This topic seems to be a very big question so I will contiune with Reasonable Accommodation.
This post came to me off another site by an injured worker. The question when returning to work is how will my employer handle my disability. Reasonable Accommodation is the key to how your employer will handle your disability if at all.
As you read this post by the injured worker this person wants to take out a lawsuit against his employer and the New York State Retirement System. As the person states “Forced” (While that may be your perception of how things are… you can’t be ”forced” to do something you do not want to do.) The laws do require the employer to make ”reasonable accommodation” for your return to work… but that doesn’t always mean what we may think.Quote:
Reasonable Accommodation
Reasonable accommodation may include, but is not limited to: making existing facilities used by employees readily accessible to and usable by persons with disabilities; job restructuring; modification of work schedules; providing additional unpaid leave; reassignment to a vacant position; acquiring or modifying equipment or devices; adjusting or modifying examinations, training materials, or policies; and providing qualified readers or interpreters.
Reasonable accommodation may be necessary to apply for a job, to perform job functions, or to enjoy the benefits and privileges of employment that are enjoyed by people without disabilities. An employer is not required to lower production standards to make an accommodation. An employer generally is not obligated to provide personal use items such as eyeglasses or hearing aids.
This site is worth some time to read…d-individuals/
Civil Lawsuits
I was refused my NYSRS disability pension three times since 2005 for work injuries. I have received SSD and my comp case was settled PDD 75%. Because I was forced back to work by the state and my employer for the last 20 months before I could retire on my own this coming fall. I was not given any light duty or special treatment in regards to my job. So for the last 20 months and hurting my back more does anyone know if I have a civil law suite against the state and my employer? Also all the stories about the NYSRS are true and there are many on the internet it is a broken system that needs reforms. Thanks to all the politicians (not one) that have helped me with the state disability system.