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Thread: New York State Disability Retirement System

  1. #241
    Member Smiley's Avatar
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    Being that it is taking so long, maybe there was a hearing and the judge rendered a decision which was not acceptable to one side. If this was the case, the decision could be appealed to the Board to review the case and the decision.

    Appeals of the Board Panel or Full Board decisions may be taken to the Appellate Division, Third Department, NYS Supreme Court, within 30 days following the filing of the WCB decision. Then the decision of the Appelate Division may be appealed to the Court of Appeals.

    I know... it could be a long drawn out process.
    Life, Liberty and the Pursuit Of All That Threaten It
    What if the Hokey-Pokey IS what it's all about?

  2. #242
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Smiley, When I went through this system it was nothing but hell for 2years.
    The WC system is a broken system but the politicians will do nothing to fix it.
    I never had to deal with NYSRS but from what I hear that is really bad. If you
    ask me it's nothing but discrimination against the disabled.

  3. #243
    Member Smiley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheekman View Post
    Smiley, When I went through this system it was nothing but hell for 2years.
    The WC system is a broken system but the politicians will do nothing to fix it.
    I never had to deal with NYSRS but from what I hear that is really bad. If you
    ask me it's nothing but discrimination against the disabled.
    cheek, I know what you mean and I agree with you that the system is in dire need for improvement. Luckily for me, when I was injured on the job, I didn't need to loose any time. They took care of my medical bills. I hope I never need to go on workers comp.
    Life, Liberty and the Pursuit Of All That Threaten It
    What if the Hokey-Pokey IS what it's all about?

  4. #244
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smiley View Post
    Being that it is taking so long, maybe there was a hearing and the judge rendered a decision which was not acceptable to one side. If this was the case, the decision could be appealed to the Board to review the case and the decision.

    Appeals of the Board Panel or Full Board decisions may be taken to the Appellate Division, Third Department, NYS Supreme Court, within 30 days following the filing of the WCB decision. Then the decision of the Appelate Division may be appealed to the Court of Appeals.

    I know... it could be a long drawn out process.
    Smiley, thanks for the information I had my c- forms all mixed up. What was posted about the c-forms is very important so take note of them. There are more c-forms in the wc system and I will be posting them up with the meaning of them.
    My case would be a good example of the appeal processes that Smiley spoke of.
    I was awarded a decision from the laws judge and thought my case would be over. The
    i-c did not like the decision and appealed it to a partial board panel for review. The wait can be 3 to 8 months for a decision. I waited for the decision about 6 months and it was ruled in my favor and I went back to court. In court the i-c told the judge he would like to appeal his decision again to a full board. So you go through the same process another wait for a decision about 6 months again and the decision by the board was in my favor. My employer let go that i-c after all that bull., and hired a new i-c I went to court six months later and my case was settled in 20 min marked degree of disability at 75 percent.( I would like to mention to the few people that were concerned about fakers, I know there were a few that posted on this site. You could never go through to two appeal board hearings and win both if you were a fraud.) Every time an i-c appeals a case to a board hearing it costs your employer money it is not cheap to do this. But these are the games insurance companies play with the injured and disabled workers. Remember i-c and ime’s work for your employer not for you. The system is broken and needs changes but you people have to change them you do not have to be a injured worker to demand change. If you get hurt on the job like I have been saying you have no clue what you and your family are in for.
    Last edited by zinger; January 6th, 2009 at 10:53 PM.

  5. #245
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    I updated the list of ime’s there are a few new ones, and the last two on the list are from the Rochester area. I have received their names from injured workers around the Rochester area. Gerow is a chiropractor and workers for many insurance companies in this area this guy is not good.

    The NYSRS uses Lynch and Pastore as their yes men when you see them request your records as soon as possible.

    Dr. Lynch Psychological & Neuropsychological Evaluations
    Dr. Pastore orthopedic
    Dr. Leone orthopedic
    Dr. Collard orthopedic
    Dr Brothman orthopedic
    Doc. J Gerow chiropractor
    Dr. Roy Hepner
    Dr. Levie

    If you live in the Buffalo area you can be sent to the Rochester area to see an ime, the NYSRS does this time and time again. They could care less if you cannot sit in a car for any period of time. What I have been told by injured workers that this has happens to, they have been contacting their attorneys and complaining about this.

  6. #246
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Face facts cheeks, the majority of people like these entitlements. You like lots and lots of money to the disabled. I feel that people should buy private insurance. You feel the state should be in the insurance business. My point is simple, everybody has a special interest and everybody thinks their issue is important. The vast majority of people using these benefits pay the least in taxes. Those same people expect the most. As for me voting for Stack, what was the other option? A pulse with a GED. Did you really think Delano was the man? Just remember the politicians give the people what they want. The free cheesers are the people who utilize the majority of these benefits. I can not imagine a politician trying to run on a platform of eliminating all these programs. Perhaps the only vote he would get is from Goody. O.K. , cut off the poor, elderly, infirmed and unions, see how far you will go. Bottom line Cheeks, people like you talk a good game but if you were ever cut off, didn't get what you wanted , you would be left wondering who moved your cheese

    Face facts cheeks, the majority of people like these entitlements. You like lots and lots of money to the disabled. I feel that people should buy private insurance. You feel the state should be in the insurance business. My point is simple, everybody has a special interest and everybody thinks their issue is important. The vast majority of people using these benefits pay the least in taxes. Those same people expect the most. As for me voting for Stack, what was the other option? A pulse with a GED. Did you really think Delano was the man? Just remember the politicians give the people what they want. The free cheesers are the people who utilize the majority of these benefits. I can not imagine a politician trying to run on a platform of eliminating all these programs. Perhaps the only vote he would get is from Goody. O.K. , cut off the poor, elderly, infirmed and unions, see how far you will go. Bottom line Cheeks, people like you talk a good game but if you were ever cut off, didn't get what you wanted , you would be left wondering who moved your cheese


