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Thread: New York State Disability Retirement System

  1. #91
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    The good old Ime at it again, many many of these old farts are hired by the NYSRS and insurance companies. They are all payed very to give the right answers just to ruin your life. (remember same ime's that the insurance compaies use for no fault car insurance) I know I talk mostly about injured workers and the disabled but god forbid you get in a car accident, you are up aganist the same thing as an injured worked when it comes to the ime.

    This was a post from another site that a person was injured many times on their job, he had all the medical reports from his doctors that proved he was disabled but yes another ime report from a washed up doc trying to get richer
    off the injured worker.

    Did you have a retirement hearing?
    I live near Corning and I was sent to a medical exam with an
    old QUACK namedDR. Leve in Rochester NY
    he is hard of hearing and his short term memory is shot.
    He says in his opinion I am not disabled.
    90 years old and ruined my life.

    When I receive PM or emails there are so many of the same old story as this, mine was the same only NYSRS waited two years
    to finally get the right answer from the ime.
    Last edited by zinger; July 28th, 2008 at 09:12 PM.

  2. #92
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    This was sent to me by an injured worker from the Rochester area.

    Injured Worker Groups

    Injured Workers of N.Y. Inc *
    P.O.B. 252
    Sanborn, N.Y. 14132
    Contact: Mary M. Jeffords
    (716) 731-8187

    Injured Workers Of N.Y. Inc. *
    458 Sing Sing Road
    Horseheads, N.Y. 14845
    Contact: Mike Nicolo
    (607) 739-8147

    Injured Workers of N.Y. Inc *
    5033 State, Route 3
    Mexico, New York
    Contact: Mike Fish
    (315) 963-8204

    Injured Worker Coalition Of the State of NY *
    225 Roosevelt Avenue Apt. 2
    Horseheads, N.Y. 14845
    Contact: Linza Ford
    (607) 796-2433

    Injured Workers United, Inc.
    Injured Workers Resource Center of Rochester
    The Barn
    Twelve Corners Presbyterian Church
    1200 South Winton Road
    Rochester, NY 14618
    Mailing Address:
    P. O. Box 92035
    Rochester, NY 14692
    (888) 558-HURT

    RMI Action & Support Group
    P.O. Box 92035
    Rochester, N.Y. 14692
    Contact: Rena Weiss
    (716) 271-1670
    R.O.C.O.S.H. IW Group *
    46 Prince Street
    Rochester, N.Y. 14607
    Contact: Bill Benet
    (716) 244-0420

  3. #93
    Member knowsitall's Avatar
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    Oct 2007

    Common complaint...

    Injured workers from Buffalo were sent to this doctor as well. Although I don't agree with a lot of your "comments", this needs to be looked into. Somebody at Disability is making themselves look good by sending injured workers to this old nutjob.

  4. #94
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Feb 2008
    Try this get rid of the politicans that have made all these laws its not the workers fault. What don't you agree with? I really don't think anything on this board are lies, sounds like a lot of these people are getting screwed. Reading your posts on the boards sounds like your pro-politican myself anti have no use for anyone of them.

  5. #95
    Member dtwarren's Avatar
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    West Seneca, New York, United States
    Actually in the State of New York our State Constitution provides:

    NY Const Art I, § 18

    Nothing contained in this constitution shall be construed to limit the power of the legislature to enact laws for the protection of the lives, health, or safety of employees; or for the payment, either by employers, or by employers and employees or otherwise, either directly or through a state or other system of insurance or otherwise, of compensation for injuries to employees or for death of employees resulting from such injuries without regard to fault as a cause thereof, except where the injury is occasioned by the willful intention of the injured employee to bring about the injury or death of himself or herself or of another, or where the injury results solely from the intoxication of the injured employee while on duty; or for the adjustment, determination and settlement, with or without trial by jury, of issues which may arise under such legislation; or to provide that the right of such compensation, and the remedy therefor shall be exclusive of all other rights and remedies for injuries to employees or for death resulting from such injuries; or to provide that the amount of such compensation for death shall not exceed a fixed or determinable sum; provided that all moneys paid by an employer to his or her employees or their legal representatives, by reason of the enactment of any of the laws herein authorized, shall be held to be a proper charge in the cost of operating the business of the employer.

    NY Const Art XVII, § 1

    The aid, care and support of the needy are public concerns and shall be provided by the state and by such of its subdivisions, and in such manner and by such means, as the legislature may from time to time determine.
    “We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.” ― Thomas Jefferson

  6. #96
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    The state has a const. But the laws the politicans set up around it need to be changed. Like I said they benifit the employers and not the injured worker. I will be talking about section 71 of the civil service law under this law many injured employee lost their job before they received any benifits.

  7. #97
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Worker's compensation laws are designed to compensate employees who have been injured or killed in work related accidents according to a fixed monetary scheme, without having to resort to litigation. Dependents of a fatally injured employee may also be entitled to benefits. Employers may be protected by limits placed on the amount of an employee's recovery.
    The amount of compensation paid to an employee depends upon the classification of his or her disability:
    Permanent total disability: 66 2/3% of the employee's average weekly wage
    Temporary total disability: 66 2/3% of the employee's average weekly wage
    Permanent partial disability: 66 2/3% of the employee's average weekly wage for a period determined by the type of injury, for example, up to 312 weeks for the loss of an arm, 288 weeks for the loss of a leg and so forth
    Temporary partial disability: two-thirds of the employee's average weekly wage before the accident and his or her wage-earning capacity after the accident
    New York's workers' compensation system is premised on a trade-off between employees and employers. Employees promptly receive workers' compensation benefits for on-the-job injuries, and the limited workers' compensation benefits are the exclusive remedy against the employer, even when the employer was negligent.
    In New York, it is the job of the Workers' Compensation Board to administer the New York State Workers' Compensation Law, including Workers' Compensation Benefits, Disability Benefits, Volunteer Firefighters' Benefits, Volunteer Ambulance Workers' Benefits and Volunteer Civil Defense Workers' Benefits Law.

