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Thread: New York State Disability Retirement System

  1. #136
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Disabled people that are on county assistance Eire County Social Services etc they have been mailing voters registration forms with paper work in regards to your case. What they left out on the voter registration forms is the return address. The address will be at the bottom of this post If you are disabled and shut in and cannot get out to vote, on the application there is a box you check it for absentee ballot. Many questions on this from disabled people that want to vote this November it should take about four weeks to hear from the ECBE.

    Erie County Board of Elections
    134 West Eagle St.
    Buffalo, NY 14202

  2. #137
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LHardy
    Sorry to say, but your story is not new and many people are and have traveled that same road.
    Here is a question you must ask yourself.
    When voting how many of these same politicians did you vote into office.
    If your answer is many or most. You have directly lead to your own demise.

    Good luck
    In my last post I talked about voter registration, Sundays news had a article on the front page about election anxiety. There has been a surge in voter registrations in this area and across the country. In New York State each station will have optical-scan technology for the DISABLED. So it is very important for all of us to vote this November. We have many incumbents that need to go! They have known all about the evil system of NYSRS the laws that were made to make it very hard for a I-W that is injured and disabled to received disability benifits. How about what the i-c companies and what they get away with how about the IME's that are in place all over this area that put the i-w down. The hearing officers that hear your appeal cases for the NYSRS that are not state employees, most of them are some politicians buddy and are put into these positions so they get the big $$$$$ and the i-w
    and disabled take in the butt. Since April of 2008 I help register just over 100 people all disabled and i-w that had no idea what to do. Any DMV has the forms, if your going up to the comp board for a hearing in Buffalo or Locport they have them too. My oldest daughter registered and she wanted no part of voting for years (what ever). But after she seen first hand what I was up against and all the phone calls and mail from other disabled people and the hell this system puts people and families through she is now registered. If you read that post from LHARDY the last sentance says it all "You have directly lead to your own demise.

    Here is a list of some of the encumbents and districts that have done nothing
    over the years to change any of the State Laws that protect the State and employeers. But they all say they support Labor and Unions maybe so but not when the Labor (i-w) gets hurt.

    district 144 Sam Hoyt (D)
    148 Jim Hayes (r)
    143 Dennis Gabryszak (D)
    58 Bill Stachowski (D)
    59 Dale Volker (R)
    Last edited by zinger; September 22nd, 2008 at 12:08 AM.

  3. #138
    Unregistered Cgoodsp466's Avatar
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    Hey how is that disability case going for ya?

  4. #139
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cgoodsp466
    Hey how is that disability case going for ya?
    The status of my case is workers' comp settled,(2008) SSD(feds) awarded for work related injuries(2007) NYSRS disability refused twice(2006&2007) and the state continues to screw with me and that will be going on for four years in 2009. Thanks for asking, sorry I missed the first time you asked.

  5. #140
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    question for disabled people that can not get out and want to register to vote. If you have some questions about absentee ballots and need a regisration form sent to your house you can call the ECBE@

    voter registration - 858-7821
    absentee ballots - 8582968
    general information - 858-7821

  6. #141
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    More rules from the NYSRS when applying for disability benefits I guess you would call this a policy.( maybe the politicians should make this a law.) If you have been disapproved for benefits by the NYSRS (but have been awarded SSD and WC for the same injuries) and want to apply again for your disability claim either and old claim or a new injury and a new claim you now have to wait six months to file again. You also have to provide medical documentation to prove that your condition has deteriorated since your last determination. The i-w does have that documentation from SSD award and the WC award saying you are disabled from your job also your doctors reports etc But remember the NYSRS does not recognize any of this but they will send you to an 90 year old ime.

  7. #142
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Just some emails I have been getting on IME's and I'll list the names of them, It is not only the injured worker that has been seen by these quacks I have received mail from no fault claims car accidents too. Just remember they are not your friend tell them very little and have someone go with you. They will totally rip you apart in court so watch WHAT YOU SAY!

    Dr. Lynch Psychological & Neuropsychological Evaluations
    DR. Pastore orthopaedic
    DR. Leone orthopaedic
    Dr. Collard orthopaedic
    Dr Brothman orthopaedic

  8. #143
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Question what is DR. Lynch to put it very simple a shrink that will pick your brain to see if you are faking your injuries. Used by insurance companies in no fault cases and work injuries, NYSRS uses him a lot.

