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Thread: New York State Disability Retirement System

  1. #181
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Me cry nope just keep on fighting I have no use for any politican... SEMER FI

  2. #182
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Since we now have the same old politicians in office the i-w and disabled will have to continue to keep on them for the laws that have to be changed. What will happen when you contact your area representative for some help with your case either they never answer you or they will look into it. If they do contact the NYSRS for you they will give no medical information out because of the Hipa laws. (authorization for release of health information). So your rep has no clue what is wrong with you and why you are getting jerked around. Since I was getting no place fast with my reps I went out of the district and wrote some letters to other assemblyman and senators. Most of the time they will write you back and say they forward it to your area assemblyman and senator.(that is what you call passing the buck meaning they don’t want to help you.) But I was contacted by another senator from another district and said he would look into my case, again no medical information could be given out. To get around this you can copy some of your medical files and fax it over to them. No they have an idea what is going with your case. Again thanks senator for taking the extra step. This is a great thing to do because now your assemblymen and senator have an idea why you are being denied. I know I lot of you have done this already and now they can see why the NYS. S.S. laws need to be changed for the disabled.

  3. #183
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    If anyone is interested in this service you can contact the people below. I know
    with everyone’s busy schedules this is hard to do but if you are retired and have some time this is a great service to the blind. I know some of you do this now that are disabled and have the time hats off to you people. Also college students can get involved, there a lot of students that are going to school for special education and teaching of disabled children. I have been contacted by some that do this now.

    The Niagara Frontier Radio Reading Service is a private, not-for-profit agency, operates a special "radio station" for area people unable to read the printed matter that most of us take for granted. Volunteer Radio Readers broadcast daily readings of newspapers, magazines and books to area blind and print-handicapped persons, who are provided "reading radios." Typical Radio Reading volunteers come in for about 90 minutes to record a one-hour radio reading. The Niagara Frontier Radio Reading Service broadcast studios are at 1199 Harlem Road, Cheektowaga (between William and Clinton Streets). The agency telephone number is 821-5555. The Niagara Frontier Radio Reading Service is always looking for people who might like to become volunteer Radio Readers.
    Last edited by zinger; November 9th, 2008 at 11:31 AM.

  4. #184
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Since I mentioned about the HIPAA laws I have received questions about this law so I will post it up at the end of this post. Basically it’s the paper work that you sign to release your medical information. If you were going to see another doctor your records would be released only if you sign the paper work, the feds made this law I believe in 1996. Now if you see an IME you request your medical reports from these guy’s so you have and idea what is going on, and you can either show your doctor or compare them with your doctors reports. If you are involved with the NYSRS you have to request your ime reports from the state. From what I am hearing they are taking their good old time about sending them, it should take no longer than ten days. This system wants to discourage you any way they can when it comes to waiting. Like I said before the politicians cannot get any information about your case from the state because of the HIPAA laws. So you can fax the reports over to your area rep if they are trying to help you out. Also fax over your award statement from SSD with your doctors reports let these politicians know you have been awarded SSD for the same injuries the state denies you. This the only way to get these laws changed that benefit you and not them.

    HIPAA, which stands for the American Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, is a set of rules to be followed by doctors, hospitals and other health care providers. HIPAA took effect on April 14, 2006. HIPAA helps ensure that all medical records, medical billing, and patient accounts meet certain consistent standards with regard to documentation, handling and privacy.

    In addition, HIPAA requires that all patients be able access their own medical records, correct errors or omissions, and be informed how personal information is shared used. Other provisions involve notification of privacy procedures to the patient. HIPAA provisions that have led in many cases to extensive overhauling with regard to medical records and billing systems.

