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Thread: New York State Disability Retirement System

  1. #286
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    I received this from I would guess a Buffalo Police Dept officer. I posted it and you can decipher it. It’s just more crap the i-w has to put up with! This is the reason legitimate injured workers have to jump through so many hoops. I have heard stories about the injured workers that return to work and are still kicked around but the labor fakers are taken care of. This problem seems to be more on the public sector where politics are involved. Right now I am looking into a story of a i-w that works for a local municipality that has 22 years of service, was awarded his disability pension for work injuries from the state and SSD. But his employer is trying to stop all his medical benefits; this is only being done because of politics so it is a never-ending fight for the i-w even when you return to work.

    Every district I have worked in has the same complaint, “labor fakers” who are abusing the system. Do something about them. Stop harassing the officers who come to work everyday and go after the abusers. We all know that getting hurt is part of the job. Every call we go on, there is a possibility that we could get hurt. There are car accidents, fights, foot chases and many other possibilities of getting injured. It is part of our job and we accept it. If an officer has a valid injury, no one will complain about that person being off of work. However, there seems to be quite a few officers with dubious injuries and they are off for years. These are the people that the administration should be watching, not the people that have legitimated injuries and show up for work. A lunatic Bucky Phillips shot a New York State trooper. This trooper was, again I say was shot. He was back to work in nine months. We have officers who have been off for years with considerably less traumatic injuries than being shot. If you have legitimate injuries we have no complaints. Stay off and recuperate get yourself better and don’t come back to early. However, if you fell down in a parking lot and landed on your backside in a foot of snow and off for years you are a labor faker. Every working copper agrees, the labor fakers should be scrutinized more than the coppers that show up for work. An article in the Boston Globe mentioned how twenty-one officers on the 2,015 people Boston PD are off long term IOD. That department feels that this is too many offices to be off for such a long periods of time they have officers off for more than a year and up to six years. We have them beat. This administration should spend more effort and go after the labor fakers and leave the officers that show up for work alone.

  2. #287
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    Sorry for the mix up with today's post # 286 I posted it on the wrong thread and didn't mean to confuse everybody on that thread by putting it in the wrong spot. Also I was informed that I forgot to put schmers contact information up on the second last post. A question was asked why are the contact information for the two senators going to NYC? That area is their hub
    and main offices on many items. So if it's a state labor issue or questions Socical Securty you would want to contact them at these offices. When you do call their office make sure you ask for the right dept. Again sorry for todays mix up.

    Senator Chuck Schumer
    757 Third Ave
    Suite 17-02
    NY, NY
    Fax 212-486-7693
    Tel 212-486-4430

  3. #288
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    Section 32

    If your injury is going to be permanent I would not accept a Section 32. You would be better served by having the IC pay you reduced earnings and paying your medical for life. If at a point in time your earnings are anticipated to increase to the point where you would be at or above you average weekly wage pre-injury then consider a sec 32 for comp only and keep the medical open.

  4. #289
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    Qualifiying For SSDI - Information And Resources

    The following LINKS are SUPERB, and EXPLAIN HOW SSDI works, HOW to fill out the SSDI APPLICATIONS, and HOW and WHO can HELP you fill out the SSDI application and answer the NUMEROUS questions regarding your disability, like family and friends. They may have OBSERVED OTHER difficulties that you may have as a result of your disability, but may have forgotten, or are not even AWARE of!

    When you get to the web-site, is in important that you access all the links which refer you to additional information! Read the ENTIRE WEB-SITE so that you have a BETTER understanding of WHY and HOW SSDI will USE the information in your medical records, your answers, your age, education and past work history when determining IF your application will be approved or NOT.

    IF you are DENIED the first time around (which is SSDI's common "practice"), be SURE that you FILE THE RECONSIDERATION by the DEADLINE!

    You ALSO have the RIGHT to find out WHO has actually done the REVIEW of your medical records/application! MANY times, this is performed by an SSDI EMPLOYEE, who is NOT A LICENSED MD!!!! Depending on the EXPERIENCE of the reviewer, and how KNOWLEDGEABLE the reviewer actually IS with COMPLICATED MEDICAL CONDITIONS/ISSUES, this ALONE could mean the difference between APPROVED or DENIED for SSDI!