    Dr. leone This guy plays both ways has a practice in orthopaedic and when not busy is an IME(nice guy). Received an email from someone that seen him doing ime work in a evalution med center for IME's. So I asked a doctor friend of mine and asked her about this. She said not all will do this but some will and she no longer sends her patients to this guy. So we have a doc making $$$$ with his practice and now works for i-c companies for more $$$$ just to screw the injured and disabled.

    The others are retired just looking to make some $ off the injured. They are all bad news.

    We are still looking into the contracts and what the state pays these guys,right now some are paided ... average about 3to4 grand a month.

    Question on IME's for SSD not sure if the above do that I hear other names out there it's more of a fed issue
    I'll get some names and post them up or you can send me the name of who you seen for ssd.
    Last edited by zinger; September 29th, 2008 at 08:36 PM.

  9. #144
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Career politicians are not the answer:

    I was recently told that my candidate for State Senate was a poor choice because his lack of political experience. it made me think about the old saying of a catch-22 without experience, you can't get the job,but without the job, you can't get the experience needed to land the job. Should lack of experience doom any new candidate?
    State senators and state assemblymen are elected as a representatives of, and more importantly advocates for their districts. The once robust economic force of Western New york are all but gone. As part of the rust belt cities it has become a rusted out shell of it's former self.
    (Remember Western Electric, Westinghouse, Bell Aircraft, J.H. Williams, Wurlitzer, Bethlaham, Iroquois Beer, Worthington , Trico, Chevey axle plant,Harrison, and all the grain mills that list could go on and on.)
    Career politicians are not the answer. We must elect politicians who have fresh ideas for this area and changes and reforms that need to be made not over looked year after year. I am sure there are many new candidates with principles and ideas and has a powerful, and fearless voice that can help this area.

  10. #145
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Have you noticed all those political ads year after year how everyone wants to lower taxes, bring jobs to Western NY and have a better education system. (We have one of best in the nation now). Every one of these goofballs states the same old crap lower taxes. I receive my tax bill year after year and see nothing lower. That will never happen because of our tax base keeps falling in this area. Why, because of no jobs
    But all the politicians are bring jobs to WNY so their campaign states.

    How about some of these ideas,
    Working so people won’t have to wait 28 months for SSD benefits (longest wait in the nation) Working to combine school districts so we will not have five or six in one town.
    Working to cut the number of superintendents that are in school districts so the tax-payer won’t have to pay $150.00.00 to each one, oh yah plus the assistants.
    Working to crack down on IME ‘s practices. Working to change Workers Comp Laws, and insurance companies practices.
    Working to reform the disability laws in the NYSRS.
    Working to cut the fat in Albany
    Just these few items would save the tax-payer millions of $$$$$.

    You would never see any of this on a TV add or campaign poster.

    But don’t forget “WE ARE WORKING FOR THE PEOPLE”

  11. #146
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zinger
    question for disabled people that can not get out and want to register to vote. If you have some questions about absentee ballots and need a regisration form sent to your house you can call the ECBE@

    voter registration - 858-7821
    absentee ballots - 8582968
    general information - 858-7821

    Oct. 10, 2008 is the last day to register to vote for this Nov. election. We need some changes in Albany the same old politicians have done nothing to help the injured and disabled that relates to work injuries. Laws need to be changed, the only thing they have done is make it harder for you. Vote!!!!

  12. #147
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Questions on health care for i-w and disabled maybe you are out of work due to injuries or waiting for a SSD claim and your running ou of time for health care from your employeer etc. An i-w does not have to be and older person to be injured. I received and e-mail from a younger person that is disabled from he has job and is on a disablity pension and his employeer pays a percentage of his health car. But only him, and has two daughters justing starting out in college with no health care. I hear lots of things like this family members with no health care. Healthy NY has a site that might help someone with no healty care. They have a plan for students and the prices are not to bad sohttp://check out the site there is a lot of information on it.

