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Thread: New York State Disability Retirement System

  1. #31
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    I really don't care my case is done NYSRS made there case. I am just trying to help the next guy thats gets screwed by this state. In fact you are getting screwed every day by this state. Cry baby nope I am working I do what I can.
    I think with over forty emails a week and over 2000 state employees signing pititions aganist this system I really don't think i have anything to worry about. The only thing I am doing is pissing someone off like you.

  2. #32
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    On the question about IME's if you get into a car accident no fault insurance the insurance companys will send you to an IME most of them work for the state and insurance companies that your employeer uses. Make sure you do not go alone for your exam.

  3. #33
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    I think you are doing a great job posting information on another broken state system. Even if you help one person with the information you post would be good. If people don't like what you post then I guess they should ignore this board. I was wondering did you ever think of running for office in your area that you live in?

  4. #34
    Member knowsitall's Avatar
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    He can't...

    He can't run for office. Remember? He's too sick to work.

  5. #35
    Member shylady's Avatar
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    I would like say something about all the posts you have put up it has been very helpful to my husband and I, a friend of mine told me about this site and told me to check it out. My husband was recently hurt again on the job and his doctor told him he can not return to work due to the many injuries he has. We started the process with Social Security right away just like you said. They told us that the wait time is about two years if an appeal hearing is needed. Co-workers tell me SSD is very had to get with or with out an appeal hearing. I do not understand how some one like yourself can get approved SSD without a hearing and New York State denies your disability. If the laws as you state are true then something should be done to change this! If you can provide me with more information on what to expect from SSD we would appreciate it very much. I am sure you are helping more than just our family with this helpful information thanks again MB.

  6. #36
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    As I receive email from people asking who are my area assemblymen and senator in my district the easiest way do this is go to the two web sites that I will post. When you get to the site for assemblymen just put in your zip code on the right side of the page and the name of your assemblymen will show up. For senator the site is almost the same left side of the page click on senator then put in your zip.

    It is very important that you know who represents you in state government that way you can voice your complaint to the right person. Some of these politicians will be up for election this November I will be putting together a list of who will be running in all areas of Western New York.

  7. #37
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Sorry to say, but your story is not new and many people are and have traveled that same road.
    Here is a question you must ask yourself.
    When voting how many of these same politicians did you vote into office.
    If your answer is many or most. You have directly lead to your own demise.

    Good luck

    This was the second post on the first page by LHARDY.

    This person either traveled that road of hell or knew someone that is why it’s important to vote this November lets get some of these laws changed. There are some new candidates that will be running against incumbents this year I will soon be sending letters out to them about the evils of the NYSDRS and other issues that do not favor injured workers. Another one would be section 71 of the civil service law that is another beauty.

  8. #38
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Questions about the injured workers group I posted that web site a few posts back you can contact Mary directly through that site she will get back to you in about a day. Also a friend of mine sits on the board I can ask her the question just email me IME's are a very big issue and I can't answer some of the questions that are being asked. I will be attending the next meeting but that won't be for awhile so just go to there site. Thanks kevin and Joe for working the big red house in attica for me remember I will take care of all the paper work. The big man a friend of mine won his appeal hearing on his SSD case the wait was 22 months. This guy is really busted up from work injuries and i am sure this will help him and his familiy. I will hit some issues on Federal SSD on my next post and why the buffalo area has the longest waiting period in the country.
    Last edited by zinger; May 13th, 2008 at 10:03 PM.

  9. #39
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    On the SSD (federal) issue the wait for an appeal hearing in this area is one of the longest in the country average time is any where from 24 months to 26 months. The problem is not enough judges to hear appeal hearings. The feds put on more staff to help solve the problem but none came to this area, the same old story for this area. The best turn around time for an appeal hearing is in Harrisburg PA. about 17 months. Congressman Brian Higgins is our
    representative in the 27th congressional district you can write him and state your concerns on this issue, I believe I wrote about four letters to him in a seven-month period
    regarding the problems people are having with SSD and the NYSDRS but never received a reply on any of those letters. You can contact him at,

    Erie County Office
    Larkin at Exchange
    726 Exchange Street
    Suite 601
    Buffalo, NY 14210
    Phone: 716-852-3501
    Fax: 716-852-3929

    I recently wrote some area politicians on my NYSDR case even though my case is closed the state continues to jerk me around.

    Senator Volker’s returned a reply in two days and assemblymen Quinn in four days and neither one are my representative so if you live in these two district write to them about the state issues.
    Last edited by zinger; May 14th, 2008 at 10:23 PM.

  10. #40
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Boy do I love politicians keep on them your doing a great job from what my pack tells me.

  11. #41
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Well it looks like looks like we have an anti- labor governor in Paterson from what I have been reading. Again government goes after the middle class
    worker "Your looking at a group of people who are making $30,000 or $40,000a year." They blame the working guy for all of governments problems but they never blame
    themselves for anything how about all these politicial appointments, do these people take a hit on anything no of course they will go after you.
    They have chased just about all industry out of this area due to high taxes and governments political ways on handling any kind of new business trying to move into this area.
    I love when I see these politicians showing up on american axels picket lines showing support I want to barf every one is anti labor.. You can email me and will link you up to some sites about how Mr.Patersons wants to screw the middle class worker so make sure you contact your area politicians.

  12. #42
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Again SSD federal is differant from than SS Laws that are set up in NYS.This state could care less if you were injured on the job and received ssd from the feds. This is what the fight is all about to change the social security laws that protect the state and not the injured worker. People that email me are getting confused about the two. I just went to a pain mangement group and a few people that are really screwed up have received the ssd for the same injuries the state continues to deny them and these people are paying into the

  13. #43
    Member Chant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zinger

    We may videotape and/or audiotape the exam.
    Now, this is interesting, because its against the law in NYS to audiotape a conversation without the other party's verbal permission on the tape. (Even though NYS is a "one-party" state for recording conversations over the phone - go figure???)

    Whenever I have to do a recorded witness statement, there's a special format that has to be followed, and the first part of that format has to do with getting the interviewee's verbal permission on tape to record the conversation/interview. And every time we start or stop the recorder for any reason, we have to began the session again with that permission statement.

    When we do surveillance videos, the audio on the camera has to be plugged or turned off.

    So, how can one get around the privacy laws regarding recording private conversations for an IME visit? If the doctor declines to be recorded, you are basically violating the privacy law by going ahead and doing so. Is there some stature that nulls the state law and allows audio recording for doctor or IME visit?

    I'm curious to know if there is.
    Last edited by Chant; May 23rd, 2008 at 09:32 PM.

  14. #44
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    As I was saying about the SSD (federal) on how we rank as one of the country's worest in delays, in Saturdays news on page A8 is a article on this.
    The SSA has agreed to hire two more law judges for the Buffalo region, locating them in Rochester. Also two more employees will be hired in the Buffalo office to work on post hearing cases this will speed up the processing time. From what I hear it was strong polictical presure from you people that helped letters, emails, phone calls etc. I had fifty emails from people just alone on this subject remember this is a fereral issue so contact Clinton, Higgins. Reyonlds and Schumer. If anyone would like to see the article from the news just let me know and all send it to you. Now we just have to keep going with the STATE issues NYSDRS and that evil system. Again thanks to all the people that I have been in contact with over many of these issues, I recieved another two hundred petitions last week thanks Matt.

  15. #45
    Member shylady's Avatar
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    I would like to say that I sent letters complaining about the wait period in this area. I sent one to Senator Clintons office and Senator Schumers office asking why this area always is last in anything we due when it comes to government. I never voiced my concerns on anything but now I am !

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