    YOU have the right to have your MEDICAL RECORDS AND YOUR APPLICATION REVIEWED BY AN SSDI STAFF DOCTOR!!!!! So, if the initial reviewer on your case WAS NOT A DOCTOR, then REQUEST ONE!! Send a letter to the actual OFFICE LOCATION where your Application is being reviewed, with your request to have a DOCTOR review your records/application to SSDI via US MAIL CERTIFIED, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED.

    Here in ANOTHER GREAT web-site that actually PROVIDES the "CRITERIA", the Five-step APPROVAL PROCESS, qualifying conditions and OTHER conditions that aren't on their "list", SSDI'S DEFINITIONS of "sedentary", "light", etc, the GRID SYSTEM, and OTHER FACTORS and CHARTS that the SSDI reviewers USE when reviewing your MEDICAL RECORDS and your ANSWERS to the QUESTIONS asked by SSDI on the application~


    It ALSO explains HOW YOUR Doctors should complete the RFC FORMS that can be DOWNLOADED from this web-site, to SUBMIT TO SSDI...... By exploring the home-page and links, here is what one can find under "RFC FORMS":

    FOR EXAMPLE: "The first is a physical RFC. These are used to help determine how your condition physically limits you. There is usually categories with boxes to check that show your limitations. After a series of these the form will usually ask for the medical or clinical findings that support your doctor's conclusions. For example: One question will be are lifting and carrying affected by the claimants impairment? Occasionally ( very little up to 1/3 of 8 hour work day) less than 10 lbs, 10 lbs, 20 lbs, 25 lbs, 50 lbs, 100 lbs or more. Frequently (1/3 to 2/3 of 8 hour work day) less than 10 lbs, 10 lbs, 20 lbs, 25 lbs, 50 lbs, 100 lbs or more. Your doctor will check off which lifting limitation applies to you. Your doctor will have a series of other questions like this in different areas of functioning as well. The form will ask after each set of questions about the medical or clinical findings that support his assessment. You can download a physical RFC on this page......

    The second is a mental RFC. This will help determine how a psychiatric condition limits you. This form is set up similar to the physical RFC except your the questions are different and the check mark boxes are different. There will be a series of questions like the following: Ability to carry out very short and simple instructions? There will then be a series of boxes like no limitations, slight limitation, moderate limitation, marked limitation, and extreme limitation. Again Social Security will ask after a series of these type questions what is the medical support for these findings.......

    "So why do you need these? Because whether you are disabled or not will be based on how your medical conditions limit you. These forms show your doctors opinion of just that. Another reason you need them is because if you don't have them from your doctor I can assure you Social Security will have some filled out by Social Security consultative doctors and other Social Security employees. Do you want to rely on what they say your limitations are?" [Emphasis added]

    The following is JUST a partial chart/ example of ONE of the "factors/charts" used when exploring the other links within the web-site! SSDI , as explained earlier, has a "FIVE STEP PROCESS", and SSDI must consider EVERYTHING concerning your medical conditions, your impairment etc, not only on a "isolated basis" but in COMBINATION when cosidering ALL the factors in your case.....

    As more informative SSDI links are found, I will try and "bump" this post up and provide additional information about the SSDI process .

    Again contact your area reps about how the laws need to be changed in the NYSRS. It's the NY Socical Security Laws of the NYSRS (disability) and there are many sections to the laws. If awarded SSD for the same work injuries the state denies you, contact your area politicians and complain. From what I'am told most of these politicians have no idea what is going on with the NYSR disability.( but they made the laws)... For the many i-w that have contacted me in other parts of the state, go to this site to find your reps.

    Last edited by zinger; May 15th, 2009 at 02:34 PM.

  5. #290
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Remembering Veterans . . . and Their Families

    Last Sunday evening, May 24, the annual National Memorial Day Concert from the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.,. It was the 20th anniversary of this 90-minute musical, dramatic and patriotic remembrance for those who have served, have given their lives to fight this country's battles, or have been wounded in those battles.

    I had a chance to be in the D.C area. for this service for our vets this was the most amazing event I have ever attended. It was broadcast live on pbs and if you miss this on tv go to the pbs site and check out the memorial day sites. Some of the blogs are so heart wrenching about family members that have been disabled. God Bless America in the search box type in memorial day.

  6. #291
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    Financial Side Effects of On-the-Job Injuries

    Q. You hurt your back at work and the doctor has prescribed a few weeks of recovery at home. How long will you have to wait before disability benefits kick in?

