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Thread: New York State Disability Retirement System

  1. #121
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    I feel for anybody that is any kind of court hearings appeals etc. I have also heard from many injured vets that are up aganist the system. Unfortunately
    alot of the systems a broken it's all government an the $$$ they spend just to fight you. I received and E-mail from one person not to long ago and that's all it said was "NO MORE GOVERNMENT FOR THE PEOPLE IT"S ONLY FOR GOVERNMENT"

  2. #122
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LHardy
    Sorry to say, but your story is not new and many people are and have traveled that same road.
    Here is a question you must ask yourself.
    When voting how many of these same politicians did you vote into office.
    If your answer is many or most. You have directly lead to your own demise.

    Good luck

    Remember to vote the people that have been in office for years and years have done nothing to reform the NYSRS. ( I love those political signs working for the people). public employees you are paying into your retirement if you get hurt on the job and get disabled and awarded your SSD for the same injuries the state said NO too you are screwed. The politicians know about this system and how bad it is and have done nothing to reform it!

  3. #123
    Unregistered Cgoodsp466's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zinger
    Remember to vote the people that have been in office for years and years have done nothing to reform the NYSRS. ( I love those political signs working for the people). public employees you are paying into your retirement if you get hurt on the job and get disabled and awarded your SSD for the same injuries the state said NO too you are screwed. The politicians know about this system and how bad it is and have done nothing to reform it!
    I am paying in to your retirement too?Through my taxes and I really dont care. All politicians are A holes.

  4. #124
    Member bflonum1fan's Avatar
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    NYS Teachers Comp and the Retirement System

    This is a cross post, and I have corrected the numbers to include the real cost to the taxpayer of an 'average paid' teacher in the Buffalo Public Schools. Note that there are hundreds of schoold districts across NYS, maybe even thousands. Buffalo is probably in the median pay range.

    The data for teachers is just an example but could be extended to other public employees in NY State. The actual numbers are astounding.

    OKay, as I promised here is my analysis of the annualized value of BPS teacher compensation. This represents the average.

    The salaries are based on this URL :

    These figures are for 2005-06, so I have assumed a 2.5% raise per year (probably on the low side) to arrive at 2008-09 salaries. (takes a long time to download)

    From the BPS calendar for 08-09 school year, there are a total of 187 school days. There are 5 snow holidays, 13 regents exam days, unknown number of half days, 3 personal days and 5 paid sick days (per genoobie). I have subtracted pers and sick days to get 179 days to figure the annualized percentage (179/235)=76%.

    I have used my value of $800 per month for the value of medical, dental, optical, and life insurance. This again is probably on the low side.

    For retirement pension benefits, I consulted with Fidelity Inc and for a guaranteed pension for a 65 year old (incl wife) with rights of survivorship, a lifetime pension of $1500 per month would cost $ 280,000 (cash). For a $2500per month pension would cost $ 466,666.

    Average BPS teacher salary in 05-06 : $ 51,470
    08-09 : $ 55,330

    Equivalent medical costs (annual) : $ 9,600 ($ 800/mo)

    Value of lifetime pension of $30K/yr. : $ 15,555 (assuming 30 years work)

    Total value of teacher compensation $ 80,485

    Annualized value of teacher compensation $ 105,981 (for 76% work year)

    You teachers and public employees have a lot better than you think. And don't forget, there are many other school districts with higher avg pay than BPS. It's no wonder NYS is going down the tubes.
    It's not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what's required. (Sir Winston Churchill)

  5. #125
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    I could careless what anyone makes, my answer to people that don't like public employees take a civil service test. You pass it then you pay into the system. The reason for the this thread was started was about disabled people i-w that have fought the system and went through hell trying to do it and this state sticks it up their butt. The politicans do nothing about the laws on the books and know how bad the system is and they do what,,,,, not a thing but they are for the people.

  6. #126
    Unregistered Cgoodsp466's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zinger
    I could careless what anyone makes, my answer to people that don't like public employees take a civil service test. You pass it then you pay into the system. The reason for the this thread was started was about disabled people i-w that have fought the system and went through hell trying to do it and this state sticks it up their butt. The politicans do nothing about the laws on the books and know how bad the system is and they do what,,,,, not a thing but they are for the people.
    I have to much pride to take a civil service test.Privatize everything.What about the private sector guy that gets hurt on the Job? The Gubment aint here to take care of you untill you die.

  7. #127
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cgoodsp466
    I have to much pride to take a civil service test.Privatize everything.What about the private sector guy that gets hurt on the Job? The Gubment aint here to take care of you untill you die.
    private sector if you get hurt NYWC and SSD if ypou are disabled and disability from your company now go through the hell of getting it. I could care less what you do for a living.

  8. #128
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    On the question If you are an ERS Member...
    You are in: If you joined:
    Tier 1 before July 1, 1973
    Tier 2 July 1, 1973 through July 26, 1976
    Tier 3 July 27, 1976 through August 31, 1983
    Tier 4 September 1, 1983 or after

  9. #129
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cgoodsp466
    I have to much pride to take a civil service test.Privatize everything.What about the private sector guy that gets hurt on the Job? The Gubment aint here to take care of you untill you die.
    Do you have a problem with disabled people? If so I'am so what is your problem.