  8. #98
    Member knowsitall's Avatar
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    Here we go again....

    Quote Originally Posted by cheekman
    Try this get rid of the politicans that have made all these laws its not the workers fault. What don't you agree with? I really don't think anything on this board are lies, sounds like a lot of these people are getting screwed. Reading your posts on the boards sounds like your pro-politican myself anti have no use for anyone of them.
    Did you hit the "preview post" button before you posted? probably not or you would have seen how clueless your comments are: "It's not the workers fault"??? For most honest employees that's true. Have you ever heard the term "faker"? Tell me you never heard of, or are acquainted with, somebody who faked an injury for disability purposes? I have. Have you ever heard, or knew of, somebody who hurt themselves at home, or at a baseball game, only to report to work and say they did it there so they get compensation instead of disability???
    "you don't think anything on this board are lies (sic)? This board is filled with lies, distortions and other BS. Every blog and board is!
    "pro politician"? What would even make you think that?
    You're "anti"....whatever that means? Do you vote? Have you ever thought about writing whatever legislator you don't like and offer suggestions? Or do you just sit and bitch on your computer?
    That's enough......

  9. #99
    Member monkeyman's Avatar
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    Pal you have a problem with injured and disabled people?
    I am a disabled vet and the government has screwed us just like the people on this board. Its all about government and laws, maybe I should drag your ass to Iraq then you will see hurt. How about going up to Walter Reed Hospital and tell these guys they are faking. Or go to a a pain management group and tell a bunch of injured workers they are faking and lieing. You are an IDIOT..

  10. #100
    Member knowsitall's Avatar
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    Maybe you could use some help....

    Quote Originally Posted by monkeyman
    Pal you have a problem with injured and disabled people?
    I am a disabled vet and the government has screwed us just like the people on this board. Its all about government and laws, maybe I should drag your ass to Iraq then you will see hurt. How about going up to Walter Reed Hospital and tell these guys they are faking. Or go to a a pain management group and tell a bunch of injured workers they are faking and lieing. You are an IDIOT..
    Who dragged YOUR ass to Iraq. George Bush. Not me...
    Besides, my point was about people injured on the job, not in the service....
    And YES, I do have a problem with people who claim they can't work when all they want to do is get a check on my dime.

  11. #101
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    I am going to sit back and Roll a fat one becuase this train wreck is going to be a riot to watch.The politicians are like deer in the headlights and some of em come November could be road kill. Vote Sam Hoyte out,Vote George Maziarz out,Vote Francine Delomte out and I will save the biggest creep for last Dale Volker.
    __________________________________________________ _______________

    As I have been saying these people have to go they all know what is going on with the retirement system but continue to ignore it, plus all the other problems that are happing in the state.. broken government.

  12. #102
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LHardy
    Sorry to say, but your story is not new and many people are and have traveled that same road.
    Here is a question you must ask yourself.
    When voting how many of these same politicians did you vote into office.
    If your answer is many or most. You have directly lead to your own demise.

    Good luck

    And again and again and again same old, people wake up vote thse guys out we need some new blood in office they have done nothing, they all talk a good talk but we have seen absolutely no results!

  13. #103
    Unregistered Cgoodsp466's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by monkeyman
    Pal you have a problem with injured and disabled people?
    I am a disabled vet and the government has screwed us just like the people on this board. Its all about government and laws, maybe I should drag your ass to Iraq then you will see hurt. How about going up to Walter Reed Hospital and tell these guys they are faking. Or go to a a pain management group and tell a bunch of injured workers they are faking and lieing. You are an IDIOT..
    God bless and thank you for your servicesalute.gif

  14. #104
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Mar 2008
    Did you have a retirement hearing?
    I live near Corning and I was sent to a medical exam with an
    old QUACK namedDR. Leve in Rochester NY
    he is hard of hearing and his short term memory is shot.
    He says in his opinion I am not disabled.
    90 years old and ruined my life.

    Ever since I posted this I have had many emails on ime's looks like these
    three are the most popular.


    I have seen two of them they are bad news,I beleive NYSRS uses all three, these doc's are their go to guys that ruin i-w lifes. So if you are going to see any one of these doc's good luck.

  15. #105
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Just a few items that might help some i-w out. When you file a comp case you will be receiving paper work in the mail from the comp board regarding your case. All comp cases have a case worker so on the bottom of some of that paper work you receive that persons name is on it. People have been asking me how can i find out more information about their case. You can call your case worker and ask questions about what is going with your case. They are very helpful and I never had any problems contacting mine.
    They have two toll free numbers customer service 1-877-632-4946 and Buffalo office 866-211-0645

    Also it is very important if you are seeing only a chiropractor for your injuries to the back it would be in your best intrest to see a neurologist for pain management or an orthopaedic doctor. If you are filing a SSD claim more than likely your attorney will suggest this. It will also help in your comp claim when you go to a hearing to have reports from both doctors. (MD,DC)

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