    A. Probably not too long for basic workers’ compensation benefits, which usually start after a waiting period of three to seven days. Mark Webb, vice president for governmental relations at Employers Direct Insurance, an insurer in Agoura Hills, Calif., says that most employees are eligible for benefits under the workers’ compensation systems of their states. “The assumption going in is that the workplace will be a safe place to work,” he said. “In the event that this isn’t the case, workers’ compensation exists to get you compensated, healthy and back to work as quickly as possible.”
    Q. Will these benefits cover your entire salary?
    A. How much you will receive depends on how much you earn and on where you live.
    Workers’ compensation laws differ by state. Most require employers to replace up to two-thirds of the pre-injury wage until the employee can return to work, but there is a catch: the maximum paid each week varies by state. The cap ranges from $351.14 in Mississippi to $1,133 in Iowa. In New York, it is $400.
    For highly paid employees, the benefits often amount to only a small portion of their usual income. “For most people, getting injured is going to create a significant financial hardship no matter how you look at it,” said Marsha Fitzgerald, director of Lifetime Health BusinessWorks, a managed-care provider in Rochester.
    Q. Could other benefit programs help?
    A. Yes, but it becomes complicated.
    Many employers offer group disability insurance as part of benefits packages. In most cases, you must be enrolled for at least 30 days before the day of the accident. Such programs are mandatory for many businesses in five states: California, Hawaii, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island.
    This insurance generally covers half to two-thirds of total pre-injury wages, often with a cap of $5,000 a month. Virginia Reno, vice president for income security policy at the National Academy of Social Insurance, a nonprofit research organization, said that this insurance is “typically reduced dollar for dollar by any other coverage you get.”
    If weekly workers’ comp payments max out at 40 percent of salary, she said, disability insurance would pay only another 10 to 27 percent, depending on your coverage. Employees may also buy supplemental insurance, which can provide an additional amount — raising total coverage to 80 percent.
    Craig Dedrick, assistant vice president at Carpenter, Cammack & Associates, an insurance broker in Charlotte, N.C., said that repetitive stress injuries might not be covered under some disability insurance policies. “When it’s a soft injury, when you can’t see broken bone, employers and insurers are skeptical,” he said.
    Q. If you’re not recovering quickly, what are your options?
    A. Depending on where you live, your initial workers’ compensation coverage usually lasts for up to six months, at which point other forms of workers’ compensation coverage may kick in. Benefits from the Social Security Administration may also be available if you have been out of work at least five months and expect to be out at least a year.
    Etti Baranoff, associate professor of insurance and finance at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, said employees seeking these Social Security benefits must prove that they are unable to do work of any kind. “This is the most stringent definition of an inability to work,” said Ms. Baranoff, author of “Risk Management and Insurance” (Wiley, 2008). These benefits are available whether or not your injury happened at work, but the claims process can stretch on for many months, and you may need a lawyer to prove that you qualify.
    In rare cases — when a work-related injury necessitates years of physical therapy or ends a career — an employee may qualify for both Social Security and workers’ comp benefits. Ms. Reno said federal law prohibited these combined benefits from exceeding 80 percent of the pre-injury wage.
    Q. Once you start feeling better, should you ease your way back into work?
    A. First, get clearance from your doctor. If the doctor says you’re ready only for light duty, you may want to ask your employer whether your job can be modified.
    Still, such transitional duty may have financial consequences, said Rebecca Shafer, president of Amaxx Risk Solutions, a consulting firm in Mansfield, Conn. Your employer may not want to pay full-time wages for part-time work and your insurance may not cover the gap.
    Q. Can you lose your job while you’re recovering from a work-related injury?
    A. In many cases, yes. Frank Melton, a partner at the law firm Rutter Hobbs & Davidoff in Century City, Calif., says employers may not be obliged to guarantee that an injured worker’s job will be available when the worker returns. In some cases, employees may be protected under the Americans With Disabilities Act, but Mr. Melton noted that if injured employees could not perform essential functions of their jobs with reasonable accommodation, or there were no other positions for which they were qualified, they could be let go.
    He added that in most states, before firing a recuperating employee who was injured on the job, employers must first prove that they could not function effectively with temporary workers.
    “If a position is so technical and difficult that it just isn’t viable for a temp, an employer may be able to make a move,” he said.

