New Town Engineer

  1. #1
    Member Gandalf's Avatar
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    New Town Engineer

    Seems like this guy might be lacking some critical qualifications. Wastewater experience? Solid waste management experience? Contract negotiations? Operations & maintenence management? Will he get a residency waiver? Satish just doesn't have a clue!

    Laurence E. Heininger, P.E., PMP; Principal

    Mr. Heininger has been licensed in New York State since 1983, practicing in both
    private practice and at other local firms. He received his Project Management
    Certification in 1994. He has worked on a variety of projects including, commercial,
    educational, religious, institutional, and multi-family residential.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Since you bring this up, I wonder if he lives outside of the town whether he will receive more than the 6 month extension to move into the town. Also will this be like that lawyer that the CE was hiring that he wanted to have a starting salary higher than the entry level salary for this position. Although the TS has spoken against what town employees are making, he sees it in another way when he does the hiring. Maybe you should look into the situation with the pending appointment of the Wastewater Treatment Plant Superintendent.

  3. #3
    Member absolivious's Avatar
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    According to the White Pages it looks like Laurence E Heininger and his wife currently live in the East Rochester area, not far from Oak Hill C.C.

    I'm sure the 70+ mile commute would not be something he'd like to do for very long.

  4. #4
    Member Gandalf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by forreason

    Maybe you should look into the situation with the pending appointment of the Wastewater Treatment Plant Superintendent.
    Interesting point, Forreason. My guess is that Mohan, the engineering expert, has found someone that he can manipulate & micromanage the department. I'm waiting to see more tax dollars being wasted by removing the WWTP from the Engineering Department because this guy is in over his head. Now, how much sense does it make to unconsolidate a department that's already consolidated? It's shameful!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    I just checked the agenda for Monday's TB meeting and found the following:

    Appointment of a new Town Engineer (salary, residency requirements?)
    Appointment of Thomas Ketchum as Assistant TE (and still head of the inspections department?)
    Appointment of Wastewater Treatment Plant Super. (what salary, grade step, residency requirements,etc.)

    It will be interesting to see how it was perceived by the TS how these two new appointments will be treated as far as benefits based on his comments about the rest of the town employees. I think you may see the same reaction as the CE had with his appointments (at a higher entry salary, etc.)

  6. #6
    Member Gandalf's Avatar
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    Should be interesting. I guess Ketchum doesn't want to give up that extra $500/week! I'm confused about the Assistant TE position. I was of the understanding that once the position is eliminated it cannot be brought back unless it is first offerred to the person that vacated it. Now if Jim Johnson can prove that he had an Amherst residency, then he was wrongfully terminated & the Town has a new problem. He did have a permanent appointment. The whole scenario disturbs me. And I will follow closely the residency requirements!

  7. #7
    Unregistered Cgoodsp466's Avatar
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    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf
    Seems like this guy might be lacking some critical qualifications. Wastewater experience? Solid waste management experience? Contract negotiations? Operations & maintenence management? Will he get a residency waiver? Satish just doesn't have a clue!

    Laurence E. Heininger, P.E., PMP; Principal

    Mr. Heininger has been licensed in New York State since 1983, practicing in both
    private practice and at other local firms. He received his Project Management
    Certification in 1994. He has worked on a variety of projects including, commercial,
    educational, religious, institutional, and multi-family residential.
    Get a friggin life,you want waste water experience? Call Smiley he has had his head in the crapper for years. I also hear he plays nude volleyball on weekends!

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