  5. #185
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Vets not forgotten

    Randolph, Vt.- In World War II, Samuel Mazuer was a tail gunner on a B-17 bomber that flew over Europe. Three decades later, he died of cancer- with no family at his side – at a vets hosp al in Vermont. His cremated remains were sent to a funeral home, where they were placed on a shelf and forgotten. He had a very interesting life from a man that knew him and he really had nobody special in his life. Until last week. On Friday, Mazur got full military honors and was laid to rest along with three other forgotten vets. This done by a volunteer organization that seeks to identify and honor the unclaimed remains of American vets. In two years the groups volunteers have visited 592 funeral homes, found 6,327 sets of unclaimed remains, and identified 491 of them being vets. The AP

  6. #186
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zinger View Post
    Since I mentioned about the HIPAA laws I have received questions about this law so I will post it up at the end of this post. Basically it’s the paper work that you sign to release your medical information. If you were going to see another doctor your records would be released only if you sign the paper work, the feds made this law I believe in 1996. Now if you see an IME you request your medical reports from these guy’s so you have and idea what is going on, and you can either show your doctor or compare them with your doctors reports. If you are involved with the NYSRS you have to request your ime reports from the state. From what I am hearing they are taking their good old time about sending them, it should take no longer than ten days. This system wants to discourage you any way they can when it comes to waiting. Like I said before the politicians cannot get any information about your case from the state because of the HIPAA laws. So you can fax the reports over to your area rep if they are trying to help you out. Also fax over your award statement from SSD with your doctors reports let these politicians know you have been awarded SSD for the same injuries the state denies you. This the only way to get these laws changed that benefit you and not them.

    HIPAA, which stands for the American Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, is a set of rules to be followed by doctors, hospitals and other health care providers. HIPAA took effect on April 14, 2006. HIPAA helps ensure that all medical records, medical billing, and patient accounts meet certain consistent standards with regard to documentation, handling and privacy.

    In addition, HIPAA requires that all patients be able access their own medical records, correct errors or omissions, and be informed how personal information is shared used. Other provisions involve notification of privacy procedures to the patient. HIPAA provisions that have led in many cases to extensive overhauling with regard to medical records and billing systems.

    If you are requesting your medical reports from the NYSRS you can request them through this address. You can also fax your request for med records. 518-474-3091

    Office of the NYS Comptroller
    Employees’ Retirement System
    110 State Street, Albany, New York 12244-0001

    Attention: Disability Services

    If you are going through a WC case through your employers insurance company most of the time that ime will send you a copy of that report. If not you have that ime’s name you can call them for your records to be sent to you. ( they can not refuse you any reports) It is very import to have all your records both from the ime and your doctor. When you see your doctor request a copy of the reports. Just look at them and see how different the ime report is off from your doctor’s reports. Remember way back when I said I went to an ime and he told me right out I only give 50 percent no matter what. This is what you call a real bad ime. Get all those records together and hang on to them. If you are getting and MRI or CT scan you also want the reports.

  7. #187
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    #1 11-13-2008, 03:09 PM
    Member Join Date: Nov 2007
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    SSDI Appeal


    My workers compensation claim was made in the State of: NY

    my lawyer and i put in for SSDI and of course we were denided the first time.instead of appealing on the decesion my lawyer requested a hearing/appeal to go in front of the judge to save time and have the judge hear the appeal instead of waiting for the SS to hear my written apeal.was this a good move by my lawyer?the wait time for a hearing is 15 months in NY,thanks

    At best he saved you 90 days by foregoing the reconsideration stage which you MAY have been approved at. IMHO....NO it wasn't, and makes no sense to me at all, then again he IS a lawyer.
    Last edited by zinger; November 15th, 2008 at 10:48 PM.

  8. #188
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    a citizen
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    Join Date: Oct 2008
    Posts: 37 Also, do away with public disability insurance. Buy your own insurance. Wouldn't this help the business owner? State would no longer have to staff an office for Zinger's crying. What did this guy do? loose his appendages like that knight in "Monty Python?"
    __________________________________________________ ___________________________________________

    This person has no idea what he is talking about. Get your facts right then talk.