  7. #292
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    More on New York State CORRUPT former comptroller Allen Hevesi. A sweeping corruption investigation of the state pension systems in NYS has expanded nation wide. Mr. Hevesi and his son, Daniel, have not been charged (yet) and both say they have done nothing wrong. The criminal complaint has charged Saul Meyers, tried to get additional business with the pension fund and gain Hevesi’s favor by helping one of his sons land a $250,000 fee in an investment deal with the New Mexico Investment Council. Meyers also was hit with corruption charges for allegedly paying $300,000 in kickbacks to Hevesi’s top aid political aid in exchange for landing a retirement fund investment deal worth $175 million. The main character of all this is Hank Morris a campaign strategist who was the top political advisor to Hevesi. Andrew Cuomo has said stay tuned more charges are on the way.
    __________________________________________________ _____________________

    Yes and we have another one, Ex-NY surgeon general denies exploiting workers. The former surgeon general Antonia Novello pleaded not guilty to forcing state employees to work overtime to handle her personal chores when she was NY health commissioner. Prosecutors unsealed a 20-count indictment that includes a felony charge of defrauding the government. The state inspector general said the 2,500 hours of over time put in by workers cost tax-payers about $48,000. Novello was paid $256,000 a year as health commissioner. The state workers had to chauffer her on shopping trips and move heavy furniture at her apartment while she was the surgeon general.

    Both Hevesi, and Novello have used state workers to their advantage, Hevesi used state workers as a chauffer, and for care of his sick wife. You have a comptroller and a health commissioner that used their power for their own benefits. But did nothing to help the injured worker and disabled. How about all the legitimate i-w that were screwed out of their disability benefits and still are (NYSRS) when this ass was the state comptroller. But did he care, no just about himself. Both of them need to go to jail!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. #293
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    I Have Never Felt Smarter Than Dealing with WC:

    I hate to hear these awful stories but then again I am glad I am not alone. I have been waiting for a 3d bone scan that was approved at my last hearing in 09/09, well someone at the hearing excluded it from notes and as of today 05/28, I am still waiting!!! I had another hearing in beginning of May and it was approved, again, but I now have to wait for the ins Authorization? Are you kidding me? It has been over 9 months and I am sitting here daily in pain and getting nowhere!! I have spent more time on phone with more idiots who do not know their jobs and do not care about us injured workers...My lawyer never calls me back, why should he care? WC has my file so screwed up that they have Doctors attached to me who I never even saw. My prescriptions are getting declined, (no reason, just HUMAN error) and I still have no answer as why my arm is wrecked! I am constantly in pain and tired of drugs and really need a resolution...I feel like I am dealing with idiots. I have left 4 voicemails to my ins co and he is now on vacation till June 2...I just want the test done so I know what is wrong with me and what is causing me to have no use of my is just a mess...I have spent so much money on Holistic alternatives and willing to try anything, seeing as I feel like I am talking to myself.... No one cares or listens!!! How can I get things done? It is disgusting how we get treated as injured workers!! There is a stigma attached to us and it is wrong...I was making $500.00 A week until I got injured and if they think that I am enjoying my measly check from them, news flash, I WOULD RATHER BE WORKING, than being a one armed girl...Getting treated like a criminal vs. a client...It has been 2 years and I am still not properly diagnosed? Sorry I vented, I am just discouraged as well as you are. I wish everyone the best, if anyone can give me any advice, Thank you!! Besides snapping, it is not worth the added stress....
    __________________________________________________ ________________

    This came off another i-w site this happens every day to the i-w and how the IC can screw with you. That person lost her job due to the IC taking their time. Very important either party is allowed to provide medical at their own expense at any time.
    You can get your own test and then file for reimbursement.
    Many times your health insurance will provide care on denied claims. So you don’t have to wait forever for a test!

  9. #294
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    The following posts is about a new bill that will be going to congress on reforms to the WC system, this bill will affect all states. Another positive side of this bill is that it will draw attention to the problems in the work comp system. This is VERY important. Most people in the U.S. do not know what happens if you have a substantial injury at work. A 'social problem' is defined as some aspect of society that people are concerned about and would like changed. Today, I believe that most do not believe that the work comp system is a problem because they are unaware. (Saying this for a long time)

    Again, I do wish this bill had more in it...however I will look at it as a start. I have used an analogy before...about the question, How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. The work comp system is a HUGE elephant that will take time to subdue. I would like to take some bites right now. Is the time is right to have the federal government start looking into every states WC system? I would like the Feds to start looking into NYSRS disability system too. I have started, with writing letters to the federal government about the broken system of the NYSRS. Sorry back to the WC bill, this is a federal bill that would create a Workers' Compensation Commission.
    If you would like more information about this bill, you can contact Congressman Baca's office in Washington DC and ask to speak to the Staff Consultant working on this bill, His phone number is 202-225-6161. I am posting a copy of this bill. We need EVERY state to be behind this bill, as it will be nation wide. I'll be posting more on this and posts by injured workers that are behind the movement of the bill.

