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Thread: New York State Disability Retirement System

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  1. #1
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    New York State Disability Retirement System

    This is another State Government System that needs to be reformed. I will tell you my horror story dealing with this system. I worked for a local municipality and have subtained many back injuries over the past thrity years of work. My doctors told my that it is time to retire or risk more injuries to my back. So I filed for my SSD and my NYSDR, after 22 month of hell dealing with the NYSDR I was denied twice. My SSD was approved with no problems and my appeal hearing was cancled due to my injuries. So now I have a marked degree of disability from the New York Workers' Comp. Board. The Federal Government (SSD) now puts me at totally disabled but the NYSDR says there is nothing wrong with you go back to work or the town will fire you. I have talked to many doctors and attorneys over the past six months that deal with the disability system and they tell me the same thing the laws they have made protect themselves not the injured worker. So after looking more and more into this system I have found out the state does not reconize the NYSWCB or SSD. They have set up there own set of laws that protect
    them from giving any kind of benifits to the injured worker that gets hurt on the job. So I took the political route for some help, that was a mistake!
    I encourage that all state, county, and municipal employees that are in this system to contact your area senator and assemblyman for changes to the two laws that protect the state from your right to disability benifits. The two laws are the NYS Social Security law Section 63 and Section 73 they were made to protect the state! If you need more information on my horror
    story or need information on what your in for when you file you can contact me through this site. I will be listing all the politicans in this area with phone numbers and fax numbers. I have also over one thousand pitition papers that will be forwarded all State reps in this area. I am also in contact with the media about my story that nobody can believe.

  2. #2
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    Sorry to say, but your story is not new and many people are and have traveled that same road.
    Here is a question you must ask yourself.
    When voting how many of these same politicians did you vote into office.
    If your answer is many or most. You have directly lead to your own demise.

    Good luck

  3. #3
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    This is really bad good old New York screw the people again. Try to get your list toghter I want to see how many politicans answered you. I heard that they made a whole hearing division in Albany just to fight the injuried worker if you know anything about it fill us in.

  4. #4
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    It is true you have judges, lawyers, legal aids, and all staff that goes with the hearing division just to fight you. As you can see on my list of politicans that answered me was not very good. Robin Schimminger was the best he did answer every letter I wrote to him and also looked into my case, and he his not my area rep. The Worest Brian Higgens five letter i sent him and not on response. As one doctor put it these politicans know what is going on with this system but will due nothing about it.

    Senator W. Stachowski 58th five letters maybe two responses
    Senator D Volker 59th four letters one response
    Senator A. Thompson 60th two letters no response
    Senator M Rath 61st two letters no responses
    Senator G. Maziarz 62nd two letters no responses
    Assemblymen J. Hayes 148th three letters one response
    Assemblymen J. Quinn 146th one response
    Assemblymen M. Schroeder no response
    Assemblymen S. Hoyt 144th one response
    Assemblywomen F. Delmonte 138th no response
    Assemblymen D. Gabryszak 143rd one response

  5. #5
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    I hope i have been of some help to everybody that has been emailing me. Just a couple of things tier 3&4 employees that pay into
    the retirement system it is very important that you push for these changes.
    You are paying into this system and if you get hurt and cannot work because of your injuries the NYSDR system will fight you to the end they are denying you benifits that you are paying into. You can copy and paste this petition fax it to any one of these politicans.

    Dear Senator and Assemblymen:

    I am a member of the New York State Retirement System and it is my understanding the
    Disability part of the retirement system needs to be reformed. This system has made laws
    to protect itself, not the employee that gets injured on the job. The Retirement System
    and its Social Security laws need to be changed! The appeal system is just as bad as the
    disability section. Social Security Law Section 63 and Section 74 need to be reformed as
    do many of the laws that protect the disability system and not the injured worker. The
    New York State Disability Retirement does not recognize New York State Workers’
    Compensation or Social Security Disability (Federal SSD) as part of the disability claim.
    Action must be taken to protect all State, County, and Municipal Employees that get injured on the job. The New York State Disability Retirement System and the Hearings Bureau are broken systems and need to be fixed.