  9. #189
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Here is a list of items that should be considered when dealing with your comp case, NYSRS, and SSD. Try to keep good records of everything that pertains to your case. The first thing is when injured on the job make out the injury report right away do not wait three days a week etc. Your employer most likely sends you to their doctor or clinic do not refuse (would not be in your best interest if you are going to pursue your case.) Also see your doctor with in a day of the injury it might be harder to see your doc right away. Request a copy of your injury report from your employer I believe this will be a c-4 injury reports WCB. From what people tell me one of the biggest problems is getting a copy of the injury report from and employer. I never had any problem with this part, if they refused just say I’ll have my comp attorney contact you for a copy. Most of the time they will give you a copy, I really see what the big deal is refusing you a copy of the c-4. Next big item is sending items to anyone involved with your case. When using mail the best way to send it is certified mail that way someone will have to sign for that document when received. You can also track your item on your computer to make sure it gets there, you will have a tracking number on your receipt. The I-W needs to know what is going on with that case make a folder and keep all your records and copies together you might not need them right away but down the road you will wish you had them.

  10. #190
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    1. make copies of all records
    2. use certified mail when sending documents
    3. retain a good Comp attorney
    4. request copies of all medical reports
    5. ask questions about your case attorney, doctors etc.
    6. use the internet for information, i-w never had this tool before use it.
    7. pain management support groups if disabled
    8. do not wait to file for SSD
    9. retain a SSD attorney
    10. know your case


  11. #191
    Member knowsitall's Avatar
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    #11 would be "post 150 messages on a board where nobody cares about your whining...."
    Have you posted ANY mesages outside of this thread that you started? Youre like that guy that only posts crazy crap about Jim Hayes....
    Fully stimulated...

  12. #192
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    count the hits our can't you count that high you don't like people that get hurt or disabled? Then you should not care what goes on here. I'm just helping injured worker that get screwed by politicians which you support. So far none have the balls to help anyone but themselves as for big jimmy useless .

  13. #193
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Re: The Work Comp System &NYSRS not a Federal issue

    WC is a STATE issue, laws providing the requirements are enacted at the state level, WASH DC has nothing to do with any insurance mandates...everything is monitored by the states' dept of insurance.

    You DO NOT want the federal government involved in your WC claim...never.
    You think this system is screwed up now...?
    The legislators who make the laws don't know anything about WC...what they go by is information provided by the IC lobbyists...those people don't know anything about what they lobby for.

    There are post after post after post under "Reform and Advocacy'' on this board... read through those and add your comments...seems like every new member/IW has the same take on the system... everyone is going to become an 'advocate' when they get the money...

    How did you vote or vote for. Did you know or look into the issues surrounding WC and how the system works before you were injured on the job...or voted?
    Do you know how much in WC premiums your ER pays for the coverage the IC provides...?
    Did you know how much in TTD/TPD/PD benefits you would be entitled to IF/When you suffered a work related injury...?
    When that candidate came to your door, did you ask how s/he would vote on the next WC issue in the legislature...or just state your complaints...?

    I would bet the answer to each of those questions is 'NO, I didn't think I would ever need to file a claim for workers compensation benefits..."

    You don't need money to be an need to talk to your family and friends and encourage them to investigate the laws being proposed, and the people running for office you are trusting to take care of ''us''...that's how to become an ''advocate''...

  14. #194
    Member monkeyman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by knowsitall View Post
    #11 would be "post 150 messages on a board where nobody cares about your whining...."
    Have you posted ANY mesages outside of this thread that you started? Youre like that guy that only posts crazy crap about Jim Hayes....
    I read the posts on this site all the time, but it is no one business what is wrong with me so if i want an answer to a question i pm this person. lots of good information on this site for a lot of injured and disabled people. If you don't like the site don't read the posts.

  15. #195
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by knowsitall View Post
    #11 would be "post 150 messages on a board where nobody cares about your whining...."
    Have you posted ANY mesages outside of this thread that you started? Youre like that guy that only posts crazy crap about Jim Hayes....
    Well, well, well looks who's back knowsits-idiot,sounds like the one doing the
    whining is you. If you don't like the stuff that is posted on this site then why read it must be getting under your skin to bad. zing keep up the good work. You are either a politician or up a politicians butt and I have NO use for either. Problem here is a politician or a person like yourself would not WANT to help any of these people to have any information about this subject as do many other politicians. As for the dough boy jimmy another politician that would never go out of his way to help anyone of these people, all for me none for you! Put yor clown picture back up because that is what you are.

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