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Thread: New York State Disability Retirement System

  1. #166
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    W. Stachowski Senator 58th
    D. Volker Senator 59th
    A. Thompson Senator 60th
    M. Rath Senator 61st
    G. Maziarz Senator 62nd
    J. Hayes Assemblymen 148th
    J. Quinn Assemblymen 146th
    M. Schroeder Assemblymen 145th
    S. Hoyt Assemblymen 144th
    R. Schimminger Assemblymen 140th
    F. Delmonte Assemblywomen 138th

    One more day before Election Day lets get out and vote it is your right to vote so exercise that right. The presidential election is all about change and so is Western New York. We have two senators in our area Volker and Stachowski with over 58 years as in trenched politicians, Volker will be tuff to beat but you just never know in an election what can happen. Just remember when you vote look at this area, what has your area representative done in this area or for you personally probably nothing. Just a quick example, we have the longest wait in the nation for SSD benefits, you live in the highest taxed state in the nation, the highest taxed county in nation highest unemployment in the state, we lost over 65,000 people in WNY over the years, a budget deficit of 47 billion dollars in the next four years and in yesterdays paper we pay the highest gasoline prices in the state due part…. yep you guessed it taxes. Has any one of these politicians done anything to look into any of this again probably not if they did they didn’t kill themselves trying. You have nothing to lose in voting for a change! Now for the good people that have been disabled due to work injures and have been awarded their SSD and WC benefits but the NYSRS denies you them because of laws and standards that the politician have set up to screw you out of them. Every one of these politicians listed here know about the NYSRS and the laws that were made and the thousand of workers that have been denied benefits. But they play past the buck to the other guy, and I will get into that at a later date. Like I said before they all know how evil and broken this system is but have done nothing about it so far. We need some change in WNY
    Vote the person and not the line.

  2. #167
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Why don't you find a data entry job. You seem to have no problem sitting in front of the computer. Maybe thats why the doctors don't want to give you free money. All hail the comp king!!!!!!!

  3. #168
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by zinger View Post
    W. Stachowski Senator 58th
    D. Volker Senator 59th
    A. Thompson Senator 60th
    M. Rath Senator 61st
    G. Maziarz Senator 62nd
    J. Hayes Assemblymen 148th
    J. Quinn Assemblymen 146th
    M. Schroeder Assemblymen 145th
    S. Hoyt Assemblymen 144th
    R. Schimminger Assemblymen 140th
    F. Delmonte Assemblywomen 138th

    One more day before Election Day lets get out and vote it is your right to vote so exercise that right. The presidential election is all about change and so is Western New York. We have two senators in our area Volker and Stachowski with over 58 years as in trenched politicians, Volker will be tuff to beat but you just never know in an election what can happen. Just remember when you vote look at this area, what has your area representative done in this area or for you personally probably nothing. Just a quick example, we have the longest wait in the nation for SSD benefits, you live in the highest taxed state in the nation, the highest taxed county in nation highest unemployment in the state, we lost over 65,000 people in WNY over the years, a budget deficit of 47 billion dollars in the next four years and in yesterdays paper we pay the highest gasoline prices in the state due part…. yep you guessed it taxes. Has any one of these politicians done anything to look into any of this again probably not if they did they didn’t kill themselves trying. You have nothing to lose in voting for a change! Now for the good people that have been disabled due to work injures and have been awarded their SSD and WC benefits but the NYSRS denies you them because of laws and standards that the politician have set up to screw you out of them. Every one of these politicians listed here know about the NYSRS and the laws that were made and the thousand of workers that have been denied benefits. But they play past the buck to the other guy, and I will get into that at a later date. Like I said before they all know how evil and broken this system is but have done nothing about it so far. We need some change in WNY
    Vote the person and not the line.
    Great. Vote out the guys watching taxpayer money. let's make easier for the comp kings.

  4. #169
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by a citizen View Post
    Why don't you find a data entry job. You seem to have no problem sitting in front of the computer. Maybe thats why the doctors don't want to give you free money. All hail the comp king!!!!!!!
    I agree with "a citizen".