    Very truly yours,

    CC: W. Stachowski Senator 58th
    D. Volker Senator 59th
    A. Thompson Senator 60th
    M. Rath Senator 61st
    G. Maziarz Senator 62nd
    J. Hayes Assemblymen 148th
    J. Quinn Assemblymen 146th
    M. Schroeder Assemblymen 145th
    S. Hoyt Assemblymen 144th
    R. Schimminger Assemblymen 140th
    F. Delmonte Assemblywomen 138th

  6. #6
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Jim Hayes: fax # 634-1250
    Sam Hoyt: 852-2799
    Crystal Peoples 897-1154
    Jack Quinn 826-0808
    Robin Schimminger 873-5675
    Mark Schroeder 826-1347

    Byron Brown 854-3051
    Mary Lou Rath 633-0830
    William Stachowski 823-6372
    Dale Volker 656-8961

    I will be adding more names as i get them.

  7. #7
    Unregistered Cgoodsp466's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zinger
    I hope i have been of some help to everybody that has been emailing me. Just a couple of things tier 3&4 employees that pay into
    the retirement system it is very important that you push for these changes.
    You are paying into this system and if you get hurt and cannot work because of your injuries the NYSDR system will fight you to the end they are denying you benifits that you are paying into. You can copy and paste this petition fax it to any one of these politicans.

    Dear Senator and Assemblymen:

    I am a member of the New York State Retirement System and it is my understanding the
    Disability part of the retirement system needs to be reformed. This system has made laws
    to protect itself, not the employee that gets injured on the job. The Retirement System
    and its Social Security laws need to be changed! The appeal system is just as bad as the
    disability section. Social Security Law Section 63 and Section 74 need to be reformed as
    do many of the laws that protect the disability system and not the injured worker. The
    New York State Disability Retirement does not recognize New York State Workers’
    Compensation or Social Security Disability (Federal SSD) as part of the disability claim.
    Action must be taken to protect all State, County, and Municipal Employees that get injured on the job. The New York State Disability Retirement System and the Hearings Bureau are broken systems and need to be fixed.

    Very truly yours,

    CC: W. Stachowski Senator 58th
    D. Volker Senator 59th
    A. Thompson Senator 60th
    M. Rath Senator 61st
    G. Maziarz Senator 62nd
    J. Hayes Assemblymen 148th
    J. Quinn Assemblymen 146th
    M. Schroeder Assemblymen 145th
    S. Hoyt Assemblymen 144th
    R. Schimminger Assemblymen 140th
    F. Delmonte Assemblywomen 138th

    The Above are the original Short bus crew. I have never Voted for Maziarz or the queen of stupid Francine Delomonte. If Satan is running against either of these two I vote for Satan. Good luck on your quest

  8. #8
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LHardy
    Sorry to say, but your story is not new and many people are and have traveled that same road.
    Here is a question you must ask yourself.
    When voting how many of these same politicians did you vote into office.
    If your answer is many or most. You have directly lead to your own demise.

    Good luck

    And again and again and again same old, people wake up vote thse guys out we need some new blood in office they have done nothing, they all talk a good talk but we have seen absolutely no results!

  9. #9
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LHardy
    Sorry to say, but your story is not new and many people are and have traveled that same road.
    Here is a question you must ask yourself.
    When voting how many of these same politicians did you vote into office.
    If your answer is many or most. You have directly lead to your own demise.

    Good luck

    Remember to vote the people that have been in office for years and years have done nothing to reform the NYSRS. ( I love those political signs working for the people). public employees you are paying into your retirement if you get hurt on the job and get disabled and awarded your SSD for the same injuries the state said NO too you are screwed. The politicians know about this system and how bad it is and have done nothing to reform it!

  10. #10
    Unregistered Cgoodsp466's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zinger
    Remember to vote the people that have been in office for years and years have done nothing to reform the NYSRS. ( I love those political signs working for the people). public employees you are paying into your retirement if you get hurt on the job and get disabled and awarded your SSD for the same injuries the state said NO too you are screwed. The politicians know about this system and how bad it is and have done nothing to reform it!
    I am paying in to your retirement too?Through my taxes and I really dont care. All politicians are A holes.

  11. #11
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LHardy
    Sorry to say, but your story is not new and many people are and have traveled that same road.
    Here is a question you must ask yourself.
    When voting how many of these same politicians did you vote into office.
    If your answer is many or most. You have directly lead to your own demise.

