“We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.” ― Thomas Jefferson
First of all I am not sure how common your sense is.
In any event disability retirement is determined if an individual has a disability which precludes him from doing his particular job. In that case he is excused from the durational and age limits of receiving the retirement benefits he is due because he can no longer work in the job. That does not preclude him from doing another job that he can do even with his disability.
“We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.” ― Thomas Jefferson
He is getting paid for his years of creditable service. Generally a person must have at least 10 years of creditable service in the retirement system to apply for a disability (the rules for a disability that arises from an accident in the performance of his job are different).
“We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.” ― Thomas Jefferson
If a person is "Injured" and can't work - they should get their benefits.
The "exceptions" have been implanted and exploited by the vary same people who write the rules. They act like their doing it "For the People"
There was a high ranking "worker" who was given a quarter page article in the Bufnews. It was a glowing article about his wonderful career - one that highlighted how he never used a sick day or missed work. - One week later he was given a full disability retirement - but that wasn't in the Bufnews !
Another guy was retiring from the Chevy Plant - he to was a great example of a faithful hard worker. A close friend of his jokingly let slip a well kept secret - this stellar employee was 100% disabled from the US Army (1972) - he was collecting full disability from the Government - he was hired by Chevy during the "push to hire Veterans" -
Some people would say, "Hate the game , not the player" - others would say, "Its his right to get every benefit he can" - you decide !
Politicians can "Retire" and then get a waiver to return to the vary same job. Some collect multiple tax funded paychecks for less than "Part time" positions and appointments. All while inflating their tax funded pensions.
Our present Town Council member retired from a Buf School system - quit her elected position on the Town Board - filed for and now collects a inflated pension for life. A few weeks later she was back on the Town Board as a CouncilMember receiving full pay and pension check to this vary day - when asked about it -
The past Town Supervisor tried to defend her by saying - "She's deferring part of her pension - so she won't be getting as much as you think" - he thought that would suggest she wasn't scamming the system - maybe to the uninformed that would work - but all that means is she dedicated a larger portion to the deferred Compensation plan. That plan is a savings/income earning program -
Is that scamming the system ?
#Dems play musical chairs + patronage and nepotism = entitlement !
yes and no. Issue is who makes that judgement.
I know people who are on disability who really can't work. Then I see people who come into my shop that say they are on disability but they seem to be able to do quite a bit. If you are too disabled to work how can you do all this other stuff you are talking about.
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It opens the door no more than those with 401(k)'s. They can start withdrawing from them without penatly if you prove to the IRS that your disability is severe enough that you can't engage in "substantial gainful activity" (SGA) -- the work you did before the impairment, or an equivalent job elsewhere. Easiest way to do this is if you have been determined disabled by the Social Security Administration, however for Social Security purposes you not only have to prove that you cannot engage in SGA but that there are no other jobs that exist in the national/regional economy that you can do.
“We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.” ― Thomas Jefferson
In the context of a workers' comp claim it is a workers' comp. law judge after an adversarial type hearing with considering medical evidence from both sides.
In the context of either Social Security or Disability Retirement from public service it is determined after an inquisitorial proceeding with testimony from independent medical experts.
“We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.” ― Thomas Jefferson
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