  5. #170
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by a citizen View Post
    Great. Vote out the guys watching taxpayer money. let's make easier for the comp kings.
    Ya their a real bunch to watch over tax payers money thats why we are broke! You have a problem with diabled people if you do then go to the tuff guy form get lost idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. #171
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    I've been a student of government for many years and have been reading these blogs and reading about Amherst government in the newspapers.

    Like the national level, I strongly believe we need change on the local level. That's why I'm voting for new faces and will be voting for Mesi, Schad, and Jaeger.

    Joe Mesi is a better choice then Mike Razenhofer, Razenhofer has been a county legislator for over twenty years and nothing has been accomplished, he presided over the Erie County fiscal crisis. I think it's time for a change and that's why I'm voting for Mesi.

    Jerry Schad is a better choice then Jim Hayes. Jim Hayes is a career politician and like Razenhofer has been in government twenty years and has accomplished little for the taxpayers of Amherst. The New York State budget has a billion dollar deficit and Jim Hayes doesn't even work full time. He has another job as a stockbroker for Wachovia. Therefore, I'm willing to give someone else a chance. I'm voting for Jerry Schad.

    Marjory Jaeger is the better choice for Town Clerk. Debbie Bucki, like Hayes and Razenhofer has been in government for many years and has not accomplished anything. I don't think having a nursing degree is relevant work for a position in the Town Clerk's Office and she tries to hold herself out as not a politician when she has run for office at least four times and with her son controls the Amherst Independence Party. I'm voting for Jaeger.

    I'm undecided in the Lee/Kryzan race at this point, I'm not impressed with either candidate.

    looks like some one else wants changes... but lets keep the guys in that are watching our money 43 billion $$$ in the hole.

  7. #172
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    [QUOTE=cheekman;405154]Ya their a real bunch to watch over tax payers money thats why we are broke! You have a problem with diabled people if you do then go to the tuff guy form get lost idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/QU

    People who are disabled on the job are compensated. Unfortunately a high percentage of people are fakers. I know some of those people. They told me about "The Plan." How about the folks that go out every summer. Give me a break. I also know some people who were injured and well taken care of, justifiably so. Tough guy... no. Realist yes.

  8. #173
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Ok fakers yes no doubt there are hundreds of them always someone trying to beat the system but they don’t get to far. Because the way medicine is today you don’t fake out the fed’s or the NYSWCB believe me. The problem an if you read the posts it’s the laws that the State and the politicians have set up over the years that are wrong. So you believe what you want but I’ll tell ya what you come down to the Amherst library next month to the pain management meeting and tell the disabled people that they had a "PLAN" and they are fakers. Also I hate data processing so that won’t work for me. What does work are the disabled people that are digging up information for me, I don’t have the time because I am disabled but I work so don’t tell me I’am milking the system. The two main people that work on this information and forward it to me are a disabled Gulf War Vet that has a half a leg left and the other is disabled correction officer that was pushed down two flights of stairs and has two rods in his back and walks at forty five degree angle for the rest of his life. They have gone through broken system of the NYSRS and the Federal Government system (Thanks for all the help Joe and Peter.) Also you have no clue what injured workers go through (not fakers) and the ones that didn't have a plan!

    Since this was brought up about the politicians watching our money or saving the taxpayers money here is some good facts. I could not find this on my own but I have been looking for this information thanks Gail for sending this to me. The disability part of the NYSRS has a medical board that is bad as an IME or you could say they are IME’ S but never see the patient only on paper.


    But the politicians are watching over our money! This why this state is in the hole. This is only five of them. This does not include theeir pension or other benifits. (Not bad)
    Last edited by zinger; November 4th, 2008 at 01:11 AM.

  9. #174
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Ok fakers yes no doubt there are hundreds of them always someone trying to beat the system but they don’t get to far. Because the way medicine is today you don’t fake out the fed’s or the NYSWCB believe me. The problem an if you read the posts it’s the laws that the State and the politicians have set up over the years that are wrong. So you believe what you want but I’ll tell ya what you come down to the Amherst library next month to the pain management meeting and tell the disabled people that are there they had a "A PLAN" and they are fakers. Also I hate data processing so that won’t work for me. What does work are the disabled people that are digging up information for me, I don’t have the time because I am disabled but I work so don’t tell me I’am milking the system. The two main people that work on this information and forward it to me are a disabled Gulf War Vet that has a half a leg left and the other is disabled correction officer that was pushed down two flights of stairs and has two rods in his back and walks at forty five degree angle for the rest of his life. ("A CITIZEN".. DID THEY HAVE A PLAN) (Thanks for all the help Joe and Peter.) Also you have no clue what injured workers go through (not fakers) when they are really hurt.