    National Commission on State Workers' Compensation Laws Act of 2009 (Introduced in House)

    HR 635 IH 111th CONGRESS1st SessionH. R. 635To establish the National Commission on State Workers' Compensation Laws.

    IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESJanuary 22, 2009Mr. BACA introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Education and Labor

  10. #295
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    A BILLTo establish the National Commission on State Workers' Compensation Laws. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE.

    This Act may be cited as the `National Commission on State Workers' Compensation Laws Act of 2009'.SEC. 2. FINDINGS.The Congress finds the following:
    (1) The full protection of American workers from job-related injury or death requires an adequate, prompt, and equitable system of workers' compensation as well as an effective program of occupational health and safety regulation.

    (2) The vast majority of American workers and their families are dependent on workers' compensation for their basic economic security in the event such workers suffer injury or death in the course of employment.

    (3) In 1972, the National Commission on State Workmen's Compensation Laws found that the system of State workers' compensation laws was `inequitable and inadequate'. Since that time, changes in reductions in State workers' compensation laws have increased the inadequacy and inequitable levels of workers' compensation benefits. Serious questions exist concerning the fairness and adequacy of present workers' compensation laws in light of the growth of the economy, changing nature of the labor force, misclassification of workers as independent contractors, and as leased employees, as well as erosion of remedies for the bad faith handling and delay in payment of benefits and medical care to workers and their families, increases in medical knowledge, changes in the hazards associated with various employment, new risks to health and safety created by new technology, and increases in the general level of wages and in the cost of living.

    SEC. 3. ESTABLISHMENT OF COMMISSION.There is established a commission to be known as the `National Commission on State Workers' Compensation Laws' (hereinafter in this Act referred to as the `Commission').

    SEC. 4. DUTIES OF COMMISSION.(a) In General- The duties of the Commission shall be--
    (1) to review the findings of the previous National Commission on State Workmen's Compensation Laws and its recommendations;
    (2) to study and evaluate State workers' compensation laws in order to determine if such laws provide an adequate, prompt, and equitable system of compensation for injury or death arising out of or in the course of employment; and
    (3) to study and evaluate whether additional remedies should be recommended to ensure prompt and good faith payment of benefits and medical care to injured workers and their families.(b) Matters To Be Evaluated and Studied- The study and evaluation under subsection (a)(2) shall include--(1) the amount of permanent and temporary disability benefits and the criteria for determining the maximum limitations of such benefits or the elimination of such maximum limitations;(2) a study and evaluation of State workers' compensation laws in order to determine if, and ensure that, such laws provide an adequate, prompt, and equitable system of compensation and medical care for injuries or death arising out of in the course of employment;(3) a study of whether other adequate remedies are available to ensure the prompt payment of benefits and to reduce or eliminate bad faith delays in payments of benefits, providing medical care, and discouraging misclassification of workers as independent contractors and or leased employees to avoid paying workers' compensation benefits;(4) the amount and duration of medical benefits and provisions ensuring adequate medical care and free choice of physician;(5) rehabilitation;(6) standards for determining assurance of benefits caused by aggravation or acceleration of preexisting injuries or disease;(7) time limits on filing claims;(8) waiting periods;(9) compulsory or elective coverage;(10) administration;(11) ensuring prompt hearings and due process evidentiary rights in the resolution of claims;(12) the relationship between workers' compensation on the one hand, and old-age, disability, and survivors insurance and other types of insurance (public or private) on the other hand; and(13) methods of communicating the recommendations of the Commission.

  11. #296
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    In regards to the last post on how the federal government is looking into over seeing the WC system in all states, which we do need. I received an email right after I posted this. The email was about how the federal government will eventually have to start bailing out state government and municipalities. Somewhere around $2 trillion if that bail out would have started today. The point was made that once the states start receiving this federal money you will see reforms in the WC system and it could affect the NYSRS (disability) standards or other state systems across the country. How, if you were awarded SSD for work injuries by the federal government and the state would deny you disability benefits I think there would be some problems. Right now the NYSRS disability has denied thousands of i-w because of the Bureaucracy (the structure and set of regulations in place to control activity, usually in large organizations and government) it holds over the head of the i-w. California and New York are the two states that have so much debt they will never get out of the red with out the feds help. I have been following the bill, and reading the blogs and it looks like the INSURANCE COMPANIES are dead against this. I wonder why?