    Good luck
    In my last post I talked about voter registration, Sundays news had a article on the front page about election anxiety. There has been a surge in voter registrations in this area and across the country. In New York State each station will have optical-scan technology for the DISABLED. So it is very important for all of us to vote this November. We have many incumbents that need to go! They have known all about the evil system of NYSRS the laws that were made to make it very hard for a I-W that is injured and disabled to received disability benifits. How about what the i-c companies and what they get away with how about the IME's that are in place all over this area that put the i-w down. The hearing officers that hear your appeal cases for the NYSRS that are not state employees, most of them are some politicians buddy and are put into these positions so they get the big $$$$$ and the i-w
    and disabled take in the butt. Since April of 2008 I help register just over 100 people all disabled and i-w that had no idea what to do. Any DMV has the forms, if your going up to the comp board for a hearing in Buffalo or Locport they have them too. My oldest daughter registered and she wanted no part of voting for years (what ever). But after she seen first hand what I was up against and all the phone calls and mail from other disabled people and the hell this system puts people and families through she is now registered. If you read that post from LHARDY the last sentance says it all "You have directly lead to your own demise.

    Here is a list of some of the encumbents and districts that have done nothing
    over the years to change any of the State Laws that protect the State and employeers. But they all say they support Labor and Unions maybe so but not when the Labor (i-w) gets hurt.

    district 144 Sam Hoyt (D)
    148 Jim Hayes (r)
    143 Dennis Gabryszak (D)
    58 Bill Stachowski (D)
    59 Dale Volker (R)
    Last edited by zinger; September 22nd, 2008 at 12:08 AM.

  12. #12
    Unregistered Cgoodsp466's Avatar
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    Hey how is that disability case going for ya?

  13. #13
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cgoodsp466
    Hey how is that disability case going for ya?
    The status of my case is workers' comp settled,(2008) SSD(feds) awarded for work related injuries(2007) NYSRS disability refused twice(2006&2007) and the state continues to screw with me and that will be going on for four years in 2009. Thanks for asking, sorry I missed the first time you asked.

  14. #14
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    question for disabled people that can not get out and want to register to vote. If you have some questions about absentee ballots and need a regisration form sent to your house you can call the ECBE@

    voter registration - 858-7821
    absentee ballots - 8582968
    general information - 858-7821

  15. #15
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LHardy View Post
    Sorry to say, but your story is not new and many people are and have traveled that same road.
    Here is a question you must ask yourself.
    When voting how many of these same politicians did you vote into office.
    If your answer is many or most. You have directly lead to your own demise.

    Good luck
    Election day will be here before you know it is not only a Presidential election but elections in our area also. It is very important to vote in this election because it is your right to vote. From the people that I have been in contact with mostly disabled and injured workers that have been screwed by the NYSRS or the WCB, like myself have been working for reforms to these systems. But as we know the incumbent politicians need to GO since they have done nothing to reform any of these systems. It is not only the injured workers it is any employee in the public sector that will have to deal with the NYSRS if injured. If you are an employee in the private sector you are in the same boat only you will not have to deal with the NYSRS. You will be dealing with insurance companies, bad ime’s, and the WCB. The politicians also control this; they are the ones that make the laws that have been fighting injured workers for years. You have politicians like Dennis Gabryszak, Dale Volker, Bill Stachowski, Jim Hayes, Sam Hoyt all incumbents that have done nothing to reform the Social Security Laws of NYS. Most will tell you they don’t know anything about them, Bull!!! They are the ones that made the laws! Not to long ago I talked to a former employee to a local politician and that person told me the people that asked for help dealing with the NYSRS for their disability benefits were high. If you do write your are reprehensive for some help this is what will happen they will contact the NYSRS to see what is going on with your case or try to speed it up. You will get a return letter that will say your case has been expedited. Good luck because you just screwed yourself the people in the NYSRS hate when a politician butts in and they will drag your case out even longer. This has happened to many injured workers that have asked for some help with their case. People vote these guys out this Nov. they have done nothing to help the injured and disabled worker if anything they have made it harder. If you receive your SSD (federal) and you are disabled by NYS WCB for the same work related injuries that the NYSRS ignores I would say the politicians have just screwed YOU!

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