    Since this was brought up about the politicians watching our money or saving the taxpayers money here is some good facts. I could not find this on my own but I have been looking for this information thanks Gail for sending this to me. The disability part of the NYSRS has a medical board that is bad as an IME or you could say they are IME’ S but never see the patient only on paper.


    But the politicians are watching over our money! This is why this state is in the hole. This is only five of them.
    Last edited by zinger; November 4th, 2008 at 01:20 AM.

  10. #175
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=a citizen;405328]
    Quote Originally Posted by cheekman View Post
    Ya their a real bunch to watch over tax payers money thats why we are broke! You have a problem with diabled people if you do then go to the tuff guy form get lost idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/QU

    People who are disabled on the job are compensated. Unfortunately a high percentage of people are fakers. I know some of those people. They told me about "The Plan." How about the folks that go out every summer. Give me a break. I also know some people who were injured and well taken care of, justifiably so. Tough guy... no. Realist yes.
    things I hate in life dumb people (watching taxpayers money) and politicians and we have a lot of them just take a look around
    wake up buddy....... and find a plan for your life.

  11. #176
    Member shylady's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=a citizen;405328]
    Quote Originally Posted by cheekman View Post
    Ya their a real bunch to watch over tax payers money thats why we are broke! You have a problem with diabled people if you do then go to the tuff guy form get lost idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/QU

    People who are disabled on the job are compensated. Unfortunately a high percentage of people are fakers. I know some of those people. They told me about "The Plan." How about the folks that go out every summer. Give me a break. I also know some people who were injured and well taken care of, justifiably so. Tough guy... no. Realist yes.
    I have know idea what PLAN you have or your friends but the plan would not work. They maybe are not working but they are not getting any money from being a faker. You have to get by YOUR EMPOLEER'S INSURANCE COMPANY FIRST THEN NYSWC. Tell them they better have a lot of money and time because nothing well get settled for about three years maybe. If you wanted to stop down and see my husband and what a work injury is and the bull S*** we had to go through PM me and you can stop down to my house and see a person with a real injury "faking" not in the year 2008.......get a life.
    Last edited by shylady; November 4th, 2008 at 01:23 PM.

  12. #177
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LHardy View Post
    Sorry to say, but your story is not new and many people are and have traveled that same road.
    Here is a question you must ask yourself.
    When voting how many of these same politicians did you vote into office.
    If your answer is many or most. You have directly lead to your own demise.

    Good luck
    Election day today go vote.. It will be vary hard to have an upset in any of these races so make sure you get out and vote. lets see if we can get one of these in-treched politicians out in Western New York. Good luck

  13. #178
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    Quote Originally Posted by a citizen View Post

    I have know idea what PLAN you have or your friends but the plan would not work. They maybe are not working but they are not getting any money from being a faker. You have to get by YOUR EMPOLEER'S INSURANCE COMPANY FIRST THEN NYSWC. Tell them they better have a lot of money and time because nothing well get settled for about three years maybe. If you wanted to stop down and see my husband and what a work injury is and the bull S*** we had to go through PM me and you can stop down to my house and see a person with a real injury "faking" not in the year 2008.......get a life.
    AMEN to this post.

  14. #179
    Member knowsitall's Avatar
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    Poor Zinger!

    Keep cryin' Bro....You and Cheekman can get together for lunch and cry in your mac and cheez......IS THAT FREE CHEEZ?
    Fully stimulated...

  15. #180
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    Quote Originally Posted by knowsitall View Post
    Keep cryin' Bro....You and Cheekman can get together for lunch and cry in your mac and cheez......IS THAT FREE CHEEZ?
    It amazes me that Ziner can spend so much time on his computer, typing when he/she is supposed to be disabled. Get a job, hey there may be a government job opening that could get but you'd still whine about not being able to get a disability pension....You and the cheese head can go to Green Bay if it's so bad here!!!

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