Just got boned by the retirement system again today, boy they must just love me. More laws.
Just got boned by the retirement system again today, boy they must just love me. More laws.
Have been getting lots of email with questions on comp hearings etc. I 'll try to answer them the best I know. If you are going to your first comp hearing it would be in your best intrest to get a comp attorney. There are many firms that handle comp cases. I know of a very good attorney that deals with comp cases up around Niagara County. One thing that is important when you get an attorney make sure that person deals in your cases only. The bigger firms deal with many cases a day and when you show up in court the next time you will probably have a differant attorny. My attorney has a done a great job with my cases over the years. When you come out of the hearing make sure you ask questions about the case. Sometimes things move very fast in the court room and you will not understand some of the language. You can email for some names of attorney's that I heard of. Pain Management groups the comp board runs a really good program in Amherst once a month it's in the Amherst library you can call the comp board and they will put you in contact with the right people. There are many injuried workers that go to these meetings and you get a lot of good ideas and information just from talking to them. Things like SSD our wonderful state system doctors etc. Just like to thank RB for working up north and getting a ton of petitions I will be sending them out soon. I should be getting the paper work on your rights with the IME"s and I'll post it
That all Depends who you know, They make the rules so they can break the rules! If Local Govt. around here was a Publicly Traded Company its Name Would be ENRON!!!!!
Here is a very good site to get information on the comp board and SSD this group has been fighting for the injured worker. www.injuredworkersofnewyork.org. On the question of SSD(federal) if you are out from work it is very important to file your paper work right away for SSD.
Lot of injured workers wait and wait 6 month up to a year before they file start the ball rolling right away. You will probably wait two years before an appeal hearing so go to there site and start the paper work.
Here are your rights when going to see an IME use them because I had no clue. First of all you need to know the IME is not on your side nor your friend. The IME is paid by the insurer to find ways of denying benefits.
Under WC law we are now allowed to bring a witness of our choice to the exam.
We may videotape and/or audiotape the exam.
You must be given a copy of the narrative in a reasonable time.
You should not be required to travel an outrageous distance.
Those are the main points.
Mary Jeffords
Injured Workers of New York, Inc.
The NYSDRS uses a lot of the same IME as the insurance companies do that are hired by your employer. I believe that the injured workers group got rid of four of these hacks (IME) legally in the past five years. I have also heard that the NYSDRS has sent injured workers that live in the Buffalo area to places like Rochester for an IME exam. If this does happens contact your attorney about this. I have reported my last IME to the injured workers group
he was the one that gave the state the answers they wanted to hear and soon afterward I was denied my disability pension. The IME's are mostly retired doctors that are paid very well to do these exams. There are also doctors
that have a practice but work as an IME. I look at this as I'll take care of your familiy but on the side I am going to screw the injured worker. I have been faxing the petitions as I get them I just can't keep up, I had no idea this would take off like this. Again thanks for all the help from NYSDOT. Remeber
if you get hurt on the job you have NO idea what you are up aganist.
Assemblyman Mark Schroeder District 145 this covers South Buffalo West Seneca area. Fax #826-1347. You can fax email or just call with your complaint.
You hurt your back and so now you want to retire? There are no jobs for people with bad backs? For a guy who can't work you seem to be working pretty hard at working the system.Originally Posted by zinger
The difference between taxes and robbery is the mode of coercion.
I am working the system I doubt it first of all I am working I am just trying to help the other injured workers out there with some information and how some laws need to be changed. I gave up all my SSD benifits and workers comp and returned to work. You are missing the whole point, so keep your big mouth shut. Thank you.
Originally Posted by zinger
Sounds like NYSDR was right, you can still work and you proved them right. Outstanding.Originally Posted by zinger
The difference between taxes and robbery is the mode of coercion.
[QUOTE=NoCtUrNaL]Sounds like NYSDR was right, you can still work and you proved them right. Outstanding.[/QUOT
You sound like a real ass!
A few more questions that I can answer from emails that I received the past few days. Appeal hearings on workers comp cases if the insurance company appeals the law judges decisions it could take up to six months for a decision from the WCB. I had two decisions appealed and won both cases it just takes time and that is what the insurance company wants, to make you wait. Good luck Big Man on your SSD appeal hearing hope you are feeling better. Attorneys I can give you some names but I will not post them up on this board just email me. Appeal hearings for NYSRS is all togher differant another system that favors the state and not the injured worker. Just like everybody else that applies for there disability retirement from the state when you get refused you will be contacted by the hearing division for your appeal. You can ajourn it twice if you want, you do not need an attorney for this you can represent your self if you wish. Attorney fees are not cheap for an appeal hearing and I do know of
one that represents s a lot fellow fireman and police officers.This state would rather spend millions to fight you than give you anything,that is why it is important to fight this system with your emails and phone calls to your area reps. I find out more and more about this evil system everyday it is all political based
and lobbied very hard to keep it in place. You can be working and appeal your case and you can be retired and still appeal your case. Like myself I will be retired very shortly and still have my appeal going on if I want. I'll try to answer more questions soon.
Over the past few months I have talked to many injured workers that have applied for there disability retirement with the state. They all told me the same thing it was a hellish experience, some wrote letters to their area politicians to complain but never heard a thing. Some of these people just gave up, some forced back to work, some could never work again. I talked to one attorney that deals with a lot of comp cases in this area and asked what gives with this system. He told me nobody gets anything from the state it is the worst system there is for an injured worker. The decisions are all made in Albany by the medical board I bunch of doctors making the decisions on peoples lives but only hear what they want to hear. (I wonder if these doctors work a full day) I was also told if you get a politician evolved with your case that is not good take it from me. They are told very little about the case if they look into it for you and it just pisses off the state more. So it is best just to wait it out and they do make you wait. When you file an application with the NYSDRS make sure you make copies of everything you send them. It would be smart to send it certified mail because I had many of my items lost. Then they would send letters back to me that my case would be dropped if I did not send an item they wanted. (I did probably five times). The whole purpose of doing this is because they want you to go away or give up. But as I get more and more aggravated with this system I started to write letters to politicians. (but no help) I will start posting some of my letters up on the board soon; petition count as of today is over two thousand from state county and municipal employees. Thanks DOT again and DDOPW. Remember election this November lets get some of these career politicians out because your representatives aren’t representing you anymore with laws like this. It’s not for the people by the people; it’s by the politicians for the politicians.
From the lack of replies to all your diatribes, it seems that few people are "sensitive" to your continued crying. I for one am glad that NYS is giving your claims close scrutiny. After all, what you're asking is the taxpayers to pay you to sit at home for the rest of your life. IF you hurt your back, or whatever, how about looking for another less strenuous job than the one you have now. Besides, from what I heard, your co-workers think you're a faker and cry baby. Their words - not mine....
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