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  1. #1
    Member BFLOCOP's Avatar
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    More Buffalo Police heroics

    Four face attempted murder charges after gunfire ignites 100 mph police chase through city
    By T.J. Pignataro and Lou Michel
    Updated: 05/15/08 12:06 PM

    Four Buffalo men are facing attempted murder charges for firing shots at a Buffalo police patrol car Wednesday night during a frantic chase through the city, from the East Side to the Chippewa Strip, at speeds exceeding 100 mph, Buffalo police said today.

    The four were identified as Demetrius McGee, 20, of South Division Street; Jaymes B. Mayes, 21, of Barthel Street; Mychal A. Carr, 20, of Perkins Place; and Andre B. Goldsmith, 19, of Bissell Avenue.

    Two of the men were captured on the Chippewa Strip, while the other two were apprehended a short time later.

    Police also revealed today that they believe McGee was driving the gold Chevrolet Equinox, while occupants inside, armed with a handgun, fired two shots at the police car during the high-speed chase.

    The incident began shortly before 8 p.m. near East Ferry Street and Cambridge Avenue, where police were responding to a report of shots fired. A Ferry-Fillmore District officer pursuing the suspects' Equinox was shot at near Lathrop Street.

    "It's my understanding that there were shots fired and they were shooting at a police car," said Michael J. DeGeorge, Buffalo police spokesman. "Everything is very early in the investigation."

    Two shots were fired from a handgun, with one bullet grazing the rear driver's-side door of the patrol car, according to authorities. The officer who was shot at was identified as Ferry District Officer Ronald J. Clark.

    Department officials said Buffalo police did not return fire.

    The chase topped speeds of 100 mph on Broadway, with the fleeing car weaving in and out of traffic, then continuing downtown to Court and Main streets before proceeding into Niagara Square. The Equinox eventually turned the wrong way on South Johnson Park between Delaware and South Elmwood avenues, where the occupants bailed out of the vehicle.

    John R. Poisson and Jose A. Colon, officers with the Mobile Response Unit, apprehended at least two young men in front of dozens of startled patrons outside Chippewa Street nightspots.

    "I saw a bunch of cops down here. I've never seen anything like it," said Loren Irmisch, a bouncer at the Crocodile Bar on Chippewa. "They came out of nowhere. And two young guys under 21 were walking down the street nonchalantly like they hadn't done anything and the cops got them on the ground and arrested them with no trouble."

    The two suspects were apprehended at Delaware Avenue and Chippewa Street. A third person was also detained in that area, according to police, a fourth man was also later arrested.

    Dennis J. Richards, chief of detectives, said police were documenting several scenes late Wednesday, identifying and collecting evidence for further analysis.

    A .38-caliber handgun was recovered from the wheel well of a vehicle parked on Chippewa Street, and four bags of crack cocaine, possibly related to the incident, were found in the 100 block of Chippewa, according to police, who also said that shell casings from at least two firearms were collected.

    The Equinox, which received dents in a brush with a police cruiser, was impounded and towed from the scene shortly after 9 p.m.

    Each of the four men has been charged with first-degree attempted murder.

    McGee also faces an additional charge of reckless endangerment. Mayes and Carr were also each charged with unlawful possession of marijuana and promoting prison contraband.

    News Staff Reporter Vanessa Thomas contributed to this report. and

    Four killers off the street. More great work by the officers of the best PD in the country.
    "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face" - Mike Tyson

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    This article is all wrong according to your standards. They keep using the word "POLICE" instead of the proper term "Municipal Union Members". The article should read:

    [Four face attempted murder charges after gunfire ignites 100 mph Municipal Union Member chase through city
    By T.J. Pignataro and Lou Michel
    Updated: 05/15/08 12:06 PM
    Four Buffalo men are facing attempted murder charges for firing shots at a Buffalo Municipal Union Members car Wednesday night during a frantic chase through the city, from the East Side to the Chippewa Strip, at speeds exceeding 100 mph, Buffalo Municipal Union Members said today.
    The four were identified as Demetrius McGee, 20, of South Division Street; Jaymes B. Mayes, 21, of Barthel Street; Mychal A. Carr, 20, of Perkins Place; and Andre B. Goldsmith, 19, of Bissell Avenue.
    Two of the men were captured on the Chippewa Strip, while the other two were apprehended a short time later.
    Municipal Union Members also revealed today that they believe McGee was driving the gold Chevrolet Equinox, while occupants inside, armed with a handgun, fired two shots at the Municipal Union Members car during the high-speed chase.
    The incident began shortly before 8 p.m. near East Ferry Street and Cambridge Avenue, where police were responding to a report of shots fired. A Ferry-Fillmore District Municipal Union Member pursuing the suspects' Equinox was shot at near Lathrop Street.
    "It's my understanding that there were shots fired and they were shooting at a Municipal Union Members car," said Michael J. DeGeorge, Buffalo Municipal Union Members spokesman. "Everything is very early in the investigation."
    Two shots were fired from a handgun, with one bullet grazing the rear driver's-side door of the Municipal Union Members car, according to authorities. The Municipal Union Members who was shot at was identified as Ferry District Officer Ronald J. Clark.
    Department officials said Buffalo Municipal Union Members did not return fire.
    The chase topped speeds of 100 mph on Broadway, with the fleeing car weaving in and out of traffic, then continuing downtown to Court and Main streets before proceeding into Niagara Square. The Equinox eventually turned the wrong way on South Johnson Park between Delaware and South Elmwood avenues, where the occupants bailed out of the vehicle.
    John R. Poisson and Jose A. Colon, officers with the Mobile Response Unit, apprehended at least two young men in front of dozens of startled patrons outside Chippewa Street nightspots.
    "I saw a bunch of Municipal Union Members down here. I've never seen anything like it," said Loren Irmisch, a bouncer at the Crocodile Bar on Chippewa. "They came out of nowhere. And two young guys under 21 were walking down the street nonchalantly like they hadn't done anything and the Municipal Union Members got them on the ground and arrested them with no trouble."
    The two suspects were apprehended at Delaware Avenue and Chippewa Street. A third person was also detained in that area, according to Municipal Union Members, a fourth man was also later arrested.
    Dennis J. Richards, chief of Municipal Union Members, said Municipal Union Members were documenting several scenes late Wednesday, identifying and collecting evidence for further analysis.
    A .38-caliber handgun was recovered from the wheel well of a vehicle parked on Chippewa Street, and four bags of crack cocaine, possibly related to the incident, were found in the 100 block of Chippewa, according to Municipal Union Members, who also said that shell casings from at least two firearms were collected.
    The Equinox, which received dents in a brush with a police cruiser, was impounded and towed from the scene shortly after 9 p.m.
    Each of the four men has been charged with first-degree attempted murder.
    McGee also faces an additional charge of reckless endangerment. Mayes and Carr were also each charged with unlawful possession of marijuana and promoting prison contraband.
    News Staff Reporter Vanessa Thomas contributed to this report. and
    Four killers off the street. More great work by the officers of the best Municipal Union Members in the country. [/quote]

    Now dosnt it make much more sence putting the POLICE before Municipal Union Mmbers over your back aswards way of thinking?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Your point is really stupid, and worse, boring!

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