    Call 911 and then no one will show up or call them and tell them they are over paid or your house burns and no one shows up or get a job in government if you think they have it so good. Hope you never get hurt on the job will maybe you should then you can go through the system just like these people do and put your family through this stuff. Your an IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited by cheekman; September 8th, 2008 at 11:23 PM.

  10. #130
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    People get out and vote District 59 dale volker has been in office since 1972.
    He is well aware of the disability laws and has done not a thing to change any of them. District 144 sam hoyt same thing change is needed.

  11. #131
    Member bflonum1fan's Avatar
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    Voelker's seniority

    Voelker's not in my district, but an important question is how far away from top dog is he in the senate with his seniority. (Remember, this is NYS where seniority rules).
    It's not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what's required. (Sir Winston Churchill)

  12. #132
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Try to answer some questions since I posted about appealing your disability with the state and attorneys to deal with this. I have emailed people with a very good law firm that deals with this broken system. They are located in downtown Buffalo you can call their office and set something up to see if your case is worth it or not. I have talked to police and fireman in the city that has used this firm for their cases. (Also just today I talked to a recently retired cop and he told me there is a big push to reform this system) I also have had emails from i-w south and east of Rochester NY area. This law firm also has an office in Rome NY. I have passed on this information to them and if anyone needs the firms name just e-mail or pm I will forward it to you. If you appeal your decision with the state it will take a year or longer for an answer so if you are not sure what to do talk to an attorney it might cost you $$$$ but a least you will have an idea of what you are doing.

    Again the hearing officer in your appeal case NYSRS is not a state employee they are contracted with the NYSRS (NYS Worker’s Comp law judges are state employees) I know there were some questions on this. I have listed the top hearing officers $$ that are contracted with the NYSRS on a previous post. So think about it you are up against a hearing officer that does not even work for the state (not allowed to bring up your SSD award at your hearing) and a state contracted IME that will testify against you (your doctor has very little say) at this hearing. (guess who will win)

    Another question is that I talk very little about WC cases> I myself had very little problems with my case it is the insurance companies that will jerk you around. An Example would be my case; the law judge favored me in all of my injuries. The insurance companies did not so they appeal the judge’s decision to the WC appeal board in Albany. The insurance company appealed the judge’s decision twice (two diffenarnt times)and lost. This procedure alone could take over a year. The insurance companies do this to make you wait and wait tell you say screw it and give up this goes on every day. Injured workers site is a good site for WC if you have a question on something e-mails Mary I am sure she can help you out or find the right answer for you.

    On the question of section 71 of the civil service law I know I said I would talk about it but I am going to hold off for a time since I will be in court soon with my employer over this issue. I know this law effects many i-w in the public sector hopefully if I win the arbitration this should help many i-w. (another law that has been around for 30 years)

    Last one for the day It looks like we are going to go to an internet site we are in the early planning stages for the site we are looking for late fall hopefully. This subject is just to big for me to handle myself , and we will have all sorts of topics for the injured worker. Like I said very early stages and I will continue to post here just a lot more information for the disabled and injured worker.
    Last edited by zinger; September 9th, 2008 at 09:10 PM.

  13. #133
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    On a workers comp appeal, like I said the IC could appeal the judges decision if it's in your favor. The first appeal will go to the office of appeals nys compensation board in Albany NY, this appeal will be heard by a board panel of three hearing officers. There decision could take three to six months there decision will be mailed to you first and then you can contact your attorney. Good luck
    mk and ct

  14. #134
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Sounds like the biggest issue with SSD (federal) is the waiting period. Contact your area Congressman Higgins. (Good luck never answered one of my letters, probably to busy with water front development or up the mayors butt.) Also our state senators which I listed on this post, you can e-mail them write them and fax it to their office try not to use snail mail from what I am told faxing and e-mail are the best. Like I said this area has one of the longest waiting time in the nation. About six months ago the feds put on some more help here but the waiting period is still around 24 to 28 months.

    What ever you do don’t give up your claim after you get rejected after 3 months, continue with your appeal. Why I brought this up is I seen a friend of mine last week and I was surprised that he told me he returned to work. To make long story short after four months waiting on his SSD claim he was rejected, he gave up and did not follow up with his appeal. So now he returned to work after being off for 23 months injured and very confused. I really think this i-w really had no clue what was going on with anything. One of the issues he told me was he had no money for an attorney for the appeal the SSD. You do not need to pay an attorney up front they are paid from the settlement of that case. This was a very misguided i-w! So you have an injured worker off for 23 months gave up on his SSD after 3 months and probably would of received his benefits if he pursued his appeal. Misinformed information is probably the main concern to the i-w weather its WC or the broken system of the NYSRS you are a victim and i-w needs to learn. The Internet is the biggest form of communication on earth so we all must use it.

    Schmuck Schumer

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  15. #135
    Unregistered Cgoodsp466's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Hey how is that disability claim coming?

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