    National Association of Professional Insurance Agents Opposes HR 635

    PIA supports the current state-based system of insurance regulation and opposes legislation that would transfer supervisory authority to the federal government.(gee I wonder why) Accordingly, PIA has also announced its steadfast opposition to the National Insurance Consumer Protection Act of 2009 (H.R. 1880) by Reps. Ed Royce (R-Calif.) and Melissa Bean (D-Ill.).
    Founded in 1931, PIA is a national trade association that represents member insurance agents and their employees who sell and service all kinds of insurance . ( They left out how they lobby state politicians!)
    Florida Injury Victims Lawyer Blog

    National Efforts for the Establishment of Minimum Standards for Workers' Compensation Faces Opposition from the Insurance Industry
    It's no surprise that insurance industry sees any effort by the federal government to set up a commission to study state workers' compensation laws and practices as unjustified and a waste of taxpayers' money, according to the National Association of Professional Insurance Agents (PIA). As an attorney who represents injured workers in Florida I see these type of efforts by the insurance lobby to suppress the rights of injured workers and other injury victims all the time.
    H.R. 635, the "National Commission on State Workers' Compensation Laws Act of 2009." The bill would create a commission tasked with evaluating the state-based workers' compensation insurance system and making recommendations for improvements to the system. This type of national review of the states workers' compensation systems is long overdue. Over the past 30 years the rights of this nation's workers, who are the backbone of our economy, has given way to the more powerful insurance lobby and its billions of dollars in annual profits. The benefits that injured workers receive after they are injured on the job has been whittled down to almost nothing while at the same time the profits of the giant workers compensation insurance companies have skyrocketed!

  12. #297
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    A post about the bill that has the IC upset.


    When I went to that web site and read what insurance companies do I had no doubt it was true. The reason I KNOW it's true? It's happening to me. Not every person that goes through comp will experience these tactics but when you do you will see why laws need to be changed.

    When they lie in the court room there is no one that will hold them accountable.

    They can say whatever they like.

    AIG is a prime example of incompetent people running a company. They needed 182 billion to straighten the ship...... the problem with that is the truth will never be shown that in that process not only did they mismanage the money they had I will GUARANTEE they failed to honor legitimate claims for comensation. It's pretty sad that American workers are subjected to this chicanery that these companies use so they can turn profits while the worker that was injured and the money was intened for suffers.

    Do we live in the middle ages where people have no rights?

    Why are we told we have rights in public but behind closed doors you don't. They tell you in public you have to pay for workers compensation so when you are injured you can be compensated. When you are injured it is the job of the lawyers that work for the company to screw over as many people as they can so they don't have to pay any more than they need to.

    The workers compensation SYSTEM is a lie that is controlled by the multi billion dollar insurance industry.

    They will pay enough claims to give it the apperance of being an honest and upright business but that's where the grain of truth stops.

    I would love it if the US government formed an agency or watchdog group that oversees these insurance companies and has the power to fine them if they don't run their business within certain guidelines. Then use that money to fund the angency so it can see to it that things are done right.

    I have not recieved my weekly comensation in over 2 years and 3 months and was offered a settlement on August 15th 2008 (May 15th 2009 will be 10 months) and they still have not made good on that.

    Can anyone honestly tell me this insurance company is treating me any better than an animal or lowest form of life?

    I just wrote 2 senators, a governor and Zachery Weiss asking them to intervene.

    They offered me a settlement and since have stalled, lied, delayed, ignored.

    Maybe i should apologize to them for my 5 herniated discs and tell them to keep their money for a party for the company since they work so hard for it.

  13. #298
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    I am going to try to attach some information on people who sit on the WC board. I am not sure if this will work since I have not done this before. So if I screw this up sorry and I will have to post in text. just take a look at the people that sit on the board and the political placements on the board.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  14. #299
    Member Smiley's Avatar
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    Zinger, good job. It worked!
    Life, Liberty and the Pursuit Of All That Threaten It
    What if the Hokey-Pokey IS what it's all about?

  15. #300
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    Thanks smiley, the average pay for these people on the wc board $100,000.00 plus everything else they get.

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