  13. #148
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Questions on health care for i-w and disabled maybe you are out of work due to injuries or waiting for a SSD claim and your running ou of time for health care from your employer etc. An i-w does not have to be and older person to be injured. I received and e-mail from a younger person that is disabled from his job and is on a disablity pension and his employeer pays a percentage of his health car. But only him, and has two daughters justing starting out in college with no health care. I hear lots of things like this family members with no health care. Healthy NY has a site that might help someone with no health care. They have a plan for students and the prices are not to bad from what other i-w tell me. So check it out there is a lot of information on this site. when you click on the site you will see the home page click on the link healthy NY.

  14. #149
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    $15 million to aid pupils in mastering English here

    Updated: 10/05/08 8:11 AM

    More than 2,500 students whose first language is not English will be targeted for academic assistance under a $15 million state grant announced Friday for the Buffalo Public Schools.

    The Contract for Excellence funds will be used to improve instruction at 17 city schools and will focus on pupils attempting to keep up — or catch up — on their work while becoming proficient in English, said Superintendent James A. Williams.

    Buffalo now enrolls about 2,550 of those “English language learners,” including 1,404 who speak Spanish, 303 from Somalia, 214 who speak Arabic and 213 from Burma.

    Parents at a series of public meetings urged that the state funds be concentrated on those pupils, said Amber Dixon, the school system’s director of project initiatives.

    The district plans to hire Burmese, Arabic, Somali and Spanish-speaking teacher’s aides, add social workers and guidance counselors for English language learners, train teachers and add some Saturday programs.

    “We’re thrilled to enhance our programs and provide additional support to our rapidly growing English language learners population,” said Tamara Alsace, director of multilingual education.

    The grant also allows the district to continue funding extended school days and school years at 17 schools, and to reduce class sizes and hire math and reading coaches at those schools. In addition, technology coaches will now be added.

    Contract for Excellence funding, now in its second year, is provided to 39 school districts that have at least one school in need of improvement. They are required to spend 75 percent of the funds on their neediest students.

    “These contracts represent a commitment that districts make to improve student achievement and provide for public involvement and accountability,” said Robert M. Bennett, chancellor of the State Board of Regents. “They offer an unprecedented opportunity to link school funding with increased expectation for achievement.”

    As this state continues to waste money at $15 million to teach students how to speak English, my question is why are these people here to begin with? I am sure some are illegal but the state won’t look at that. So we have injured and disabled workers and disabled vets in this state (that are getting the shaft )that have to put up with the political bureaucracy, and the State hands over 15 million to teach people how to speak english. As for Mr.Bennett Chancellor of the State Board of Regents a political hack from this area years ago now making $175,000.00 a year should be retired and collecting his Social Security.

  15. #150
    Member zinger's Avatar
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    Here is some news on the race in the 58th senate district Dennis Delano ® running against Senator William (don’t rock the boat) Stachowski (D). Looks like Delano has a lead by about 15 percent in the latest poll that was out this morning. There has a been a lot of public sector employees that live in this district that have been voicing there concerns on the reforms needed on the disability laws with NYSRS. Mr. Delano knows all about this system as he has seen first hand how many I-w that have been screwed by this system while he was working in the public sector working in the Buffalo PD. I have talked to him at numerous times about this. Whether it’s WC, or NYSRS you have to contact these politicians about your concerns and needed changes to any system. Fax fax fax.

    I hear from many I-w workers and family members of injured works that are going through the system and most of them are going through very hard times. You never wish anyone any kind of injury whether a work related injury, car accident, just a fall our what ever. Because one way or another you will have to face an insurance company, IME, a hearing, lawyers, and a long wait for your case to close and the wait is a living hell. No matter what you post or write about or trying to help anyone you always have an idiot out there that don’t agree with anything, because they have know idea what these people are dealing with. In the past eight months of posting and meeting hundreds of disabled people there has been very little negative comments about an injured person going through the system. With to day’s medicine and all the technology in X-rays, CT scans MRI there is very little room for fraud. Take the NYSRS they will fight you no matter how much it costs with over paid personal, laws that protect themselves and hundreds of hearing judges and more attorneys
    Than the biggest law firms in NYC just to deny benefits to a disabled person.

    One last item I received an e-mail after posting about Healthy NY, Univera had the best rates for this persons daughter that had no insurance and just starting her first year of college. I know there are a lot of single women that have younger children with no insurance I believe through this site Healthy NY has information on this too.

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