    I moved my comments to this site, you are right the majority of these people pay the least in taxes. But you have the politicians that made the laws very simple for these people. Why because this state is a run by liberal democrats that have made all the laws. (Stack is one) has the senator looked into any of the laws he has made that block injured workers from their benefits . how about all the bad ime’s bad i-c and bad law judges. If you read all the posts on this site you can see all the laws and a broken systems that the politicians have set up to fight the injured worker. Why do you think they are? because the system WC and the NYSRS employee thousands of workers mostly of political people friends, all over the state. By the way I work a 40hr week pay into my disability insurance and I am disabled. and pay more taxes than would ever dream of. If you work in the private sector you pay into your disability insurance check your pay stub. maybe you don’t work and just cry or to dumb to know what is going on. I just hope you never get hurt. By the way you can take my free cheese which you say i get bend over grab your ankles and put it where the sun don’t shine.

    What do you think of this the men and women that keep your butt safe . you probably agree!


  7. #247
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    So what is it cheeks? Is it simple or difficult to get the cheese? Are liberal laws good or bad. First you're telling me that liberals are making it too easy then you say that incompetants are running the system because of liberal legislators. Furthermore if the state would stop insuring disability cases then you can get rid of all those state employees you like to call "Free Cheesers." If you talk the talk about privatization you should walk the walk. I realize the nys constitution states that it has to take care of the disabled, but to what extent? I thought liberals were supposed to be good for the needy.

  8. #248
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    One more thing Cheeks, I had surgery two years ago and was out of work 5 months. I used my PRIVATE disability insurance and had no problems. A form for my doctor to fill out. Thats it. A nice fat check once a week until I returned to work. As far as being dumb, I will not even entertain that statement. I've read your postings.

  9. #249
    Member knowsitall's Avatar
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    Forget it...

    Forget it AC. The cheese is only free when others get it.....
    Fully stimulated...

  10. #250
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by a citizen View Post
    One more thing Cheeks, I had surgery two years ago and was out of work 5 months. I used my PRIVATE disability insurance and had no problems. A form for my doctor to fill out. Thats it. A nice fat check once a week until I returned to work. As far as being dumb, I will not even entertain that statement. I've read your postings.
    ok must of hit the pain spot when i said lib-demo or let me just say the right. thats good you went out and had surgery me too more than you i'm sure. you have no clue what you are even talking about! WORK RELATED INJURIES AND BEING DISABLED FROM THEM!! Disability insurance for non work injuries are two differant items i could care less what kind of insurance you have for that. What do you think the state should pay for a operation that you need or your sick, of course you would have insurance or sick time. if you did get hurt on the job and did not fill out a claim then you should talk to someone to wake you up. why is it our politicians have set up a system that fights the injured and disabled for years and years. But ....... but welfare lets just walk right into this state and get it, and the blind guy is set to hand out more. the blind guy is so far right he will give everything away. as for me being dumb what ever you think is fine it's a free country (for now ) you say what ever you feel. By the way you never answered my question what do you think of the disabled men and women in the armed services that are getting screwed from their ssd so we can give more to the illegals. that was set up by the far right. some things i hope never happen to you or someone close to you. they go into the service and get hurt and disabled,someone gets hurt on the job an becomes disabled, someone becomes disabled because of illness, disabled
    due to a bad accident. you would be the first in line for the free cheese... you must work for a politician. may be send the person that writes the posts here a pm. ask how many disabled vets and i-w get screwed by the laws these politicians have set up.

    ok thats enough im all worked up.... drooling to much and i have to go in the yard an make poo... oops i just got hit in the head for making a mess.
    Last edited by cheekman; January 22nd, 2009 at 08:27 PM.

  11. #251
    Unregistered Cgoodsp466's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by a citizen View Post
    So what is it cheeks? Is it simple or difficult to get the cheese? Are liberal laws good or bad. First you're telling me that liberals are making it too easy then you say that incompetants are running the system because of liberal legislators. Furthermore if the state would stop insuring disability cases then you can get rid of all those state employees you like to call "Free Cheesers." If you talk the talk about privatization you should walk the walk. I realize the nys constitution states that it has to take care of the disabled, but to what extent? I thought liberals were supposed to be good for the needy.

    I am the one who coined the term free cheeser. State employees are the dregs of society. I guess if you cant you work for the state.

  12. #252
    Unregistered Cgoodsp466's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by knowsitall View Post
    Forget it AC. The cheese is only free when others get it.....
    I dont need it and I am to proud to ask for it. So I guess if I am terminal I will check myself out. I want to go to my grave knowing I never stole anything from anybody.

  13. #253
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by knowsitall View Post
    Forget it AC. The cheese is only free when others get it.....
    ahhhhh my favorite person.

  14. #254
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cgoodsp466 View Post
    I dont need it and I am to proud to ask for it. So I guess if I am terminal I will check myself out. I want to go to my grave knowing I never stole anything from anybody.
    Ice flow or exhaust pipe?

  15. #255
    Unregistered Cgoodsp466's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by a citizen View Post
    Ice flow or exhaust pipe?

    Dr Smith and Dr Wesson. Top notch nureo surgeons.

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