Originally Posted by
I hope i have been of some help to everybody that has been emailing me. Just a couple of things tier 3&4 employees that pay into
the retirement system it is very important that you push for these changes.
You are paying into this system and if you get hurt and cannot work because of your injuries the NYSDR system will fight you to the end they are denying you benifits that you are paying into. You can copy and paste this petition fax it to any one of these politicans.
Dear Senator and Assemblymen:
I am a member of the New York State Retirement System and it is my understanding the
Disability part of the retirement system needs to be reformed. This system has made laws
to protect itself, not the employee that gets injured on the job. The Retirement System
and its Social Security laws need to be changed! The appeal system is just as bad as the
disability section. Social Security Law Section 63 and Section 74 need to be reformed as
do many of the laws that protect the disability system and not the injured worker. The
New York State Disability Retirement does not recognize New York State Workers’
Compensation or Social Security Disability (Federal SSD) as part of the disability claim.
Action must be taken to protect all State, County, and Municipal Employees that get injured on the job. The New York State Disability Retirement System and the Hearings Bureau are broken systems and need to be fixed.
Very truly yours,
CC: W. Stachowski Senator 58th
D. Volker Senator 59th
A. Thompson Senator 60th
M. Rath Senator 61st
G. Maziarz Senator 62nd
J. Hayes Assemblymen 148th
J. Quinn Assemblymen 146th
M. Schroeder Assemblymen 145th
S. Hoyt Assemblymen 144th
R. Schimminger Assemblymen 140th
F. Delmonte Assemblywomen 138th